
I'm 19 and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis about 4 years ago. Since then my weight has been even harder to combat and loose. I'm just wondering if there is anyone else on here who is dealing with this too.



  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I am not diagnosed but I am thinking of getting more tests because it is a struggle to even maintain weight for me anymore. I have a nodule on my thyroid but they said my blood tests are coming back within levels. For some reason though, I feel like there is still something wrong. Do you know anything about TH levels and if there is anything else to test for? I am also very sensitive to cold which is another symptom, as well as some other things I have read to be linked to hypothyroidism. I'm curious if you currently take medication, shouldn't that help you maintain your metabolism? If you are, maybe you need to get your dosage changed.
  • Genevieve23120
    Genevieve23120 Posts: 11 Member
    My doctor believed I was within the normal range too but had my blood tests sent to an Endocrinologist for further evaluation. It was the second doctor who diagnosed me. Everyone is different and everyone's levels are different, It took a lot of trial and error with medication before I finally got stabilized. As far as the weight, once you get your levels right you then have to begin exercising and watching what you eat before you notice body changes. When I'm taking my medication I notice much less fatigue and I have more energy but overall I still don't exercise as much as I need to and I haven't been watching my foods either. Now that I am I should notice some weight changes. My doctor told me that I should be happy with any weight loss and for me that's the hardest because I want results now, not later.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    That gives me confidence to get further testing. Keep up with it. Though it is challenging and you have to work at it more than the average person, it is possible. I thought there would be more people responding to this post. It would be interesting to see more people that have this condition.
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Oh, this is one I've dealt with A LOT.

    Background -- I suffered from severe depression and kept telling my dr that I couldn't shake the weight, that something was wrong. She said that nothing's wrong, "you're just depressed, just eat better and exercise". This at a time when I still was dancing some, working out a bit, and eating okay. Not great, but nothing that would mean I'd weigh what I weighed then.


    Finally, I got a second opinion. THIS is what that doctor missed:
    1. Hypothyroidism. Even though I had "near normal" level, I had a bunch of nodules and that meant my thyroid was not functioning properly -- working too hard to maintain those levels.

    2. PCOS. My left ovary looked insane.

    3. Pituitary tumor. YEP SHE MISSED A FREAKIN' BRAIN TUMOR.

    4. Hormone imbalance. My testosterone level was 4 TIMES THE NORMAL AMOUNT.

    So once I got all THAT settled, I literally lost 40 lbs just on the medications.

    Gained it all back after baby and now on steroids/lupus meds, but in any event, FWIW, do NOT give up just because your "levels" are "normal". Ask for a thyroid ultrasound. And if you don't like what you hear, then go get a second opinion :-)

    Good luck!
  • Genevieve23120
    Genevieve23120 Posts: 11 Member
    I too had a Thyroid untrasound and it showed that I had an enlarged thyroid and that it was overall uneven in texture with small nodules everywhere. Lucky for me I dd not have any tumors anywhere but I feared hearing that I did from my doctor. It didn't help that she was afraid I had a tumor. It's taken awhile to get my levels right but my problem is letting the "insignificant" weight loss discourage me. I started this thread so that those of us stuggling to loose weight who have this problem could encourage each other to not give up and to make sure that we are eating better and exercising a lot. I am also trying to get out of the pre-diabetic zone and anemic zone. My diary is public so you can all get on me if I'm going over my sugar count each week.