This should have been my first question ...

shriderp Posts: 37
edited November 2023 in Getting Started

I honestly didn't expect so many people to respond to my first question. Since I am sensing a lot of support: let me go ahead and get yr'all thoughts/blessings are on this: (this is my big plan! I kinda formulated it on my own based on my schedule and other realities!)

My profile (just so y'all get a picture of the way I live):

1) I am vegetarian (not vegan!) [265 lbs. male 35 years of age!]
2) I don't drink soda (don't have a sweet big interest in ice cream/candy etc...)!
3) I don't buy chips etc. (not because of diet...I never did!)
4) I have a thing for popcorn and some spicy crunchy snacks...and I (used to) pig out with nuts and popcorn!
5) On the weekends I eat outside a couple of times ......and at-least have abt 5-10 beers over the course of a weekend....and atleast demolish half a pizza in one sitting...
6) I used to snack late (again nuts/popcorn/some crispy treats!) ...I am reducing this habit!
7) Computer work active person but I don’t play or work out much...last year I swam a mile a day (each mile in abt 40 minutes) for abt a major reduction in weight at all! Maybe got some muscle but didn't lose weight!
7a) not proper timing with food! Pretty much eat when I am hungry!
8) I try not to go to buffets...very rarely I do...maybe once in a month and yes i pig out when I am there...
9) Recently crossed from prediabetic to diabetic ....hence the diet!! THIS IS MY FIRST DIET...I have been watching what I eat somewhat over the last 5 years but I slip out of control fairly easily...
10) ...and oh, yes...importantly...i want to look good for my girlfriend!

My plan:

1) Four 16-oz meals a day (I measure)...try to be done by atleast 8 pm.....32 oz. of water a day....

2) Four workouts a week....Will incorporate 1 hr. a day of exercise (10 mins warm up...30 minutes core exercises (pushups,crunches,squats), and 20 mins of stepping-on-stool for cardio!) ...Once I start I am pretty good at sticking to it!!

3) I want Friday night through Saturday night off from the diet (meaning I will be back on diet from Sunday morning!) ...and I want the freedom to eat what I want....though I will choose the tastiest calories and try to make the best of it ...taste and health wise. And yes, I want to drink good beer as well...not a cocktail person occasional scotch ....

My questions:

1) Does this plan sound reasonable as a lifestyle change...I don't want to do this only till I lose weight... I think I can make this my lifestyle...with more exercise and protein intake as I put on muscle!

2) Does this Friday night - to -Saturday night diet "freedom" mess up things too much! I am committed to his period of weekend-freedom...I know that if I am too strict on diet and compromise on the weekend, I might not pull this diet...but that said, I want an honest opinion on this total plan....

Please let me know! I appreciate the support! And please ask questions as well if you need to before answering this...


PS: This is my second question and I typed this as a "reply"....This ended up longer than I thought as a "reply" ...I may post a separate thread with the same text as I would like more people to see this and voice their opinions...


  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Do you plan on logging all of your food? A general rule of 4-16oz meals just doesn't seem like a good way to plan meals, especially when different foods have different calorie counts for weight. The only thing that will let you lose weight is a calorie deficit, so you you NEED to be tracking everything you eat!

    As far as "taking weekends off", that seems like a major setback. I previously had that mentality, but it always ended up setting me back and making the healthy eating harder when I picked it up again. Instead what I do is allow myself to indulge on the weekends, but I always make sure that I'm not going over my TDEE.

    Your workout plan sounds pretty solid, although you may want to incorporate more cardio. Overall, just remember that you have to approach this as a lifestyle change and not a temporary diet.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    It sounds like a pretty good plan except I am a bit concerned with

    "3) I want Friday night through Saturday night off from the diet (meaning I will be back on diet from Sunday morning!) ...and I want the freedom to eat what I want...."

    You should find a way to incorporate the "freedom to eat what I want" during the 7 days a week..this needs to be a lifestyle change for you, not a DIET.

    I can undo all the hard work I have done in one week in one cheat meal, so I think if you are having two days off a week, you won't see the results you are looking for.
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    16 oz of what? You need to have a balanced diet .... so 16oz of just protein is not a good idea but neither is 16oz of just green veg or 16 oz of popcorn!!

    Rather than just going by the weight of your meal you need to be aware of the calories.

    Use the settings to establish the calorie allowance for your height, weight and life style, and use the food diary to record your meals making sure you stay within your calorie allowance. That way you can eat what you want, when you want - the time of day you eat makes no difference - you can factor your beer and pizza into your calorie allowance.

