Blew it

kind of blew it yesterday, made some bad choices....still came in under calories, I think, but I certainly didn't need that 3rd piece of Dominos at 11pm. So, today is a whole new day, I am back on track.....gonna make the right choices today.......I just want to know why all this got so hard. Why at the age of 20 I ate everything in site and din't blink an eye?


  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    it's alright, we all have days where we tend to have more than we should. =)

    Just keep doing what you are doing. When we happen to have pizza (like yesterday) I eat something before I have my slice of pizza. It helped me yesterday because my husband wanted a pan dish meat lovers pizza. I have a Sweet and salty nature valley bar before the pizza arrived and after once slice of pizza I was getting full already. I also drank 2 cups of water before I had the pizza lol.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    We all have those days. You have the right attitude that this is a new day! It's okay to enjoy and even indulge once in a while, but letting it become a lifestyle would be detrimental. So have an awesome day today!:happy:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    You were under your cals so you didn't blow it! If I blew it every time I had something that wasn't strictly healthy I'd be writing your post nearly ever day! (OK thats probably not the best advert, but a little of somthing 'bad' stops me from binging and eating mountains of the stuff)The odd treat won't hurt especially if you are sensible and still manage to stay within your cals. Just choose healthier things today x
  • plifsey
    plifsey Posts: 24
    thanks to all, it is the guilt that gets me because to many of the bad days got me in this situation. All I can do is smile and keep on going :happy:
  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    i totally know how you feel! the guilt is the most unmanageable (or so it feels like!) feeling...and the food keeps on coming, good or bad. this runs through my head when i screw up: "well you screwed up there, you may as well continue, no turning back here." as if i was punishing myself with food! it's a mind trick!! here is the latest realization for me: when i'm mid stuffing my face, i am now able to rationalize what i'm doing: i'm eating emotionally. knowing this allows me to set down the food, think about what's really bothering me, and try to fix that in a non food reward, like going for a walk to clear my thoughts, or making a neat necklace to wear with that new top i bought.