Feeling disgusted by myself

sabineh12 Posts: 16
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hey everyone, I guess some of you know that feeling. disgust. Because of how I let myself go and put others' issues first and not really caring for what I need or MY body needs. At the moment I am so disgusted by myself cause I don't know why I let it happen and gained so much weight over the last months/years. I am wearing clothes that I don't particulary like, but all the nice clothes don't fit anymore or look terrible on me. I don't want to be around people cause I feel like I cannot be myself or I will just keep eating. I want to be alone all day and just lose weight and get out of my apartment when I am myself again. I know that is not possible...But I wish it was.
I would like to hear from you and hear whether anyone is feeling the same way and what you"re doing (besides trying to lose weight) to feel better....


  • Hi Sabineh

    I know the feeling, as many others will too I am sure! I am guilty of letting myself go and just not checking in with what I am eating and how little exericse I was doing. I have been trying to lose weight for many years, but recently went on a weight management programme and bought a book called 'Overcoming Weight Problems', it doesn't give a prescribed diet, but looks at the psychological side, and has been the breakthrough I needed and never thought I would have lost anything!

    We can support each other, I still need motivating too!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I've managed to put on 70 or so pounds from my skinny high school weight. I have no idea, really. I was skinny and not bothered about my weight so never weighed myself. I have felt disgusted with myself in the past, but I don't now because I'm actively changing my life and there's nothing to be ashamed of in that.

    What are you doing to bring about change?
  • I am looking for some friends here to give and get support and not eating emotionally but finding other ways of solving emotional issues. being creative and doing crafts, painting, wirting helps a lot for me and of course exercise. i really enjoy yoga, swimming, some weight lifting and deep work training.
    what about you?
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Me too. My stomach is terrible, but my legs are getting better. Focus on what you like, not what you hate. The parts you hate WILL get better if you work for it. And you will be amazed at what your body can do!
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I've ballooned from a size 4 to a size 16 in a little over a year. To say I disgust myself is an understatement. 12 extra inches on my waist.:sad: I try to do good, but cant keep at it for more than a few days. and the weight just wont come off. I too, don't think I'm emotionally ready to lose the weight. I;ve never had to before, I was a "lifelong skinny" until last year....
  • Let me see when I feel disgusted with myself which I haven't felt in awhile, I usually go to the gym and blow off some steam. NOT ONLY just regular exercise, but i use the punching bag! I feel great after! I'm also very into arts and crafts, so if i'm feeling down, i knit something or even do photography! that always makes me happy! :) Also doing something nice for myself will always cheer me up.

    Just get back on track but take it one step at a time! We are all here to help! :)
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Hello there :)
    I am an emotional eater as well. I've discovered many new activities to take the place of mindless snacking since I've begun my fitness journey. I love to dance, go hiking, stretch, do yoga, lift weights, create and try new healthy foods, bake desserts with protein powder, share recipes with friends, to knit, make bead jewelry, tie dye shirts, tend my garden, tidy and clean my apartment, take care of my car, etc~ Really anything that gets me off my butt!

    I sign on nearly every day and I try my best to read and comment on my friend's entries. It is always nice to have people to share encouraging words with, to vent to, and to get healthy meal ideas from! So if you are looking for some more friends, feel free to send me an add :)
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    ROSE GAVE FANTASTIC ADVICE... we are our own worst enemies for sure - It is best to try to focus on the positives... even if its just the little things like you didnt have seconds, or you drank that extra glass of water.. maybe you have cute ears... :happy: its so easy to focus on the bad... find the good - you can do this - we can all do this.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    " No matter what you look like or how much you weigh...you are alive, you are capable, you are strong!! You're a ****ing WARRIOR, so get out there and act like it!! >:-0"

    I copied a pasted this from a wise person on my friend list. ( Hope she doesn't mind). It is true!!!

    I can remember choosing not to do things in the past because I didn't have confidence in myself because of the shape I was in. I can guarantee now, in retrospect, that no one was thinking. " why is she doing stuff wearing the biggest sized clothing in her life" SAID NOBODY!!!

    What a waste of time that was. Love your life, embrace who you are now. You'll do more for you if you love yourself first:)
  • Laurelite73
    Laurelite73 Posts: 1 Member
    For myself; mostly it was inactivty and a slow 6 pounds a year for more than a decade. Now with diabetes etc it is going off just as slowly as it went on. The goals are far off across a vast desert.
  • bestjuneever
    bestjuneever Posts: 33 Member
    When you lose a lot of weight and put it all back on and a little more, it's pretty horrible. I was very disappointed in myself for a little while. All the hard work and time I put in was just thrown away by no one other but myself. For a while it was hard to get up and start again. I had a tremendous amount of doubt in myself since I have failed myself by gaining the weight back. It was sad to fold up all my new clothes I bought in stores I could NEVER go in before.

    It's much easier to lose weight when you're excited for the change. I just try my hardest to stay positive. I take note of how my body feels. My mood when I wake up, my mood durring the day. I was an emotional eater but I won't do that anymore. Even when I'm happy and hear good news it calls for some bbq or chinese! But, it's destructive.
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    hey this is just a small test that God has chosen u for. be patient and fight it off intelligently. :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    we all do it.
    now, pick yourself up, and kick some *kitten*.
  • larryewing92
    larryewing92 Posts: 10 Member
    I eat out of boredom. gnoshing all day on whatever happens to be near me. I know the feeling of disgust. I also know how good it feels to take action, ANY action to change. have a good night.
  • mlindenmuth36
    mlindenmuth36 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes I have been there too -- many many times. No more! Now if I feel bad I get up and take a walk. The more you move the better you feel.
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    Be sure to surround yourself with positive people. I don't mean the annoying perky kind - they can be depressing as well. I just mean people that can look on the bright side of things and not complain all day.
  • SkinnyWannabeGal
    SkinnyWannabeGal Posts: 143 Member
    Been there, done that. Walking, running, jogging in nature while listening to music always boosts my mood and makes me feel so much better about myself. Never fails.
  • soyum
    soyum Posts: 49 Member
    If you don't mind....how much over weight are you currently?
  • Clemsonmom
    Clemsonmom Posts: 92 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I worked for three weeks measuring, counting and eating the right foods. I lost 6 pounds and then we had company for 3 days and I did watch what I eat but not as strict and I gained the 6 pounds back. Three weeks of work gone in 3 days. Add me as a friend if you like. It does help to talk to someone who knows how you feel.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I have realised that losing weight and getting fitter is only part of the issue, self-acceptance is another. I am not overweight anymore, yet I don't like myself. I am losing some more weight to get a bit further away from the overweight risk, but I am actually not doing too bad. I do try to stand naked in front of the mirror and tell myself that I am beautiful (it's corny I know), but I am starting to see bits of myself that I don't mind. I hope over time I'll come to realise that I only have one body and it should be healthy and treated well and I should treasure it :-)
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