    'Taking weekends off' is not a good idea either - you are just undoing the other 5 days. this about a complete change of life style not just a 'quick fix'.
  • amit949
    amit949 Posts: 8 Member
    1. "On the weekends I eat outside a couple of times ......and at-least have abt 5-10 beers over the course of a weekend....and atleast demolish half a pizza in one sitting... "

    THIS is not a good start. Consistency is the key to weight loss. Breaking from the diet will just be counter productive and usually ends up being a downward spiral of choices.

    2. "7a) not proper timing with food! Pretty much eat when I am hungry! "

    THIS needs to change. You need to understand that Nutrition is everything. You must time them. Choose when it's appropriate to eat complex carbs, healthy fats, and etc. You need to know how blood sugar, insulin, and timing affect your weight loss.

    3. "I try not to go to buffets...very rarely I do...maybe once in a month and yes i pig out when I am there... "

    Prevention is key. You're not at a stage of self-control where you can TRY not to go to a buffet. You shouldn't even be near a buffet. Never again "pig out." Whats the point of stuffing yourself to regret it later? Short term gratification is useless for weight loss. Consistency and will power is what you need.


    If your Veg, you need to find lean sources of protein like tofu and invest in Whey Protein supplements. Eggs whites if permitted by your vegness.

    2) "Four workouts a week"
    That can work but you need to define your goal. Do I just want to lose pounds? Do I just want to lose body fat and retain muscle to look toned? Both questions require different strategies. You must strenght train as well as do cardio, so I suggest doing 2 days of Compounded Full Body Workouts with Circuits / High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sessions for 15min after lifting. Do those every alternative day. In between those two days do 2 cardio days in which you do a variety of machines at varying intensities for 1hr. All four days you need to push your self.

    3) "I want Friday night through Saturday night off from the diet" ----A cheat day essentially. If you want to do that, it is still imp to keep your nutrition in mind. One bad food item on that day won't hurt to much but a full day of bad eating can set you back a week...Again bodies are made in Kitchens not Gyms. You need to learn about nutrition more.

    That being said, use the myfitnesspal application on your phone and their website. Complete their goal setting guide. This will allow you to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is essentially the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight. What you need to do is eat CLEAN foods, avoid processed foods, drink at least a gallon of water per day and no other forms of drinks, eat 6 small meals per day in which more protein is consumed then carbs, and finally avoid bad fats and take in only healthy fats such as Fish Oils or CLA.

    You need to understand the difference between eating vs. eating healthy. There is a lot of literature available online. Key terms to research are complex carbs vs. simple, insulin effects on blood sugar/ weight loss, timing meals, meeting macro / micro nutrient requirements, and etc.

    For exercise, you should weightlift as well as do cardio. I would recommend reading up on carb-cycling as well as try to follow one of the programs on

    Your overall goal is to lose body fat percentage by eating less calories than your BMR. The deficit you choose to have daily will dictate how much weight you will lose. Its a matter of intelligent eating and consistent training followed by adequate rest.

    Strength training burns more calories than just cardio. Doing it will help in so many ways. Overall, you need to commit to a new lifestyle of living.

    read this also
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member

    The above links should help you get a truly workable plan. What you have now isn't going to work. It's vague and poorly defined (16 oz meals of what, for instance) and gives too much leeway. Taking two or three days off completely every week is going to be problematic. If something comes up, I might take an evening off from logging (though I will usually eat light earlier to help compensate), but that is once a month or so. Meal timing isn't important, but portions and calories are. Eat when you want, just eat the right amounts.
  • shriderp
    1) yes i have started logging my food ..i am trying to find things that have the cal information on MFP so I can count...i also measure as much as i can

    2) what is TDEE?
  • shriderp
    Do you plan on logging all of your food? A general rule of 4-16oz meals just doesn't seem like a good way to plan meals, especially when different foods have different calorie counts for weight. The only thing that will let you lose weight is a calorie deficit, so you you NEED to be tracking everything you eat!

    As far as "taking weekends off", that seems like a major setback. I previously had that mentality, but it always ended up setting me back and making the healthy eating harder when I picked it up again. Instead what I do is allow myself to indulge on the weekends, but I always make sure that I'm not going over my TDEE.

    Your workout plan sounds pretty solid, although you may want to incorporate more cardio. Overall, just remember that you have to approach this as a lifestyle change and not a temporary diet.

    1) yes i have started logging my food ..i am trying to find things that have the cal information on MFP so I can count...i also measure as much as i can

    2) what is TDEE?
  • shriderp
    It sounds like a pretty good plan except I am a bit concerned with

    "3) I want Friday night through Saturday night off from the diet (meaning I will be back on diet from Sunday morning!) ...and I want the freedom to eat what I want...."

    You should find a way to incorporate the "freedom to eat what I want" during the 7 days a week..this needs to be a lifestyle change for you, not a DIET.

