Need suggestions - 700 cals/day...?

Okay - so I'm still in rotten shape due to alot of physical stops that have occurred over the past 6 months. The two I have to be most cognizent of right now is that I injured the major tendon that runs down your arm from your shoulder to your wrist. This is the same tendon that injuries like carpal tunnel and tennis elbow affect. In fact, I did it playing tennis. *sighs* And knees. With fall and winter upon us, I have to be especially careful - this is when they tend to behave the worst. I have an ITB injury but that's been okay for a while.

Now, with all that said - my stamina and strength SUCK - but in order to lose the weight I want to lose, I need to burn a minimum of 700 cals. a day. I know this is not impossible but I need some hard-hitting ideas. I try to walk/run several times a week but again - I can't even run a quarter mile yet. I've not yet joined a gym so things like spinning or stationary bike aren't yet an option. The one I plan to join doesn't open until next month.

ANY suggestions out there????

Thanks!!!! :-)


  • sziemba1
    Don't over the calorie burn for doing housework or working in your garden. How about putting on some music and dancing? These are all things you can do in your own home with resources you have on hand.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Why do you NEED to burn that much? I mean, that's a great goal to have, but I don't see why, I guess, unless you're trying to drop the weight SUPER fast or you can't stop eating 700cals over your goal. (Not trying to be negative or anything, just curious. :flowerforyou: )
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    all my friends doing insanity seem to burn mad calories each could try that...
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Try getting a BodyBugg or other calorie burning mechanism that will track your burn rate. You would be surprised at the burn rate for simple things like cleaning the house, yard work, riding a motorcycle, etc.

    One of the best burn workouts I have ever had was with Kettle Bells. High reps and low weights. Keep your heart rate up... keep moving... but the low weights add an impressive amount of calorie burn. I hit 600 calories in 85 minutes - but wasnt even sore the next day because I kept the weights so light.

    However, I find that on days that I jsut stay active running chores, raking, cleaning the house (esp. since we have 2 floors), food shopping, etc, I dont even need to go to the gym for my calorie burn. My base line is 1500 calories. I regularly burn 2200 without going to the gym or exercising IF I have an active day. Which means only enough computer time to update this site and check my email (20 minutes or so).

    The key is to stay moving whenever you can. Walk around while talking on the telephone, walk to the local store instead of driving, park further away from the store when shopping, go for a walk after meals, sweep with vigor, take stuff to the attic/basement, etc.

    It isnt as hard as you think.

    Good luck!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    You do need a heart rate monitor to track - MFP numbers are WAY over exaggerated. Does not have to be bodybug - I have a Polar F6 and got from Amazon for $85. Bike riding burns lots of calories - especially when I have some hills. 1 hour is about 350 for me. Water aerobics is also great. Zumba is an outstanding burn - about 400 for me. You can go to and see if there are classes near you - you can order the DVD but the classes are more fun. If you are at a gym - the elliptical burns major cals and is lower impact that some other machines. Good luck!
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Why do you NEED to burn that much? I mean, that's a great goal to have, but I don't see why, I guess, unless you're trying to drop the weight SUPER fast or you can't stop eating 700cals over your goal. (Not trying to be negative or anything, just curious. :flowerforyou: )

    Totally agree. There is absolutely no need to burn 700 calories a day. It's much simpler and easy work to just not put 700 calories in your mouth.

    People get too het up on burning x calories a day and don't pay enough thought to the foos they are eating. Your best tool for fat/weight loss is diet not exercise as you cant out train a bad diet
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    agree on above post.
    How about burning off 350 cals by normal daily tasks and things such as walking and dancing
    and eating 350 cals less....
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    For all those who are questioning the burn amount:

    Here's the basic break down - due to school and the type of "work" I do I lead a pretty sedentary life. My RMR is around 1250. My RMI isn't much further off at about 1500-1600. Everything else I've looked at and researched (can't afford a nutritionist or expert, so left to my own devices) indicates that I need to burn more than I eat. I don't have anything to burn currently! But, the pounds only come off at around a remaining 850 cals. I did set my weight loss aggressively and to lose 30 in 5 months (6 lbs a month - just over a pound a week - not really all that aggressive) and what came up was 700 cals. Okay, so maybe that's a bit high but either way, the dinky 150 that I've got going on now isn't functional. I need to burn at least (absolutely base minimum) 400.

    We're also on a very limited budget so buying some of those dvd sets isn't very practical for us. They're hundreds of dollars. And even an HRM that will convert to calories is a bit out of reach at this precise moment. Online calculators and estimates is the best I can do right now. However, I used several to get as accurate as possible. Of course, it's still probably way off.

