
ericasturn Posts: 49 Member
I have been reading about juicing. I would like to try it as a supplement to regular meals. I was searching the site for any groups that share ideas and recipes about this. I know there are alot of opinions on juice fasting but that is not what I am interested in. If anyone has some juicing recipes or some helpful hints or advice I would be interested in those. Anyone knowing of a Message Board that talks about this please post that too! Thanks for the positive advice and ideas!


  • clairegogogo
    I love a glass of green juice in the morning! Feels very refreshing ^^
    Green Apple
    a little honey
    a little ginger root

    have fun juicing!
  • ericasturn
    ericasturn Posts: 49 Member
    I love a glass of green juice in the morning! Feels very refreshing ^^
    Green Apple
    a little honey
    a little ginger root

    have fun juicing!
  • ericasturn
    ericasturn Posts: 49 Member
    That sounds good!! I know you can do alot with juicing, I will definitely have to try that!!
  • I like a combination of apple, carrot, and ginger. I also like apple, greens, and beets. I suggest looking up local juicing places and their menus. Most I've been to have inspiring combinations!
  • lozu
    lozu Posts: 6 Member
    Just got my new juicer. Fusion Juicer. I want to use this as a supplement or meal replacement mainly for good health not a detox. Just part of a "healthy eating" plan. Any suggestions from you veteran juicers??
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I juice all booze.
    its good,
    and works
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I learned all of my juice recipes from Dan the Life Regenerator and Miss Leafy Greens on youtube.

    I drink a green juice most mornings aka Lemon Ginger Blast

    3-4 lemons
    jalapeno (optional)
  • Steph_in_Mississippi
    I found this site today.

    It has 107 juice recipes with all the nutritional details.

    The link is:


    It's a pdf document so you will need adobe acrobat. It's a free download. But his is printable.

    Good luck! I'm doing a juice fast Saturday. :smile:
  • xoxoAshleyy
    xoxoAshleyy Posts: 11 Member
    I love the combination of apple, spinach, parsley, lemon, and ginger!
  • CometMeebru
    i usually put a few scoops of celltech in my juice
  • katefitness8
    katefitness8 Posts: 16 Member
    Here are a few resources you might want to look into. I apologize if you have already heard of some of these movies and websites.

    Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead chronicles an overweight Australian man on a 60 day juice fast. I think it's 60 days anyways I could be wrong. You can find his movie on Netflix. This is one of his websites which has some good recipes: http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/recipes/

    Kris Carr's website might be a good one to check out as well. I will probably mess up her story if I try to summarize it but basically she had a terminal cancer diagnosis and was able to stabilize her tumors through juicing and a plant based diet.

    Ohsheglows.com has some great smoothie recipes as well.

    I'm a big fan of juicing. When I add juicing to my routine I notice a big improvement in my skin.

    However, when I've gone on juice fasts they have been unsuccessful. Whatever weight I lose on the fast I gain it back immediately afterwards. I also tend to break down by day 2 of the fast. Juice fasting (some would say Juice Feasting) really isn't sustainable for me. What does work for me is eating 5-6 smaller meals a day all plant based (aka vegan). Of the 5-6 meals I try to do at least one juice "meal" and one smoothie "meal".

    Anyways my go to green juice is:
    1 small apple
    1 lemon
    1-2 cups of kales
    4 strawberries
    1 cup or 1/2 cup of filtered water
    1 persian cucumber or 1 quater of a regular cucumber
    1 small stalk of celery
    and sometimes I'll throw in some spinach.

    I try to drink this first thing in the morning.

    One last website... I found this today and can't wait to try it. I'll be using silken tofu though instead of greek yogurt though: http://www.blogilates.com/best-of/my-metabolic

    Good luck on your juicing journey!

  • katefitness8
    katefitness8 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh and the Reboot with Joe site does have a forum: http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/forums/
  • aaberridge
    aaberridge Posts: 7 Member
    I love a glass of green juice in the morning! Feels very refreshing ^^
    Green Apple
    a little honey
    a little ginger root

    have fun juicing!

    I do a variation of this with kale, carrot, celery, apple, lemon, ginger....and sometimes cucumber.

    Don't be afraid to experiment with ginger. It is really tasty in juice recipes.