How did you gain the weight?



  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I got depressed and stopped giving a damn. I'm not an emotional eater, but when you're on the couch weeping into a bottle of rum most nights, pizza delivery and fast food are very appealing. Don't have to go to the store, put the effort into thinking about or cooking food, and it keeps you alive.

    Thank god for psychiatric hospitals. I'm better now.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I was a very active child and teenager. 110 pounds soaking wet until my junior year of college. It was moving off campus that did me in. Rather than my 5 mile walks while living on campus I parked as close to my building as possible and just stopped moving, but didn’t change my eating and drinking habits. Before I knew it, it caught up with me and I’d gained 30 pounds easily.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I was always fat. Since I was a kid I've had health problems that limited my mobility and partly because of that I also developed depression and just drowned my sorrows with chocolate and booze once I hit my teens.

    I tried to lose weight in between babies with some success but I never managed to get below 150lbs before I gave up. I didn't have much support or drive and 150lbs seemed to be my bodies natural sticking point so I stopped trying to lose more every time I hit that weight.

    Shame I didn't find this site sooner as I've hit my goal weight and all I have to worry about is changing my body composition and flattening out my mummy tummy, yay!
  • mindy2780
    I gained some during college- I stopped being as active as I was in high school and started being in control of my diet rather than my parents (read: I ate tons of crap since no one was telling me not too). I lost it after college the year I worked 1 full time job, 1 part time job and was taking classes at night on top of planning a wedding. Then we bought a house and I was helping to fix that up too. I also lived with a friend who was a healthy eater and a good influence on me. I was at my thinnest ever, and I was healthy too.

    Then I got married. I gained comfort weight the first year. Then I got pregnant. And I got fat. Not just pregnancy weight either, I gained 50 lbs while pregnant with my oldest. I lost 45 of it after she was born. Then I got pregnant again 18 months later. Didn't gain as much that time but still gained quite a bit. I lost most of it but held onto another 5. Then I got pregnant again 15 months later. That time I did weight watchers and LOST IT ALL!!! I was at my thinnest, and healthiest, since after college.

    And then I had baby #4. I've been fighting to lose all the baby weight for the last year. We've had some major changes to our life and every time I stop watching what I am eating I start gaining it all back. I'm down to the last 5-7 pounds that I want to lose. I am carefully adding exercise this time and bought myself a used treadmill so that I can exercise while the kids are sleeping at night and don't need to worry about working around their schedules and dh's. Plus the cost of a gym membership is not in our current budget. I also walk my kids to school as often as possible, 1/2 mile each way adds up to 2 miles a day while pushing a double stroller. That burns calories too!

    I am VERY hopeful that I can make changes that will enable me to keep the weight off this time. There are no plans for another baby so I won't have pregnancy weight to deal with again. Now it is just the "getting older and not taking time feed myself" weight. I take care of everyone before I take care of myself. Case in point: it is noon and I am eating for the first time today (not counting the bite of eggs I grabbed this morning).
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member
    I stopped exercising and ate too much.
  • ReddHott77
    ReddHott77 Posts: 49 Member
    I weighed 8lbs 12 oz. when I was born (first sign), by the time I was 5, I was a professional eater! I am 36 now and I've decided to change careers! Bahahahahahahahahah!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Simple.....mother of eight children.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    all through hs i was around 115-120 (ran cross country/pole vaulted). in college i really didn't gain any weight mostly because there were barely vegetarian options so it was salad and cereal all the time, relapsed with an ed and lost 10/15 pounds. after i graduated i had a job i loved but then the hours got cut so i took a full time job that i hated, doing case management for adults for substance abuse/mental illness. stressful, ****ty pay. was angry all the time. long story short, started drinking daily, about 3-4 mixed drinks of flavored rum with orange strawberry juice. so freaking delicious but those drinks alone daily had to be almost 1000 calories extra. got to my heighest of 127 which is still a normal weight for my height of 5'4", but my face and arms and tummy were getting chubby. down to a lower weight than i was in hs now. i rarely drink anymore because i have a bladder disorder and i really cant or it irritates the piss out of it, feels like i have a uti all the time. without those 4 drinks a day, it really makes a difference.
    so long story short, a ****ty job and drinking too much put weight on me
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Hospitalized with a heart attack in March and TBI from a fall in May
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    I gained it the same way I'm losing day at a time.
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    I was actually pretty much always in good shape, pretty muscular really, through my life until I got pregnant with my son. In fact, I worked in a restaurant when I was pregnant with him and until I was 4 months along I actually wrapped the apron strings nearly twice around me to tie them. Suddenly I started ballooning up with him. I started having issues with pain, he grew so fast. I had to quit two months before my due date. I suddenly put on a little over 40lbs in a very short time (though my eating really couldn't be blamed, my cravings were things like salads and orange juice for crying out loud). He ended up being an emergency c-section when it all came down to it. Which, of course, made any effort to lose the weight right afterwards extremely hard as any woman who's had such can tell you you can barely move for a while. It takes a lot longer to come back from that than natural birth.

    When I finally got to the point of trying to lose the weight and started to lose a few pounds I ended up getting pregnant again :tongue: . This time with twins. Again (maybe due to the c-section scarring) I had complications, but this time early on and ended up losing one of them. Due to the potential risk to the other I remained on bedrest for a while and then still took it easy afterwards. Weight continued to gather (even with healthy eating) due to inactivity.

    All said and done I think from those 2 pregnancies I put on between 60 and 70 lbs.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I've been overweight my whole life. Actually, no, I've been obese pretty much my whole life. I didn't think about what I ate (which was crap, and in mass quantities) and I certainly didn't exercise.

    In short, Crap food (x mass quantities) + completely sedentary lifestyle = brookie's magic formula for unhappiness and possible early death.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    ate more, moved less.
  • yezmenbernard
    I Wouldnt Say Im Obese Either But I Did Noticed One Day That When I Took A Whole Body Picture That I Was Getting Fairly WIDEE :/ . I Have A Boyfriend That Loves Me For Who I Am So I Guess I Just Got Comfortable All I Know I Hated It . My Lowest Was 125 But I Gained Some "Assests" That I Cant Lose From Genes Lol .. So I Atleast Want To Be 130 Or 135 .
  • lori_king
    Oh this is easy. 3 kids for the last 30 years, an ex husband, a new husband, being happy age and lack of exercise. That about sums it up.
  • sway1080
    sway1080 Posts: 45 Member
    What did it for me was alcohol...over the past year..too much of it. Also eating whatever I wanted and not working out.

    That stopped, I drink rarely now, work out almost every day and track everything I eat (started only over 2 weeks ago) but it's been great so far and I am noticing the weight loss already! :) and the great part about it is I can eat whatever I want...(low carb suckkksssss) all I have to do is use this to track everything. Small portions! :)
  • modernshieldmaiden
    I originally gained so much weight just because I wasn't particularly active post-high school & ate whatever I felt like... after losing a huge chunk of that, I gained it all back this summer because of my depression/anxiety medication. Talk about frustrating!
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    I didnt eat enough since I was 15.
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    Anxiety problems where I would comfort eat, drinking more alcohol than I ever have in the last year, getting jobs where I am sedentary most of the day, and also entering a happy relationship where I stopped caring about my appearance and would also overeat/drink when I'm being social.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    by eating.
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