Im per opp for the gastric band

carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Im currently on the waiting list for the gastric band ive managed to loose nearly 2.5 stone so far but am looking forward to having the opp and dropping the weight and keeping it off for good...I am lucky to have a really supportive wife and two of the most beautiful kids in the world who are all helping me and supporting me. Ive been over weight all of my adult life and am looking forward to being able to get into some nice clothes and generally feel a lot fitter and healthier. I have approx 4 - 6 months left till the opp and am determined to get as much weight off as i can before i have the opp!!! Good luck to anyone else in the same boat as me. Carlos x


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    May I ask you a question?
    If you so dedicated to lose the weight - dedicated enough that you are willing to have a life changing surgery - and you have already shown yourself that you can lose weight pre-opp - why can't you take that dedication to lose the weight with out the surgery?
    Just out of curiosity.
  • carlosgibson
    carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
    because all my life ive lost weight and ended up putting back on all of the weight ive lost and more and now i have kids i just want something thats gonna change my life for good ---i feel with thee surgery it will really help me maintain to be someone ive always wanted to be.....i know it doesnt make sence to most people but i know how i have been all my life and now i really want this to be for good!! thanks for your question though.
  • May I ask what leads you to believe that the surgery will lead to permanent weight loss? The research, such as it is, is inconclusive - long term outcomes may not be what you expected.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Just keep in mind that just because you have this surgery it doesn't change why you eat - or why you eat junk.
    The surgery doesn't stop you from making poor food decisions.
    The surgery doesn't take care of the head issues behind your eating.
    Just my opinion, but the "quick fix" is not how I chose to live my life - I hope that you would take a look on this site - as see all of the people on here that have lost 100+ with out any surgery - letting them be your motivation.
    Best of luck to you.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    I'm actually surprised they still consider you a candidate for surgery since you have shown success without it.
  • AwesomeMe
    AwesomeMe Posts: 12 Member
    All I can say is please don't do the surgery. A lady at work got it done, she's losing the weight, but never a smile on her face. The is lost so fast the skin ends up just sagging. Lose weight the natural way and feel good about it. Be a good role model for your kids. EVERYTHING worth doing takes hard work, but you will be so proud of yourself. Weight loss is a lifestyle change.

    I started out with Weight Watchers at work. It helped so much. My friends and co-workers at those meetings support each other. It feels so great to hear people that hadn't seen me in a year this past week tell me how fantastic I look, as well as the attention of the male population at the conference. LOL

    All I'm trying to say work hard and you shall be rewarded. It's all up to you and the choices you make. You have to make good and healthy and smart choices. We are here to support you when you need it. That's what sites like these are for. This site is an awesome tool. I call it "My Reality Check". I love it. I love the weight I've lost. I love me!

    Best of luck Carlos. Hope you don't do the surgery and let us all work with you hun.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    Hello there!

    Good for you for realizing that you need help in order to keep the weight off. Please keep in mind that you will run into people who are very critical of those who have opted for weight loss surgery (even though I swear this was supposed to be a SUPPORTIVE community forum). There ARE some other people, myself included, who have had weight loss surgery and WILL be supportive and encouraging. Feel free to send me a friend request. There are people on this site who have been there and will help you along your journey.

    I am sure that you have done your research and thought long and hard about opting for surgery. Unlike what most judgemental, uneducated, and criticizing people will say, those who have actually had the surgery know that is is NOT a "quick fix". It is a TOOL to help you in your journey. Just like weight watchers, Jenny Craig, and other programs that people shell out a bunch of money for -- it is a TOOL not all cure all, fix all. Yes, YOU still have to do the work. YOU HAVE to be accountable and follow your doctor's orders. They WILL tell you what foods you can eat and what you SHOULD/NEED to AVOID and HOW MUCH how should consume in order to be SUCCESSFUL. YOU will still need to make better decisions. YOU WILL NEED to start some kind of exercise regimen in order to take the weight off CORRECTLY.

    Wow... when you put it like that, it's really NOT a quick fix, now is it? There ARE rules to follow, protocol for what you can eat and when and FOLLOW UPS. A good program will offer support groups as well.

    Yes, there are SOME (NOT ALL) people that DO NOT follow the rules/guidelines that are set forth with weight loss surgery. There are SOME people who do this for the WRONG reasons. But for every one or two of those "lazy" people, there are A TON more of us that are doing what we need to be doing. You will find some incredibly amazing, motivating and best of all, SUPPORTIVE friends on here that will INSPIRE you and be there to answer any questions you may have.

    Good luck to you!
  • Congrats on the weight loss! By the way what is a stone? I know its a European measurement but I don't know what that is in pounds.
  • Im currently on the waiting list for the gastric band ive managed to loose nearly 2.5 stone so far but am looking forward to having the opp and dropping the weight and keeping it off for good...I am lucky to have a really supportive wife and two of the most beautiful kids in the world who are all helping me and supporting me. Ive been over weight all of my adult life and am looking forward to being able to get into some nice clothes and generally feel a lot fitter and healthier. I have approx 4 - 6 months left till the opp and am determined to get as much weight off as i can before i have the opp!!! Good luck to anyone else in the same boat as me. Carlos x

    WOW!! I'm really surprised by most of the responses you've received!! I wouldn't consider this surgery either ... But I think it's great that you've done the research, and found something that you firmly believe in as a method to a healthier life!! CONGRATS AND GOOD LUCK!!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Im currently on the waiting list for the gastric band ive managed to loose nearly 2.5 stone so far but am looking forward to having the opp and dropping the weight and keeping it off for good...I am lucky to have a really supportive wife and two of the most beautiful kids in the world who are all helping me and supporting me. Ive been over weight all of my adult life and am looking forward to being able to get into some nice clothes and generally feel a lot fitter and healthier. I have approx 4 - 6 months left till the opp and am determined to get as much weight off as i can before i have the opp!!! Good luck to anyone else in the same boat as me. Carlos x

