Losing 25 pounds or less?



  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    My goal is minus 15-20 pounds add mem if you want.

    I am more concerned with %BF than the scale.
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Need to loose 10 more lbs! have lost 18 lbs but to get to my ideal weight just need that extra 10!
    Im 5 ft 4 and currently 10 st 5 lbs and want to get to 9 st 7 lbs :)
  • It's great to know there are other people struggling with losing even small amounts of weight! We can do it. It'll be worth it.

    alherford: I'm also tall, so weight stretches it out. It's amazing how long you can deny that you are gaining weight when you are tall. Congrats on your work out regime. Keep it up! I still haven't started yet. I told myself I'd wait until I got used to the diet first because I only have so much will power. However, I have lost my first 5 pounds and already slipped...that's ok. I'll get back on track this week.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Yep. My first goal is to lose around twenty pounds. After that, I would like to lose at least another five pounds. I'm aiming for twenty-five but we'll see how it goes when I reevaluate my goals. As you can see, I've already lost some of the weight but I don't think anyone will notice for awhile, since I am also tall with a medium-to-large sized frame. I'm not actually overweight so I know this will be slow process.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I had a wee look at your diary and you should really try to start hitting your protein and fat goals (you're way under on protein every day) if you want to lose bf% and not lean mass.

    Edit to add: you have taken the time to change your goals, macro wise, so why not try to stick to them :)
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    psulemon: what is the best way to reduce body fat? I am pretty near goal weight, only a few lbs to go and yet it's been 9 months and they are still there,lol but i am only trying to focus on losing body fat currently. I am finding it harder then lbs. I was doing clx and when i was done that i still had a fat layer and body fat still higher then i like, so i am doing t25 to help burn off more fat b/c i thought something more intense would get me there and then re do clx to get more definition and show that muscle more. I am still not losing body fat easy... i have lost maybe 1% but still want to lose 2-3 more. it just seems to be a longer and slower process then it was for me losing weight and trust me that was a SLOW process !

    Keep in mind, it's going to be a very slow process. When you don't have a lot of body fat, your body will fight to prevent it. Lifting and high protein will help you maintain your lean body mass. Like CLX suggest, failure is good. I love CLX as it incorporates good weight training programs. It's not a huge calorie burner, so adding T25 will just give you the ability to eat more calories. But I suggest getting 1g of protein and .35g of fat per lb of lean body mass and the rest carbs. Ideally, you will only lose about 1% -2 % of your body fat a month (probably on the lower end). When I did CLX, I lost 16 lbs and 3% body fat but that was when I was heavier on 2500 calories. If you want, pm and we can figure out your calories.

    I'm at a good weight now but really need to lower BF and firm up. I'm interested to know what this CLX is please?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    CLX is a beach body program, Chalean Extreme. It is a strength training system. it's about 3 months long and is 3 phases. burn, push and lean. In the 1st month "burn" you lift weights 10-12 reps till failure then month 2 " push" is 6-8 reps till failure if i remember correctly... lol it's been a few months since i finished it... and then the last month is lean, this is where they say you get the best results. I would say in my 3 months of clx i lost 1% body fat, my results weren't like so many others but i did get results. I am doing t25 right now, 2 more weeks to go on that and then i am going back to clx to take me till the end of the year. I am losing some of my definition i built with clx since doing t25..
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Ahh ok, thanks. I can get Googling now :o)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Same boat here too...

    I'm 5'11, 34, and between Oct. 2010 and August 2013 I lost 45 pounds (190-145). During this past winter I gained about 15 of that back. I'm now back down to 152.8, aiming for 147-150. My BF's sister is getting married in Atlanta Oct. 21st and I want to be 150 by then. So, basically doing the last 5 pounds over again...
  • Nae020004
    Nae020004 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in exactly that same boat. I'm 6' so my weight gets stretched out and not everyone sees it - except my jeans don't fit very well (muffin top and loose shirts)! I was 165 before I had my first chld 10 years ago and I want to get back there! In the last few weeks I've lost 4 pounds and it's exciting now! I'm jogging, eating better, have some support of friends and my husband - but I tend to start to lose my dedication after the first 5-10 lbs. I'm currently at 190 so I have 20-25 lbs to go. I start to 'cheat' to reward myself for those pounds then the cheating gets more frequent...then all my progress and momentum is lost.

    I'm good at pushing other people but need some pushing myself!