    I can undo all the hard work I have done in one week in one cheat meal, so I think if you are having two days off a week, you won't see the results you are looking for.

    I understand your concern...but I honestly doubt if i can change entirely ...i don't want to start and fail....and i am not saying 2 days off....friday night and saturday night pretty much (and yes I want to have the ability to have a few beers)....i do plan on keeping an eye on what i eat (which could be natural consequence of logging on MFP every day)... basically i want to be able to go to club with my gf...have a drink and dance....and not stand there worrying abt what how much sugar is in the blue curacao....i think that would piss me off more than suffering through a diet on 5 days a week! I am not arguing with you ...i am just being honest!!
  • shriderp
    Please read through this:
    16 oz of what? You need to have a balanced diet .... so 16oz of just protein is not a good idea but neither is 16oz of just green veg or 16 oz of popcorn!!

    At this point I am talking simple vegetarian meals....with a cup of rice and vegetables...i am vegetarian ...i might do a soup once in a while...

    Rather than just going by the weight of your meal you need to be aware of the calories.

    and yes..i log what i eat (and i eat items that i can find the cal information of) ....

    Use the settings to establish the calorie allowance for your height, weight and life style, and use the food diary to record your meals making sure you stay within your calorie allowance. That way you can eat what you want, when you want - the time of day you eat makes no difference - you can factor your beer and pizza into your calorie allowance.

    Are you suggesting (and i am not being a wise *kitten* asking you this..i am genuinely curious)....can I eat 3 soups on a saturday and go have pizza and say 6 beers on sat night (for example)...I am not an alcoholic...i am a beer connoisseur and i like my beer!

    'Taking weekends off' is not a good idea either - you are just undoing the other 5 days. this about a complete change of life style not just a 'quick fix'.
  • shriderp
    Amit ...i will read and reply to this later!
    1. "On the weekends I eat outside a couple of times ......and at-least have abt 5-10 beers over the course of a weekend....and atleast demolish half a pizza in one sitting... "

    THIS is not a good start. Consistency is the key to weight loss. Breaking from the diet will just be counter productive and usually ends up being a downward spiral of choices.

    2. "7a) not proper timing with food! Pretty much eat when I am hungry! "

    THIS needs to change. You need to understand that Nutrition is everything. You must time them. Choose when it's appropriate to eat complex carbs, healthy fats, and etc. You need to know how blood sugar, insulin, and timing affect your weight loss.

    3. "I try not to go to buffets...very rarely I do...maybe once in a month and yes i pig out when I am there... "

    Prevention is key. You're not at a stage of self-control where you can TRY not to go to a buffet. You shouldn't even be near a buffet. Never again "pig out." Whats the point of stuffing yourself to regret it later? Short term gratification is useless for weight loss. Consistency and will power is what you need.


    If your Veg, you need to find lean sources of protein like tofu and invest in Whey Protein supplements. Eggs whites if permitted by your vegness.

    2) "Four workouts a week"
    That can work but you need to define your goal. Do I just want to lose pounds? Do I just want to lose body fat and retain muscle to look toned? Both questions require different strategies. You must strenght train as well as do cardio, so I suggest doing 2 days of Compounded Full Body Workouts with Circuits / High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sessions for 15min after lifting. Do those every alternative day. In between those two days do 2 cardio days in which you do a variety of machines at varying intensities for 1hr. All four days you need to push your self.

    3) "I want Friday night through Saturday night off from the diet" ----A cheat day essentially. If you want to do that, it is still imp to keep your nutrition in mind. One bad food item on that day won't hurt to much but a full day of bad eating can set you back a week...Again bodies are made in Kitchens not Gyms. You need to learn about nutrition more.

    That being said, use the myfitnesspal application on your phone and their website. Complete their goal setting guide. This will allow you to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is essentially the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight. What you need to do is eat CLEAN foods, avoid processed foods, drink at least a gallon of water per day and no other forms of drinks, eat 6 small meals per day in which more protein is consumed then carbs, and finally avoid bad fats and take in only healthy fats such as Fish Oils or CLA.

    You need to understand the difference between eating vs. eating healthy. There is a lot of literature available online. Key terms to research are complex carbs vs. simple, insulin effects on blood sugar/ weight loss, timing meals, meeting macro / micro nutrient requirements, and etc.

    For exercise, you should weightlift as well as do cardio. I would recommend reading up on carb-cycling as well as try to follow one of the programs on

    Your overall goal is to lose body fat percentage by eating less calories than your BMR. The deficit you choose to have daily will dictate how much weight you will lose. Its a matter of intelligent eating and consistent training followed by adequate rest.

