Slightly Discourage...

So... Lately I've been feeling slightly discourage. I know my reasoning is dumb, but I can't help it sometimes.

I've been a bigger girl most of my life and that's left me with stretch marks. I've worked at eating healthy and now I'm very happy to say that I've managed to lose almost 70 pounds. However, now I'm dealing with sagging skin and the original stretch marks. I'm discouraged because I want to be healthy, but I'll admit that part of the reason I wanted to lose weight to look good too.

I feel like I've done all this work and I still have more to go, but what happens when I reach my goal? I feel like I still won't be completely happy with where I am. I wish I could magically get rid of the saggy skin without surgery. I know there's creams and some other alternatives I can try, but I know it'll never be perfect. Nothing is... I've been overweight for so long that I know my skin won't gain back all of the elasticity. But, I can't help feeling like I've worked so hard and in the end I still won't be content with how I look.

Does anyone else feel this way? Maybe it's just me having a rough time, but I think when I was younger I assumed everything would go back to "normal" and I wouldn't have excess skin. However, now I'm realizing that's not the case and it makes me kind of discouraged and upset.

Any words of wisdom from people dealing with this issue?


  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi there!! First of all, congratulations on your success! You look great in your profile pic and I know how hard you have worked. As to your being discouraged, just know that many of us have those same issues and insecurities about our bodies and how they are changing/shaping as we lose weight. At 42 yoa, I have also been a yoyo dieter, and a heavy girl, most of my life. I've lost about 42 lbs so far (the right way this time), and I have about 20 more that I would like to lose. I've also had 2 children. I have so many stretch marks on my abdomen it looks like I've been mauled by a tiger. I have loose skin on my tummy, inner thighs, and upper arms. However, even with all of those flaws, I embrace my new, healthier, stronger body. I do still have moments of insecurity. For example, I will likely never go out in public in a bikini, but I can rock a tankini!! And I won't win an Olympic medal for gymnastics, but I can do a freestanding headstand to impress my 12 year old! I say all that to say you have to love who you are, even with all of the flaws, which most other folks won't even see. Do the best you can with what you have and keep reminding yourself that you have come such a long way and you deserve to enjoy your success!! Good luck to you as you move forward!!:flowerforyou:
  • oOoNICKIoOo
    oOoNICKIoOo Posts: 107 Member

    I really do appreciate your response. I guess I've just been feeling slightly self conscious about the sagging skin and stretch marks since I've started dating a really great guy. I've never had a relationship before, so my first boyfriend is a big step. I know he accepts me, but I'd still like to look good for myself and in front of him.

    I'm definitely going to try and change my attitude about it. Thanks for the encouragement :)
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    hun, that fear was one of the reasons I never seriously lost weight before. Now I am 42 years old and wish I had done it while I was younger and my skin had a better chance at bouncing back.
    Nothing gets rid of stretch marks... it is torn skin. You have to accept that and be ok with it.
    I have decided to stop worrying about what other people think of my body and do what makes me happy.
    I cant afford surgery so I have to just make do with what I've got.
    Get into weight lifting, it really helps shape your body and boost your confidence.
    Be confident and happy within yourself... its great your boyfriend loves you and accepts you how you are, so maybe you need to love yourself also and do what you think will make you happy :)
  • sueclare38
    Can't comment on the extra skin, but just want to say stretch marks will fade so you can barely see them. All mine have faded now from pregnancy so that you can barely see them, and my youngest is only 23 months. My eldest daughter also has stretch marks and she's never been bigger than a size 8, she's got them cos she used to be extremely short then suddenly got a growth spurt and is now taller than me, so not all stretch marks are to do with weight, they can't be helped.
  • Tessyloowhoo
    It can take up too two years for your skin to adapt to your new thinner body... as long as that sounds it is giving me hope that my stretch marks will improve and hopefully it can give you hope. We are young... we have some time so hydrate and be patient is my moto!

    I don't mind looking like a tiger if i am healthy... but that is just me!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I feel you. I just had my fourth baby and am now beginning to get serious abut losing weight. I had four kids in five years and never really had a chance to lose more than just the baby weight. (But at least I did that!) I was feeling pretty good about how quickly the baby weight was coming off, but now I see that I have a nice, jiggly layer of fat on my belly. I'm almost positive it will be loose skin after I get back in good shape. If that is the case, I'll probably end up getting a tummy tuck with my boob job in a few years. I feel like cosmetic surgery is superficial and vain, but I want to feel good about myself. I don't want to be sad seeing my of naked *kitten* I get into the shower, and I don't want to be self-conscious in front of my husband. I'm not happy with the way I look right now and I. Allay don't want to feel this way forever.
  • fitnessfirework
    I am in the same boat as you. I have been overweight/ obese my whole life. I just started losing weight this year and I am already down 60+ pounds. I still have a long way to go ... I still have 75+ lbs to go ... and I'm already seeing sagging skin and major stretch marks. But you just need to remind yourself why your doing this. Come up with a mantra that you say to yourself when your feeling down. You have come so incredibly far and you have accomplished so much! You are absolutely beautiful! Think of all the things you can do now that you couldn't do before. At my highest I was 283 lbs and never would have imagined that I could walk around the block. Now I'm 212 lbs and love running!

    Keep your head up!!! You are an inspiration!
  • D1one
    D1one Posts: 7 Member
    I can totally agree with all you have posted Nici, but you look awesome from your profile pic.

    I too have a looooooong way to go and everyday is a stuggle but I make it through my workouts and I'm trying my best to get this healthy eating in tact, but the healthy food is sooo expensive.

    I have an awesome support of pals!

    I just have to get this sugar cravings out of my body and I will be a great success I'm sure.

    We will get to our goals and look stunting getting there! Be proud of the 70 you have loss that's an amazing accomplishment and reward of health you have added to your body.

    Much success and love to you!
  • jenniferb_00
    I know how you feel. Im pretty much faced with the same thing. My stretch marks aren't going anywhere, i hate to even look at them. I was pretty much overweight since i was a young child so i doubt ill be able to do much.
  • honey_tequila
    honey_tequila Posts: 31 Member
    It wasn't until I started losing fat from my stomach that I noticed I had pretty severe dark and wide stretch marks below it (partly from pregnancy I'm sure) but for the last 3-4 weeks I've been massaging Palmers cocoa butter for stretch marks into them twice a day and they have faded dramatically. The skin will always be scarred I suppose but the marks will definitely fade x