    I'm definitely in the same boat. I'm 5' 11 and people tell me the exact same thing. The height stretches out the additional weight. I weighed around 165 in college but the lbs kept inching upwards each year afterwards. I currently weigh 185 (haven't weighed in this week) and do great for like 1-2 weeks at a time. Then I get derailed by my super skinny fiance's bad eating habits. But no more! You can do it! We can do it! One week at a time, one workout at a time, one meal at a time!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    133 lbs, 35% bf. Very flabby and chubby..
    Wanna get down to 115lbs
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I've got 29lbs to lose, lost 25 of those so far.

    The last few lbs are very slow as expected, of course. I only log a 1lb drop if its been that way for a good few days as the scales are up and down like a yoyo now.

    Upping my calories slowly has been really helpful. I will keep upping them until I hit maintenance by Christmas. Of course the loss will be much slower but 4lbs by December is doable.
  • lexfit95
    lexfit95 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same position. I've already lost 4 pounds but want to lose another 11. After that I will start weight training. People scoff at me if I tell them I am losing weight. But it isn't like I am anorexic. And even if they don't think how I eat now is healthy (keto), they can't argue that how I ate before was any better (junk). Good luck! It's all about how you look and feel. Your body, your life, your choice.
  • andsparkyknew
    andsparkyknew Posts: 1 Member
    I know EXACTLY what you mean-can't talk about it because people think you are crazy! My goal is to loose 25 lbs by the end of February. It is so frustrating to have to work so hard, you don't have that initial weight loss at the beginning to fuel your commitment. And having to start out with so few calories is such a challenge, knowing you will have to eventually reduce your calories even more as we loose weight, arrggg! I have always been a healthy eater, but with a sweet tooth...active, but not a hard core athlete I need to ramp up what I thought was a pretty healthy lifestyle to begin with. I am so happy to hear there are other people out there like me:happy: It is a lonely dieting world out there for us. Thanks so much for the post - good luck, hope to hear from you again soon!
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    How is everyone going towards their goals??

    I'm not doing very well but still trying. Wish there was a magic trick!!
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Hey... feel free to add me too :) I have about 15 pounds I want to lose, struggling a little bit but I'm sure we can work it together.

    I totally understand what you mean when you say it's hard being a moderate weight dieter. I feel like I have to make excuses all the time, at work especially where no one knows a bit about healthy eating or exercise. It feels great to come onto MFP and find people who understand!

    I would like to support you. Feel free to add me !
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I want to lose about 10 kg (which is about 22 pounds), initially then see how it goes. I tell people I'm on a diet because I put on a fair bit while writing up my PhD thesis, and I want to get back to my pre-thesis weight. People are supportive, even though I only look a little bit tubby and I'm quite tall so it's easy to hide the bulge if I buy the right clothing.

    After I reach my pre-thesis weight I might try to lose a bit more - I wouldn't mind getting closer to the weight I was when I was an undergrad.

    At the moment, (when I don't binge on chocolate) I'm managing about 0.5 kg per week. I've also been running so things have toned up - can't quite believe how amazing my bum is feeling after losing only about half a stone!
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I'm short, so weight shows really quickly on me. I've lost 7lbs so far, but I don't 'feel' any different. I still look in the mirror and don't see a change. I'm not telling many people that I'm trying to lose weight bc most people just say that "I'm fine" or try and convince me to eat more. My goal weight on MFP is 118 (I'm at 128 right now), but I'm probably going to change it to 115 if I can get down below 125.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member

    I am the same as you, I only have about another 24 pounds to lose. I am on the borderline of being overweight (BMI=25), but want to lose 24 pounds by next April at least for my wedding. (Wedding is in August next year, but I don't want to keep losing until then. Will mess up my dress fittings and everything. lol).

    Add me as a friend if you like. :) I have logged on for 30 days and am planning to reach at least 200. I have 2 friends on MFP who are in their 200s and I can't wait to do the same! :)
  • niniagrn
    niniagrn Posts: 22 Member
    I can totally relate, I'm 42 years of age and over the past 5 years I've been gaining between 2 to 3 pounds a year. Hoping each year that I would lose or it would level off but it didn't. Like you I've been slender majority of my life, so if I say "I'm watching what I'm eating"; I get all kinds of negative comments and likes. So I need to lose 16 pounds, I started two months ago at 172 and now I'm 159.5. My idea body weight is 155, I'm 5'6" or 5'7" depending on who's measuring me. So I would love to have you as a friend going through this journey. I must stay it isn't easy losing weight.