Brief Intro

Hello All.

I am new to this site. I am a single mom, soon to be Empty Nester in a month or so- and I think I was in the middle of a mid life crisis, so I decided to start taking care of me for a change. I am overweight and in need of a goal loss of 30 pounds. I am pescatarian , enrolled in a gym, a fly by the seat of my pants type of woman . Wishing you all great success in your goals!!!


  • Just signed up for the site. Haven't fully navigated to all the features. I'm a 40 something woman, married to a wonderful man who eats junk food but stays thin! An empty nester. I have been overweight since I was 10. I have been around the same size for 16 years. I have a high self esteem but my weight has caused me health problems. I don't like to log my food but maybe that's the key.
  • monikareneaa
    monikareneaa Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Monika! I'm really excited to join MFP. :) I've hit rock bottom. I honestly have not been thin since I was five. Now is my chance and I'm going to snatch it up. I'm 21 living in Ohio. I have began to fall in love with exercise. So excited to see where all this takes me. Please feel free to add me. I'm always looking for some new friends! :)
    HOPEPATRICK74 Posts: 54 Member
    I hate to log food as well, but it really does help. It has made me accountable for everything I put in my mouth. But, you have to be honest with yourself when you do it, or it doesn't help. I'm still navigating the feature here as well. Have only been on for 5 days. I feel a change in my eating habits, we will see what happens this weekend. It has been a little easier for me at work becasue I can't run to the fridge when I get hungry. I keep low cal snacks in my desk and portion it out so I know I am staying in the serving size.

    Good luck to you in your journey, if you need an encouraging friend please add me.
  • Been here a little over 2 months, going slow and steady. I log everything, diary is open. If you don't mind "dirty" eating or cheeky humor, feel free to add me.
  • You know I sucketh muchly. I was under the impression that when people responded to a topic post it would alert you BUT I didn't know you all responded until I decided to tip toe through the tulips. I'm sorry. Alas, I am pleased to meet you all and I KNOW we will meet our goals. We just have to keep it moving!

    Please feel free to message me if anyone would like to vent or what not. I talk a lot hence my blog. Hahaha. Well I am off to go and have a fun day for myself. will check in on my page later!

    PS. Smile and do something for you today!!!