How did you gain the weight?



  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    following a serious accident, i had to give up work, gym etc but stoooopidly i didn't give up the way i was eating. still ate the same diet but moved way less. the pounds have added up over the last couple of years and now they have to go.
  • serenere
    serenere Posts: 70 Member
    Never been thin in the first place but a bit chubby, after I got into a serious relationship I got from playing tennis 3 times a week + swimming 2 times from playing tennis only on Sundays and with a big meal at the tennis club restaurant after...Basically for almost 5 years I was eating like the sporty girl I wasn't anymore so I become a bit overweight. I have to thank my healthy eating habits that prevented me from becoming more overweight or obese. Now I put everything I eat on the scale and it's a lot easier.

    I totally understand when you say "to get comfortable in a relationship". Now I know that what I must fear the most is getting comfortable! My BF breaking up with me was my wake up call...
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    My college job was at a gas station on 3rd shift. I worked 12 hour nights, and we weren't allowed to sit down. I went straight from that job to a sit-down job as a 911 dispatcher. The weight PILED on! I had always eaten kind of crappy food, but I guess all the standing and walking around kept the weight somewhat in check. Before I knew it, I hit 225lbs! So I started dieting and exercising and lost 60lbs. Then I became complacent and started a happy relationship, and healthy eating and working out went to the backburner again... and I gained 24lbs back.

    I've lost those 24lbs plus 3 more now and hopefully can lose another 12. Having to lose weight I had lost once before was a nasty kick in the pants. I do NOT want to have to do that ever again.
  • jackie_ferguson
    i gained weight when i gave up smoking and got comfy in a partner is a fussy eater and doesn't like vegetables or salads so i found myself eating more junk food and cuddling on the couch instead of going for my usual long walks.i think my main problem is trying to break the habits i've now developed.i do well for a couple of weeks then before i know it theres a chocolate bar in my hand.working shifts doesn't help either.sometimes i'm too tired too look after myself
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I just ate way to much as a kid and wasn't that active. Then I gained more after I got married in Nov 2002 and got "comfortable" in life. More pounds came after a very bad car wreck in Jan 2008 which led to excessive narcotic/alcohol use. Then, in Nov 2008, I gained more after my mother was diagnosed with end stage cancer and passed away 17 days after being diagnosed, which was the day after my 6th wedding anniversary and 3 days before Thanksgiving of 2008.
    Life was turned around in Jan 2010 and it has been amazing!!

    Wow. That's a lot to deal with at one time. It's very impressive that you've been able to turn it around.
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    was always overweight but didn't know anything about proper nutrition.
    Didn't matter so much as a kid as I was super active - that all changed when I got a desk job.
    It didn't help living in New York for 6 months on expenses either.
    Now I'm finally starting to realise I can't out exercise a bad diet so need to start to learn about nutrition and portion size.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Working 2 full time jobs about 75-80 hours a week for a year, no sleep, running on take out food and caffeine mostly soda and a little coffee with A LOT of creamer lol...

    Plus I had gotten into a fight with an ex-marine, and needless to say he whooped my *kitten* and didn't hold back, majorly injured after being slammed on a concrete floor, :( only fight i ever lost
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Slowly put back on forty of the fifty kilograms I'd lost twenty years ago. Got married and was very happy, slowly started putting on another twenty kilograms - I truly thought I didn't eat THAT much, couldn't be THAT fat. I hardly moved at all, spent hours on the computer or watching TV, making things worse.

    It's easy to convince yourself you don't have a problem if the changes are slow and imperceptible, until one day reality smacks you in the face and forces you to finally see the truth.
  • DrunkenFaeGirl
    I was a vegetarian who fell for a die hard carnivore. Being in college full time and working full time it wasn't often feasible to cook at home for us, especially different meals so I began eating meat. Since he can't cook whenever he took care of a meal it was fast food. I gained 70 pounds without even realizing it.
    On the plus side we're both losing now. He's one who can eat almost anything and still barely gain so he doesn't have much to lose but he's still getting healthier.
  • slimster1970
    slimster1970 Posts: 65 Member
    I relaxed in life and stopped moving around so much, the weight found me and stuck to me. The only way I'm found to get rid of it is to run away from it.
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    I just ate way to much as a kid and wasn't that active. Then I gained more after I got married in Nov 2002 and got "comfortable" in life. More pounds came after a very bad car wreck in Jan 2008 which led to excessive narcotic/alcohol use. Then, in Nov 2008, I gained more after my mother was diagnosed with end stage cancer and passed away 17 days after being diagnosed, which was the day after my 6th wedding anniversary and 3 days before Thanksgiving of 2008.
    Life was turned around in Jan 2010 and it has been amazing!!

    Wow. That's a lot to deal with at one time. It's very impressive that you've been able to turn it around.

    Thank you. Worst period of time in my life... Lets just say that I had a life altering event that showed me where my lfie was headed if i continued and it scared the total *kitten* out of me, so I knew that I had to change. I am still shocked at times that I made it out of it....
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I turned 30, started a new job where snacks are omnipresent, my metabolism slowed down, and voila! 55 pounds gained in one year.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Because someone told me I was a loser and didnt have enough *kitten* for their enjoyment.

    P.s I got enough of alot now lol
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Over eater
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    Because someone told me I was a loser and didnt have enough *kitten* for their enjoyment.

    P.s I got enough of alot now lol

    Yeah, I went from having "not enough" to over-abundance myself!
  • ewarlow
    ewarlow Posts: 71 Member
    My husband knocked me up..

    And then we opened two restaurants - enough said right?
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    I liked food too much?????????????????????? or was it the government or aliens?

    Idk but I'm glad I overcame it.... =)
  • AegisAngel
    Being lazy and overeating.. a lot. I lost 90 lbs, looked great, felt great. Got lazy, started having pizza and treats every weekend then it became an every other day thing and eventually an every day thing. Bam! 100 lbs back on. Losing weight and keeping it off is a commitment and it isn't easy if you are used to eating freely. It defintely takes work but I'm glad to have joined MFP, I love hearing success stories.:smile:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Half my weight gain came with a melon size fibroid tumor (5# for the tumor and 5-10# from the comfort food for the miserableness, the lack of excessive from the uncomfortableness, and I think it just made it easy to gain? More water weight? More blood easels to feed the tumor? I don't know)
    And ha.t the weight gain was from being happy and no longer anti social . Having friends and being in knit groups and mom groups means lots of luncheons, which I wasn't use to having to balance.

    And maybe a few pounds from a 3 week road trip that never came off.
    All in all it was only about 15-20 pounds over a 5 yr time span. And I am fine with how I am now, even though I have not lost 100%. Been lifting heavy and my body looks a lot nicer now at 135# than it did at 130# and I feel stronger/healthier now.

    (I am sort of maintaining / strength training to lose a tiny bit more body fat now)

    Edit to add-
    The food/exercise logging tools have really helped me learn how to balance fitness, nutrition, and my chronic illnesses in this new-ish social lifestyle that includes luncheons and fellowship
    I have discovered I need more protein and can't go really low carbs. So I am now balancing my foods and not only lost the weight, gained endurance , but my hypoglycemia and other health issues are better now that I have figured out how to time nutrients for my needs.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A happy and comfortable relationship was also the trigger for me. Not that I'm blaming my husband, but if I didn't enjoy spending time with him more than exercising I would never have stopped exercising regularly. Of course, I could have stopped eating like I was exercising regularly, but honestly I don't know how anyone maintains their weight without exercise. I need more calories than that to be happy. I still find giving up that time hanging out with him to exercise very hard.
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