Am I doing things right?

I am doing a Body Beast P90X2 hybrid both in home workout programs from Beachbody.

My goal is to gain weight I'm at 105 right now started at 95 pounds I'm 5 ft 2 my goal is to get to 120.

My MFP things looks like this.

Calories 2590 carbs 356 fat 86 protein 97 sodium 2500 sugar 52

I want to be ripped and have a six pack but also have muscles I'm on the second week of P90X2 and the third week of the bulk phase of body beast.

I'm having trouble getting that much carbs in on a daily basis I find myself eating about 130 of protein and only about 2000 calories a day it hard to put all that food in me.

What can I do? I don't want to start losing weight but just having trouble getting calories in.

I'm a hard gainer.

But how can I reach my daily calorie goal?

I'm not taking supplements but can't seem to get the right calories.

I workout in the morning about an hour after breakfast.

Any help? Thanks

I'm a 20 year old male 105 5ft2


  • M1KEEC
    M1KEEC Posts: 4 Member
    Whole meal pita bread is good, and a nice big bowl of porridge in the morning also I got a free 5kg bag of powdered oats from bulkpowders which helps hit my carb macros when i haven't eaten enough it's normally £10 otherwise.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    86 grams of fat does seem a little high. Don't go by macro % but instead do this. Protein 1 to 1.25 LBS per bw. Fat .45 to .55 grams per lb of bw and the rest will be carbs. So your breakdown would be something like this.
    Cals 2590
    Protein 105 grams
    Fat 45-55 grams
    Carbs 42-=430 grams.

    Dont' worry about 6 pack abs while trying to build muscle. If you do, you will more than likely get worried, then decrease calories which may give you the abs but won't build muscle. Then you will want to build muscle, eat a surplus, build a little muscle but also gain fat. See, you don't want to start spinning your wheels. Try to build slowly. Aim to gain .5 to 1lb per week.

    Your programs aren't ideal for gaining size and strength. I know most people advocate starting strength or stronglifts but I would recommend allpros beginners or Icecream fitness 5x5. Icecream fitness has a youtube channel