    At the place where you are having the procedure are they having you see a counsuler weekly? My neighbor had it done and she had to go to classes to learn how to eat before and after her surgery. She lost 50 pds before her surgery and only 40 more pds after she lost the last 40 very fast and due to the quickness of her loss her skin had not a chance to go back. I know all of us who have lots to lose (me 127 more pds) will have sagging skin. Her husband eats the same types of food that she is aloud and has lost about 50 pds but he needs more than an egg and 2 tablespoons of liquid. And don't forget if you eat more than allowed you stomach will restretch and you will be in the same boat
  • A stone is equal to 14 pounds xox
  • Well said. Thanks for posting. (to Lisa Marie)
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Carlos, I wish you all the best. I hope everything goes well for you. I'm also glad you are trying to lose weight before the surgery. I know the surgery works for some and doesn't for others. I truly hope it works for you. I'm not going to be judgemental, but this is something I recently heard on The Biggest Loser is that the surgery doesn't help build lean muscle. So you probably have to fix that with strength training. You probably already knew that, though. Best wishes and take care. :smile:
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    My husband had Gastric Bypass a year and a half ago, and he has done great! He has a hard time tolerating red meat, but other than that it's wonderful. He uses this site to log his exercise and is continuing to lose inches and firm up. He had the surgery for the same reasons that you want it. He wanted to live longer, and be here for his family. I also have a sister who had lap band, and a nice who had the bypass done. It has worked out great for all of them! If I had medical insurance that covers it, I would have been going through it the same time as my husband, but I didn't have the option. Just don't allow yourself to lose your self-discipline, and the weight won't come back. Good luck!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    LisaMarie and Carlos

    Very well said! I was not in a situation where this was a need for me, but I approve of anyone doing anything that they take the time to research and know all the pros and cons of. Each method of weight loss is useful to various people, and no one should be judged or criticized for making an informed choice. :happy:

    I have always been one to lose and gain the weight back, but MFP is the answer for me and I have lost way more than I ever have before, because it is the solution to meet my needs. Hopefully it will help others in conjunction with whatever else they need to do to find the "fit person" inside. I have now inspired 3 other people to start following it after seeing my success, and that is all the motivation I need to keep at this new lifestyle forever! :bigsmile:
  • carlosgibson
    carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
    thankyou so much for your words its so nice to see there are people out there who do understand... thankyou
  • carlosgibson
    carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
    thankyou so much x
  • carlosgibson
    carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
    Hello there!

    Good for you for realizing that you need help in order to keep the weight off. Please keep in mind that you will run into people who are very critical of those who have opted for weight loss surgery (even though I swear this was supposed to be a SUPPORTIVE community forum). There ARE some other people, myself included, who have had weight loss surgery and WILL be supportive and encouraging. Feel free to send me a friend request. There are people on this site who have been there and will help you along your journey.

    I am sure that you have done your research and thought long and hard about opting for surgery. Unlike what most judgemental, uneducated, and criticizing people will say, those who have actually had the surgery know that is is NOT a "quick fix". It is a TOOL to help you in your journey. Just like weight watchers, Jenny Craig, and other programs that people shell out a bunch of money for -- it is a TOOL not all cure all, fix all. Yes, YOU still have to do the work. YOU HAVE to be accountable and follow your doctor's orders. They WILL tell you what foods you can eat and what you SHOULD/NEED to AVOID and HOW MUCH how should consume in order to be SUCCESSFUL. YOU will still need to make better decisions. YOU WILL NEED to start some kind of exercise regimen in order to take the weight off CORRECTLY.

    Wow... when you put it like that, it's really NOT a quick fix, now is it? There ARE rules to follow, protocol for what you can eat and when and FOLLOW UPS. A good program will offer support groups as well.

    Yes, there are SOME (NOT ALL) people that DO NOT follow the rules/guidelines that are set forth with weight loss surgery. There are SOME people who do this for the WRONG reasons. But for every one or two of those "lazy" people, there are A TON more of us that are doing what we need to be doing. You will find some incredibly amazing, motivating and best of all, SUPPORTIVE friends on here that will INSPIRE you and be there to answer any questions you may have.

    Good luck to you!

    thankyou so much for your words its so nice to see there are people out there who do understand... thankyou
  • carlosgibson
    carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
    wow!! I really appreciate all of your comments. I have reaserched into this alot and i know it is hard for people against the surgery to understand but I really feel this is right for me... It was so nice to hear what LisaMarie had to say its exactly how i feel but would like to thank all of you for taking the time to comment i respect all your opinions. Its so nice to have found this part of the site ...its such a supportive community so thanks guys x
  • carlosgibson
    carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
    My husband had Gastric Bypass a year and a half ago, and he has done great! He has a hard time tolerating red meat, but other than that it's wonderful. He uses this site to log his exercise and is continuing to lose inches and firm up. He had the surgery for the same reasons that you want it. He wanted to live longer, and be here for his family. I also have a sister who had lap band, and a nice who had the bypass done. It has worked out great for all of them! If I had medical insurance that covers it, I would have been going through it the same time as my husband, but I didn't have the option. Just don't allow yourself to lose your self-discipline, and the weight won't come back. Good luck!

    Thankyou for the advice its nice to hear from people who have been through a similar experiance im so glad its working for your husband x
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