Looking for friends to motivate each other! Hi

Hi all I'm new here, looking to lose about 65, tired of carrying all this extra weight around! If anyone wants to connect I'm really talkative and love getting to know new people. Help a sister out! :)


  • stacek4
    stacek4 Posts: 30 Member
    I'll add :happy: I'm always looking for new and encouraging friends. It's quite discouraging when you get allllll these people that say they're there to help and motivate and then you never hear from them. Where's all the motivation at?! :huh:
  • Count me in. I just got off the scale and am not happy. I need to use this app more and having friends who are in the same boat will help me stay motivated. I'm here for you.
  • Archidion
    Archidion Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me if you want, I never cared for friends on here but a little motivation never hurt anybody.
  • Add me as well! I'm loving the support I'm getting on here and would welcome more friends to share ideas with!
  • YzzyBella
    YzzyBella Posts: 12 Member
    Request sent!

    I try & send motivation as and when I see posts but I do update daily :)
  • hello
    how are you today.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Feel free to send an add my way....I try to be motivating and could use a few more motiviating friends myself! :)
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    Having support around makes it easier for sure. But sometimes it is not necesary your loved ones that help the most. They mean well but sometimes they overdo it. I find that relalting (and venting out sometimes!) to perfect stranger on MFP helps a lot. Seeing their progress (how they feel, how they have lost or maintain) and seeing them dedicated to workout out a few days help me find the motivation to kick my *kitten* too.

    In the beginning i was always on MPF reading "message boards" to keep my mind busy and not thinking about food. It has help me passed the first few days quite good. I don't do that as often now as i have find strength inside me to battle my cravings. But i do read a lot of succes stories to show me where my healthy habits will lead me to.

    i send you a FR request.
  • Wow, I'm so excited to see so many people on here! Thanks you guys, I really mean it! I love the idea of being able to share the ups and downs of this journey together, you guys rock!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Hey there; Feel free to add me! :bigsmile: I am also know that it is a hard journey and any help is usually good help.
  • sarverga
    sarverga Posts: 6 Member
    Lets do this!!!!!
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! MFP is a great place to achieve your goals. I sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • You can add me! I would love some encouragement and share goals! We can do this!