Going Shopping...

Hello! So I've just composed a little shopping list for my trip tomorrow and wondered if anyone had any helpful suggestions of things I should add...or if they thought any of it was a bit rubbish and would suggest an alternative. I do have a few things at university already (I'm going back tomorrow!) and my dad did a tiny shop for me already which included basic things such as butter, pasta sauces and eggs etc but here is what I've got so far for tomorrows little shop! :)

Broccoli, Feta, Mushrooms, Garlic, Salmon, Noodles, Tinned Tomatoes, Greek Yogurt, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Wholegrain Bread, Tuna, Skimmed Milk, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cauliflower, Tomato Soup, Beans and Fettucine.

Any help would be great! I'm not made of money but splashing out a little for the first week back...afterwards I'll just be trying to top up on things.


    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Eggs are always a good basic - boiled, scrambled, omelette with lots of veggies - plus they don't take long to prepare.

    Tina x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    things i generally have in every shop:

    cold meat
    salad (leaves, cucumber & carrots as a minimum)
    cottage cheese
    diet coke
    potaotes/sweet potatoes
  • Canada_Torza
    Thank you! I adore Eggs. I'm thinking about making a Feta and Broccoli Omelette tomorrow when I get back to University! Easy and actually cheap!
  • Canada_Torza
    Sorry Tavistock Toad
    I'd not seen your reply when I posted again.

    I'm going to add Salad for sure (I'm an idiot for not including that at least) cold meat wise I really like ham so maybe that'd be quite good! Sadly I'm allergic to caffeine so have never had coke before! I wonder if there are any healthy alternatives to lemonade...I somehow doubt it, oh well!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    list looks good, don't see any leafy greens tho'.

    edit: oh, saw your last reply, cool
  • Canada_Torza
    I must admit, and its something I'm just going to have to get over. I'm not great with lettuce...so when i buy them they go off really easily :( I'm probably going to buy a salad pack thing...you know that is already made? Does that even make sense haha. I do like salads but my least favourite part is lettuce which is why I tend to forget about it until I'm in the shop and pick up one of those pre done things with salad and carrots etc, I'll pick up one of those :D

    Thanks for the reminder! I want to try to eat kale too or spinach -- not yet sure how to add spinach to my meals. I love to cook you see, strange for a poor student but I'll hunt out some good recipes :D
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    Mmm looks delicious and healthy! How do you eat your tuna? I like to mix mine up with avacado (as if it were mayo but healthier and tastier). I'd suggest some healthy nuts - raw or roasted almonds for example. Grab a handful in the morning and you've had most of your protein for the day. And delicious too!

    ETA: Many people use baby spinach as a substitute for lettuce. I personally don't love it but my boyfriend LOVES it. He'll eat whole bowls of just baby spinach with a little sweet onion dressing.
  • Canada_Torza
    Mmm looks delicious and healthy! How do you eat your tuna? I like to mix mine up with avacado (as if it were mayo but healthier and tastier). I'd suggest some healthy nuts - raw or roasted almonds for example. Grab a handful in the morning and you've had most of your protein for the day. And delicious too!

    I love avocado! I'm going to add that to the list..haha! I do the same because I think avocado tastes a little similar to Mayo, I tend to mix it with a salad too. I also like to cook some fettucine and mix it with some asparagus, tomatoes (often tinned to get some more sauce) sometimes tomato puree if it needs it, garlic and basil! You can use whole wheat spaghetti too but I just tend to pick up fettucine :P

    Sadly my boyfriend is allergic to nuts, this is going to sound very odd but I try to avoid them because if I have them then he can become ill if I hold his hand or kiss him etc, but thank you for the advice anyway, I've heard nuts are really good :)

    Thanks for the advice on spinach! I can't recall the taste particularly but I'll try and substitute some lettuce and see how I get on :D
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I must admit, and its something I'm just going to have to get over. I'm not great with lettuce...so when i buy them they go off really easily :( I'm probably going to buy a salad pack thing...you know that is already made? Does that even make sense haha. I do like salads but my least favourite part is lettuce which is why I tend to forget about it until I'm in the shop and pick up one of those pre done things with salad and carrots etc, I'll pick up one of those :D

    Thanks for the reminder! I want to try to eat kale too or spinach -- not yet sure how to add spinach to my meals. I love to cook you see, strange for a poor student but I'll hunt out some good recipes :D


    I made my salads without a single lettuce leaf. My greens are spinach, arugula (rocket in the UK), kale. I eat them with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. I use vinegar for other salad items (tomato, bell peppers, cucumber, carrot, celery etc).

    I usually decide two main meals for the following week. I go to the market with my list and I prepare the two meals on sunday afternoon. I put them in the fridge after cool down and I do not have to cook the rest of the week. I also pack my lunch for the office from these two meals in the fridge. I always measure. For starches, I cook quinoa and brown rice.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • Canada_Torza
    Hello! Thank you! Yes I'm considering buying spinach and seeing if I prefer the taste. My salads tend to be quite simple, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, red onion and sometimes I'll add tuna, eggs or chicken to them. I like to do virgin olive oil with vinegar for a dressing, unsure if this is the healthiest but I don't like plain salads :P

    I've heard of quinoa but I've got to say I've never heard of it until now...here's me thinking I can cook and I genuinely know nothing about this food! I'm going to look up some recipes and see how I go thanks for the feedback xxx
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I forgot to mention.

    I usually add 1/4 cup of crumbled feta cheese on top of my salads for taste and sodium contribution. I do not use salt.

    I cook 1/2 cup of dry quinoa with 2 cups of water, a couple of bay leaves and 1 teaspoon of "better than bouillon, low sodium chicken broth". I cooked quinoa and brown rice in separate pots.

    Here is a quinoa salad recipe

    You can buy Mung Beans at Asian supermarkets

    Best wishes
  • Beccajo2004
    Beccajo2004 Posts: 29 Member
    I must admit, and its something I'm just going to have to get over. I'm not great with lettuce...so when i buy them they go off really easily :( I'm probably going to buy a salad pack thing...you know that is already made? Does that even make sense haha. I do like salads but my least favourite part is lettuce which is why I tend to forget about it until I'm in the shop and pick up one of those pre done things with salad and carrots etc, I'll pick up one of those :D

    Thanks for the reminder! I want to try to eat kale too or spinach -- not yet sure how to add spinach to my meals. I love to cook you see, strange for a poor student but I'll hunt out some good recipes :D

    I use fresh baby spinach as my base for my salads. I like it a lot more than lettuce. Also you can chop it up and put it in your omelette.