    I'm probably just really frustrated because I'm too out of shape to burn that many calories and I'm not seeing any results because I'm not burning enough. I'm *trying* to do it with calorie restriction only - but again, that then leaves me pretty low. It looks like anything over 1000 is pretty much maintenance. Which really makes sense of my RMR is 1250 and that's where I'm spending most of my time! Flat on my butt not doing a dang thing... *sighs*
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    For all those who are questioning the burn amount:

    Here's the basic break down - due to school and the type of "work" I do I lead a pretty sedentary life. My RMR is around 1250. My RMI isn't much further off at about 1500-1600. Everything else I've looked at and researched (can't afford a nutritionist or expert, so left to my own devices) indicates that I need to burn more than I eat. I don't have anything to burn currently! But, the pounds only come off at around a remaining 850 cals. I did set my weight loss aggressively and to lose 30 in 5 months (6 lbs a month - just over a pound a week - not really all that aggressive) and what came up was 700 cals. Okay, so maybe that's a bit high but either way, the dinky 150 that I've got going on now isn't functional. I need to burn at least (absolutely base minimum) 400.

    We're also on a very limited budget so buying some of those dvd sets isn't very practical for us. They're hundreds of dollars. And even an HRM that will convert to calories is a bit out of reach at this precise moment. Online calculators and estimates is the best I can do right now. However, I used several to get as accurate as possible. Of course, it's still probably way off.

    I'm probably just really frustrated because I'm too out of shape to burn that many calories and I'm not seeing any results because I'm not burning enough. I'm *trying* to do it with calorie restriction only - but again, that then leaves me pretty low. It looks like anything over 1000 is pretty much maintenance. Which really makes sense of my RMR is 1250 and that's where I'm spending most of my time! Flat on my butt not doing a dang thing... *sighs*

    My numbers are about the same as yours. My BMR is about 1215 and my BMI (lightly active) is about 1600. I eat 1200 calories a day (1400-1800 on the weekends) and burn 450 calories a day through exercise (1 hour treadmill or elliptical). I lose around 1-1.5 pounds/week. If you restrict your food intake too much, you're going to end up felling deprived and falling off your diet.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    you should talk your significant other into a nightly hour long walk. Brisk pace. Then when you get home do some abs. It'll help that your heart rate is already elevated when you're doing the crunches and what not.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Try this to work out your daily calorie needs

    And this to work out your BMR

    Just start off by eating 400-500 below maintenance and monitor. Make sure your not eating too many carbs or eating any simple carbs. If this doesn't work I'd be suprised. However if progress slows or is non existent then take another 100-200 calories out and monitor again.
  • erinallred
    Have you checked your local library for fitness DVDs? I know that a have been able to borrow several...all the Biggest Loser DVDs. It's a great way to try many different workouts without spending any $.
  • johnsscarlett
    johnsscarlett Posts: 109 Member
    This is really helpful. I think I finally get it. Thanks
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    If you have cable On Demand has a channel called Exercise TV there are many low impact workouts on there.

    I agree with others you should get a HRM if you are that concerned about calories burned ... BUT I am going to urge you to eat at least 1200 calories or you won't lose anything and it may even be dangerous to your health. Drink plenty of water and cut down on sodas and especially diet sodas ... try to limit caffeine as that tends to dehydrate.

    You have a lot of great tools at your disposal on this website ... if you follow it your weight will come off. Please note: you didn't put on the weight overnight and it is not going to come off overnight. This is hard work and a journey ... enjoy it.

    The other thing I would suggest you purchase is a FOOD SCALE and weigh everything. We tend to have delusions about portion size in the US and you won't believe what you are eating when eating out when you see how much, say, a 4 oz piece of chicken looks like. I love my food scale and I would have to say that this is one of the most useful tools I have in my kitchen.

    Also, planning meals BEFORE you eat them will be very helpful ... if you know how many calories you have to work with throughout the day you will get a better idea of what you need to burn.

    Mileage may vary ... but this is what has been working for me.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    I do have a food scale and have found it to be extremely helpful with the pasta dishes especially. Most things are 2 or 3 oz's per serving and you're so right about portion sizes and dillusions!

    I am a horrid caffeine addict - which I refuse to give up as I've given up my one other long term vice (nicotine)! But I do need to do something about my water intake. I still suck at that. If I work out hard enough and long enough, water is all I want.. .but I'm not yet at that point.

