PLEASE HELP!!! Chris Powell Carb Cycle ???

Hi all,

I am about to embark on the Chris Powell Turbo Carb Cycle, but have one HUGE question that isn't answered in his book and I can't find it anywhere.

On high carb days women consume 1500 calories and low carb days they consume 1200 calories. However, if I am working out and burning nearly 800 calories a day then I am put in a severe calorie deficit. Therefore, should I still eat all of my calories burned during exercise?

PLEASE HELP! I can't believe it isn't mentioned in the book... :(


  • I am not absolutely certain BUT I am inclined to say no...stick with the 1200/1500 calorie allotment per day. I followed this program religiously for about 8 or 9 months and lost 92 lbs. You could consume the extra calories and probably still lose weight but not as fast. Remember Chris works a lot with morbidly obese individuals who's lives depend on quick but healthy weight loss. Based on your picture you do not fall into that category so the decision is ultimately yours. Just depends on how quick you want to lose.
  • Thanks so much!

    I have already lost 40lbs with nutrition alone, but since I started exercising, my body has plateaued and I figured I would give this a try.

    Did you workout on the plan? Congrats!!!
  • I was suffering from SEVERE arthritis so my ability to exercise was pretty much limited to the pool. Since losing the weight I qualified for hip replacement surgeries and am now able to increase my exercise levels. Funny thing is, it turns out I still prefer the pool! I still follow the plan (though not as focused as in the past) and I continue losing weight so I am happy :bigsmile: