
kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
I'm slowly trying to quit "real" cigarettes completely in favor of vaping, in order to eventually wean myself off of nicotine. It's been about a month of not smoking more than a few real cigarettes during the week, and only buying an actual pack when I drink.

So far so good. I breathe easier, which is helpful for cardio, and I don't smell like smoke all the time.

I was just wondering if anyone else uses eCigs currently, or is using them to try and quit smoking? What has your experience been?


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Yeah I'm definitely enjoying it! I'm saving a ton of money too, which is great. My only issue so far is I end up using more liquid than necessary because I "smoke" it so often... the flavors taste so good, I forget I'm using it for nicotine and not just flavor. :P
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    for the last few weeks of my 'quit' i switched to ecigs: completely, swiftly, and enthusiastically. i used them for a little while and then quit those too.

    it's been now 2+ mo since i quit cigarettes. (and a couple of weeks since i finally quit being a raging b!tch from adjustment to nic withdrawal). i've cheated a couple of times and a cigarette here and there on the weekend. i'm not a fireman, so who cares? i notice it though, in my throat and sinuses, even after just a couple of them. especially when i run. so i don't plan keeping it up.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.

  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.


    ^ That's what I was wondering.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    for the last few weeks of my 'quit' i switched to ecigs: completely, swiftly, and enthusiastically. i used them for a little while and then quit those too.

    it's been now 2+ mo since i quit cigarettes. (and a couple of weeks since i finally quit being a raging b!tch from adjustment to nic withdrawal). i've cheated a couple of times and a cigarette here and there on the weekend. i'm not a fireman, so who cares? i notice it though, in my throat and sinuses, even after just a couple of them. especially when i run. so i don't plan keeping it up.

    Congratulations!! Did you notice any problems with weight gain when you fully quit?
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.


    I think she's referring to stress relief/pleasure, mainly. Obviously there's no health benefits but mentally, cigarettes do help.

    Though now that I've found the gym, I don't crave real ones as much anymore.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    good for you!
    both hubs and I quit
    but I tell ya
    I sure want one, all the time!
    especialy when I drink.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    for the last few weeks of my 'quit' i switched to ecigs: completely, swiftly, and enthusiastically. i used them for a little while and then quit those too.

    it's been now 2+ mo since i quit cigarettes. (and a couple of weeks since i finally quit being a raging b!tch from adjustment to nic withdrawal). i've cheated a couple of times and a cigarette here and there on the weekend. i'm not a fireman, so who cares? i notice it though, in my throat and sinuses, even after just a couple of them. especially when i run. so i don't plan keeping it up.

    Congratulations!! Did you notice any problems with weight gain when you fully quit?
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.


    I think she's referring to stress relief/pleasure, mainly. Obviously there's no health benefits but mentally, cigarettes do help.

    Though now that I've found the gym, I don't crave real ones as much anymore.

    From a former smoker (smoked 15 years, smoke-free for 4) I assure you those benefits don't actually exist. Well, the pleasure maybe. That being said, best of luck in doing whatever you need to do be completely free. It's an amazing feeling.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    vaping right now
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.


    ^ That's what I was wondering.

    Wish I had invented the e-cig. I'd be rich right now. What genius marketing. You can suck your thumb for free and it's kinda sexy on a gal.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    for the last few weeks of my 'quit' i switched to ecigs: completely, swiftly, and enthusiastically. i used them for a little while and then quit those too.

    it's been now 2+ mo since i quit cigarettes. (and a couple of weeks since i finally quit being a raging b!tch from adjustment to nic withdrawal). i've cheated a couple of times and a cigarette here and there on the weekend. i'm not a fireman, so who cares? i notice it though, in my throat and sinuses, even after just a couple of them. especially when i run. so i don't plan keeping it up.

    Congratulations!! Did you notice any problems with weight gain when you fully quit?
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.


    I think she's referring to stress relief/pleasure, mainly. Obviously there's no health benefits but mentally, cigarettes do help.

    Though now that I've found the gym, I don't crave real ones as much anymore.

    That is exactly what she probably means.... I smoked for years but I switched to e-cigs after my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and quit completely within 3 months.... best transition I have found. I tried to quit so many times! Now I dont even think about smoking.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    no weight gain noticed, but i'm a statistical anomaly anyway because my appetite and eating habits have been skewed by a history of fasting/undereating. i DID notcie that i felt hungrier, more often, but that didn't necessarily lead to more eating. i'm TRYING to gain weight; it would have been a blessing... :blushing:
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    I have a few friends that have done it or are in the process of quitting using ecigs and they all swear by it.

    My hubby and I quit last Thanksgiving so I'm coming up on my quitversary soon and looking forward to giving myself that 1 year designation. I used patches, he did it cold turkey.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.

    no cons? what you are inhaling has to have some chemicals right? its not just water vapor.
  • imakeyoukneel
    imakeyoukneel Posts: 278 Member
    its helped me quit I am now using tobacco free and feeling minimal withdrawals
  • MichaelleahciM
    I tried it once but I finished 2 packs worth in one day, so it seemed like a waste to me.I quit smoking about two months ago and haven't had a cigarette since. I just chew a lot of gum now.
  • pricesteve
    pricesteve Posts: 39 Member
    I'm another vaper, completely cigarette free now. Cheap e-cigs are a false economy, and getting a decent refillable, rechargeable model is the best way to succeed. I haven't craved a real smoke since quitting and can't stand the smell of smoking now.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.

    no cons? what you are inhaling has to have some chemicals right? its not just water vapor.

    Compared to whats in tobbaco it might as well be holy water lol..... The brand I use is FDA approved and is made from vegetables. YOu can wean down the nicotine lvl so you don't go through the nicotine withdralws of cold turkey. I've been vaping since April and havent had a real cig since. My lungs feel better I breathe better and dont smell like cigs. Its also ten times cheaper then real cigs. Added bonus is it doesn't bother people who don't smoke and you can smoke in non smoking bars with them
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I have a few friends that have completely switched to vapor cigs and are enjoying the experience. All of the pros of smoking, none of the cons.

    no cons? what you are inhaling has to have some chemicals right? its not just water vapor.

    Compared to whats in tobbaco it might as well be holy water lol..... The brand I use is FDA approved and is made from vegetables. YOu can wean down the nicotine lvl so you don't go through the nicotine withdralws of cold turkey. I've been vaping since April and havent had a real cig since. My lungs feel better I breathe better and dont smell like cigs. Its also ten times cheaper then real cigs. Added bonus is it doesn't bother people who don't smoke and you can smoke in non smoking bars with them

    so less cons..not "no cons". :) and i really hope they never allow these things on planes. its bad enough the people with bad hygiene or overbearing perfume.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I've been smoke free coming up on a year on Sept 25 thanks to the e-cig. I pretty much just put the cigs down the day I started vaping...over the course of about 6 months or so I brought down the level of nicotine in my e-juice to zero. I still have my e-cig, but I hardly even touch it anymore...usually just when I'm getting my party on.