    I've reset my goals for 1200 but how much I actually eat is dependent on my workouts - which means I have ot get at least one in early in the day. Since I need at least a 400 deficit from about 1500...... and on meal planning - I can do it somewhat for bfast & lunch but not for dinner. Everything in my house is far too spontaneous around that time. Some nights, my 7 year old has Karate and we're not home until a little on the late side, Fridays I have to drive 25 minutes to pick up the other son except on teh ones that my boyfriend is on 1st shift and can get him...... lol... yeah, and this doesn't touch anywhere near the rest of the days.

    I have alot of ridiculous barriers to overcome but I REFUSE to let them stop me. Even my own self-sabatoging moments aren't going to keep me down, for that matter. I'm just frustrated and trying to get as much input, advice and varying opinions as possible and take it all into account.

    Thanks everyone!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    I just found out that 90 min of bikram yoga burns between 500-800 cals depending on your size and intensity.....
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I just found out that 90 min of bikram yoga burns between 500-800 cals depending on your size and intensity.....

    never heard of it.. I'll look it up! Thanks!

    Mostly it looks like I'll be trying to squeeze in 2-250 cal burns a day. I can't do anything for 90 minutes.... yet.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Now, with all that said - my stamina and strength SUCK - but in order to lose the weight I want to lose, I need to burn a minimum of 700 cals. a day. I know this is not impossible but I need some hard-hitting ideas.

    ANY suggestions out there????

    Thanks!!!! :-)

    P90X burns 600/calories daily plus it gives u strength (which u could prob get off craigslist) there is also hip hop abs but idk how many calories it burns daily.
  • Ubiguchi
    As someone who roughly averages 700 cals/day burn, I can say it's definitely possible to exercise that amount but it's a pretty full-on commitment. To burn my calories I do a mixture of cycling, running, skipping, squash and swimming, and I can safely say I do more exercise now daily than I used to do in a week.

    The key to hitting 700 calories burn is to build your exercise gradually, a kind of inverse to the gradual calorie reduction that people go through with their dieting. If you're happy to run, then why not start building that 1/4 mile run up into a 1/2 mile, then a 1 mile, 2 mile and then a 4 mile run? That was how I started 3 years ago, and aside from picking up an addiction to exercise, I can thoroughly recommend running as a perfect foundation to healthy living.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    For all those who are questioning the burn amount:

    Here's the basic break down - due to school and the type of "work" I do I lead a pretty sedentary life. My RMR is around 1250. My RMI isn't much further off at about 1500-1600. Everything else I've looked at and researched (can't afford a nutritionist or expert, so left to my own devices) indicates that I need to burn more than I eat. I don't have anything to burn currently! But, the pounds only come off at around a remaining 850 cals. I did set my weight loss aggressively and to lose 30 in 5 months (6 lbs a month - just over a pound a week - not really all that aggressive) and what came up was 700 cals. Okay, so maybe that's a bit high but either way, the dinky 150 that I've got going on now isn't functional. I need to burn at least (absolutely base minimum) 400.

    We're also on a very limited budget so buying some of those dvd sets isn't very practical for us. They're hundreds of dollars. And even an HRM that will convert to calories is a bit out of reach at this precise moment. Online calculators and estimates is the best I can do right now. However, I used several to get as accurate as possible. Of course, it's still probably way off.

    I'm probably just really frustrated because I'm too out of shape to burn that many calories and I'm not seeing any results because I'm not burning enough. I'm *trying* to do it with calorie restriction only - but again, that then leaves me pretty low. It looks like anything over 1000 is pretty much maintenance. Which really makes sense of my RMR is 1250 and that's where I'm spending most of my time! Flat on my butt not doing a dang thing... *sighs*

    My numbers are about the same as yours. My BMR is about 1215 and my BMI (lightly active) is about 1600. I eat 1200 calories a day (1400-1800 on the weekends) and burn 450 calories a day through exercise (1 hour treadmill or elliptical). I lose around 1-1.5 pounds/week. If you restrict your food intake too much, you're going to end up felling deprived and falling off your diet.

    Totally agree with this poster. You need to be eating the RIGHT foods AND exercise... Also, you may be setting yourself up for failure by thinking you'll lose 30lbs in 5 months... on average 1lb/week for 20 weeks is a total of abour 20lbs... Plus, if you're doing it FOR LIFE - you won't stop there and be really happy with what you're journey's about. Not trying to be negative (as another poster stated) but you need to be making this a lifetime commitment and be realistic without feeling deprived/starved or even worse - SUPER CRANKY!

    Also, I noticed that you say you are on a STRICT budget... Um... Just wondering if you've investigated the cost of eating healthfully cause you may get a wake-up call... You need to be stocking your fridge with fresh fruits, veggies and lean meats. If you want ideas on dieting, you can certainly look at my diary... However it's not a diet - it's eating 6 small meals a day with low-fat high fiber items.

    Good luck!