Another Newbie

squishyfishy Posts: 108
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Audrey and I live in Scotland. I succesfully lost 4st for my wedding a couple of months ago on another diet but have put on a stone since then and it just doesn't seem to be shifting. I love exercise these days so thought something more exercise based would be a better option. Looking forward to chatting on the boards and seeing if this will work for me.


  • Welcome Audrey! I'm Heather, from North Carolina, USA. I just joined yesterday. Have you tried doing Zumba for a cardio workout? It's fun and burns a ton of calories too!
  • welcome aboard! the thing i like about this web-site is that it doesn't tell you what can and cannot eat. it works on your time and allows room for splurges, you can see where your biggest issues are you can find a way to make healthier choices. people on this web-site are always willing to offer support and advise.

    i'm pretty new here myself and even though weekends are my biggest challenge it was through the help of other that i've made a better effort. wish you success
  • Hi Heather. I love Zumba and do it twice a week, its a great workout and such a giggle. I do quite a lot of exercise just now and quite a good mix of cardio and fat burning but I seem to be gaining weight instead of losing it. I'm hoping this site will help me get back on track.
  • This looks quite similar to the diet I did before, it was calorie counting and you gained extra cals from exercise. I know that it worked before and I'm hopeful it will again. Thanks for the replies.
  • Hi. My name is Joanne and I'm from Rhode Island, in the States. I've been using the Food tool for about a month. Today is the first day of posting. I'm gaining weight so I figured I'd try something different, like joining this community. Thanks.
  • Hi Joanne my old weightloss website had forums too and I found the advice of the people on them a great help with my weightloss, I'm looking forward to getting to know people on here too.
  • Hey Audrey,

    Ive only just joined here as Im eating so I need to loose weight, I exercise lots (body attack, combat and spinning) but am just putting weight on, think its from the rubbish I eat!! Ive never done a diet where I count calories before, I hope it works!!
  • I'm the same, last week I did attack twice, zumba twice, 2 toning classes and pump. Ate really well and put on 3lbs!
  • Was that following this? I didnt realised how many calories I was eating until I started this!! Ive weighed myself and no ive lost but im too scared to log it as we are getting a chinese at work tonight and always get honey chilli chicken (fried :ohwell: ) Im gonna sleep all day so it will be all I have all day but still.... dont think ill log for the day!!!
  • Hi Audry and everyone I just joined I have a lot to loose. Looking forward to meeting you all. I wrote down my diet plan for tomorrow on here I like to write a day early so then I can follow it as the day goes.
  • I did cook yourself thin before but it was calorie counting too. I used to eat portions that were meant for at least 2 people before so weighing and measuring everything is a must. There are some healthier options at the Chinese that you can try, chow mein is always good. Avoid fried rice as it has a ridiculous amount of cals or maybe just have a half portion. I also found that eating my meals on smaller plates helped as I was brought up to clear my player. Drinking lots of water makes you feel fuller too.

    Good luck everyone we can do this.

    I used to have a link to a page that gave you the cals in various takeaways, Hudson online I think. Will have a look for it later
  • Yeh my portions were big and ive been taught to eat everything.
    I didnt eat 2day coz I was in bed and so I could have a chinese at work but we were so so busy so ive just eating it now at 3am... Had boiled rice but only 1/4 and my favourite honey chilli chicken and cantonese chicken... its so nice but bad!!
    I dont think 1 day off a weeks bad, otherwise id not stick to it ever :) Can do it :)
  • Welcome :)
    Feel free to add me as a friend. We can support each other.
  • Thanks monkeyfood once I figure that out I'll do it.

    Karen, I think thats the beauty of calorie counting, you can have the odd treat without it being a total disaster. I used to always treat myself on weigh in day as I figured I had a week to make up for it lol. Once you've been doing it a while I think your appetite changes anyway and you don't want as many of the bad things. I know that I feel terrible after having a fish supper these days and I think its just all the fat that makes me feel stodgy.

    Was really ill yesterday and couldn't eat anything but thankfully I'm a lot better today so back on it with a vengeance.
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