    Strength training burns more calories than just cardio. Doing it will help in so many ways. Overall, you need to commit to a new lifestyle of living.

    read this also
  • shriderp
    I shall read these links later and let you know....some of my above responses should answer you partially ...but let me read all these links and we will talk more!! thanks!!

    The above links should help you get a truly workable plan. What you have now isn't going to work. It's vague and poorly defined (16 oz meals of what, for instance) and gives too much leeway. Taking two or three days off completely every week is going to be problematic. If something comes up, I might take an evening off from logging (though I will usually eat light earlier to help compensate), but that is once a month or so. Meal timing isn't important, but portions and calories are. Eat when you want, just eat the right amounts.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    You can't completely pig out every weekend. You can have any food, but remember in moderation, and allow for it in your cal intake for the day....
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. Google the story of the guy that lost weight while eating nothing but twinkies.

    It is possible to ruin 6 days of progress with 1 cheat day. You really need to strive to be in your calorie goal every day. Otherwise, you might become one of those people 2-3 months down the line that posts a forum topic like "NOT LOSING WEIGHT, DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT. HELP!!!"
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    I think your plan sounds horrible. This thread reads like you're asking permission to do it. You don't have my permission. Sorry. Your plan is bad, you should feel bad.

    You're a diabetic, you've been promoted to a level where you must talk to professionals instead of forum users with good intentions. Go google complications brought on by diabetes, look at the images and decide if your plan sounds like a lifestyle change. Then make an appointment with a dietitian who can work with your veggie only diet restrictions.
  • shriderp
    LOL ...I lost it at " Your plan is bad, you should feel bad. " !! I wish you had memed it as well :)

    Rogsman, I loved your response....I just went from prediabetic to 0.2 on my a1c...I have scampered bck and forth around prediabetes for a while I am not very worried abt that....i am pretty well educated on diabetes....One of the problems i have had with online help is that people immediately deflate one's knowledge to nothing...that said ...I am here to get my lashings if i so deserve it ...but i just wanted u to know that i am not unaware of the dangers...i am trying to ease into a lifestyle which is new to me...may not work...but i had to be honest ...i don't want to nod my head to y'all and go and do something else!! I am assuming that you want me to be as honest with you folks as much as i would like you folks to be with me ...that said,,,i have duly noted all you said!

    I think your plan sounds horrible. This thread reads like you're asking permission to do it. You don't have my permission. Sorry. Your plan is bad, you should feel bad.

    You're a diabetic, you've been promoted to a level where you must talk to professionals instead of forum users with good intentions. Go google complications brought on my diabetes, look at the images and decide if your plan sounds like a lifestyle change. Then make an appointment with a dietitian who can work with your veggie only diet restrictions.
  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    I’m sorry but your plan sounds terrible

    " 1) Four 16-oz meals a day" ....... 16oz of what? chocolate? brown rice? lard? Lettuce? 16oz is potentially a lot of calories, even if you are eating “health” foods you can consume a lot of calories.

    “2) Four workouts a week....Will incorporate 1 hr. a day of exercise (10 mins warm up...30 minutes core exercises (pushups,crunches,squats), and 20 mins of stepping-on-stool for cardio!) ...Once I start I am pretty good at sticking to it!!” I’m board just looking at this exercise plan. I wonder how long you can realistically sustain this kind of exercise plan? If your going to make a successful change to your lifestyle then it’s a lifelong thing every day, day in day out indefinitely.

    “3) I want Friday night through Saturday night off” Sorry but having two whole days of eating whatever you want means that you could consume easily enough to blow any savings you made during the rest of the week.

    If you are serious then do it properly otherwise you are just wasting your time and kidding yourself.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    You said: "Recently crossed from prediabetic to diabetic ....hence the diet!! THIS IS MY FIRST DIET...I have been watching what I eat somewhat over the last 5 years but I slip out of control fairly easily... "

    You are talking about all of this as if you just need to lose weight. You are past that now. Now you have a medical condition that is directly related to/influenced by what you eat. Medical conditions don't have cheat days. You don't stop being diabetic on Friday night.

    Did your doctor give you information about eating as a diabetic or refer you to a nutritionist? The people I know who are diabetic must eat on a regular schedule and must not eat a lot of carbs or sugar. Fruity mixed drinks (sugar) and regular beer (carbs) are generally not allowed. Pizza is a no-no. With no meat in your diet, you are going to have to very conscious about getting protein from sources that don't overload on carbs - beans do have carbohydrates, for example, even though they tend to be some of the least evil carbs from a diabetic standpoint.

    I strongly STRONGLY recommend that you speak to a nutritionist right away. Your plan is not just bad but will end you up in the hospital if you aren't tracking your sugar correctly.
This discussion has been closed.