Hey, would like to make some friends :D

Hellooo all, I hope you're all doing well!

My name is Rosie, and i'm 19 from the UK. I've had this for a while now, but I haven't really used it seriously in all the time I've had it. However, I recently looked at my scales and had gained EVEN MORE weight and decided it was time to take action and JFDI (Just effing do it, not sure if swearing is allowed here, and JFDI is my new motto haha). So today I thought I'd bite the bullet and join the gym. I'm feeling so happy and proud to have done that, was a big step for me, i'm quite shy. So here's to everyone on myfitnesspal for taking that step and beginning their weight loss journeys *raises imaginary glass* and a lot of you are half way through, or struggling or may have even finished.

So basically I think it would be great to be 'friends' with some people, anyone really! I'm a friendly person and I'd love to have friends to keep me motivated and I'll try and do the same in return and motivate you or give you any advice I can. It would be appreciated and not just that, but I do generally love to talk about anything, not just weight hehe :)


  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member

    Welcome to MFP and props for taking care of you!
    Feel free to add me! :drinker:
  • mboktay
    mboktay Posts: 69 Member
    Yay You! It's a hard journey, that why MFP is so wonderful - we get to do it together and meet new people.:flowerforyou:
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Please friend me if you wish! I joined a local gym about two years (and 65 pounds) ago, and felt that all eyes were on me. Then I discovered that everyone else was just trying to get healthy like me and had no desire to watch any of the newbies! I started with one class a week and gradually progressed to, at the current time, five classes a week. Started with aerobics for older adults and now take three aerobics-type classes and two strength-training ones. I joined MFP last November and really like the way it is structured. The food database is really impressive -- at least for American foods. I know there are a lot of UK folks (some among my friends too), so hope you find all your biscuits, crumpets, and all that lot there! I also got myself a Fitbit One, which has helped my motivation to move more. Anyway, I'm glad you're in a gym and getting a handle on trying to lose unwanted weight. I'm a sane and positive person and would be happy to support and encourage you.
  • Thank you all! you're all so inspiring, and i've already had quite a few requests so far. I'm really happy for all of you as you've come so far in your personal journeys and I only hope I can do the same!

    Also, thanks for all the kind words, and I look forward to becoming a happier, healthier individual :D
  • Hi Rosie! I’m Emma and I have lost about 40 pounds in the past and have 5-10 to go. I’m also 19 but I’m from the east coast of the U.S. I'm sending you a request!
  • Hi,
    I recently took stock of where I was after the summer, reset goals and also joined a gym.
    Best thing I have done and fully understand the sentiments being expressed.

    Anyway, anybody can feel free to add, I login every day, my diary is open and love interacting having fun at the same time (lol).

    If you want to extend FL to include some of mine, we are running Find a friend Friday today.
    Posting is ready if you fancy joining this amazingly funny yet committed network.
  • DrenRigs
    DrenRigs Posts: 448 Member
    Same here i need MFP homies everyone add me
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Sounds like you are in the right frame of mind this time and mean business!

    I talk about all sorts too and am a sod for changing subjects without telling people (I think people should just mind read!!)

    Feel free to add me, I'm on here most days and try to be encouraging but I can nag too if that's required!

    Tina x
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Hey add me if you want - my motto is 'get stuck in'!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Hey here and welcome to MFP! :bigsmile:
    I think you will quite enjoy it; everyone is oh so friendly! Also, kudos for joining a gym - props to you! Im Tamara; am 20, and pretty friendly :drinker:
    Feel free to add me! :happy:
  • dakotanak
    dakotanak Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, also looking for some FP friends..
  • Lucy_6678
    Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi! Please feel free to friend me!
  • Lucy_6678
    Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi! Please feel free to friend me!
  • dragonfly123321
    dragonfly123321 Posts: 51 Member
    HI you can add me :) I joined a gym the end of march and has lost 43 lbs so far . Thats great that you joined a gym! Are you thinking of doing some classes of doing some things on your own? When I first joined the gym it was hard feeling so out of shape but I pushed through it and it is sooo worth it. you can do it !! I feel so much better now
  • brayman1701
    brayman1701 Posts: 76 Member
    good luck, my motto is dont cheat be a loser
  • Hey good for you! I have been back to fit pal for about 2-3 weeks now. Still struggling. My hubby loves me being big so he tries to sabotage me lol :) I have lost about 2 pounds this time. I need to lose about 100#s. I alos am looking for friends on mfp (female only). Sorry guys he is also very jealous ;) So I went ahead and sent u a friend request. No worries I am not a crazy lady well at least not in the serial killer kinda way! I have 4 kids so I think that makes anyone a little crazy. LOL Well hope to see ya on my page soon! Take care and good luck!
  • RyanDryFly
    RyanDryFly Posts: 92 Member
    You can add me. I'm committed to doing this and love to give and get encouragement and motivation. You can do this!!!!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I make all my friends in the lab...


    Best homie ever...

    but Introduce yourself is a good place to start, welcome and here are some very helpful links to get you started...


  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey, I'm 5 weeks in...but still feel a newbie! If u wanna talk about 'anything' u can definitely add me, I'm chatty too. Welcome to Mfp and good luck in your journey! Ta-da!
  • PeaceVegan
    PeaceVegan Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! Welcome to the site! Feel free to add me, if you would like.