Hi Everyone

My name is Jaimee and I am 24 from Australia. I am a newbie to myfitnesspal.
I have ALWAYS ALWAYS been overweight and I hate it. Ive tried so many times to lose weight but the food has always gotten the better of me. I know that I need to learn to control my eating habits and especially portion size.Its so much easier said then done because when im in the moment of eating especially if its delicious...weightloss is the furtherest thing from my mind.I also come form a long line of obese people and have a family history of diabetes and heart disease and high cholestoral. Im fed up of being fat and feeling ugly and depressed when I go out shopping and nothing I like fits me. Its like my ultimate dream to wear a bikini and hopefully one day ill travel overseas to a tropical island with hubby and we can lay on the beach and ill feel somewhat attractive in my bikini..haha.After 10 years of smoking and may failed attempts at giving up I finally managed to do it and celebrate 6 months smokefree today and still going strong...Id love to one day celebrate being slim , fit and healthy .It would definitely be a big boost to my self esteem and confidence. I am currently between 95 - 100 kilos give or take and for my height which is 150 cm (im a shorty ) i think i should be around the 60 kilo mark.so thats what I am going to aim for....so that's basically 4o kilos and im hoping to at least be halfway there by December so i don't have much time...Im committed to working out but i think the main focus needs to be on the food control which is my main weakness.So eating healthy and portion controlled food.Anyhow I would love for anyone else who is in the same boat and wants a motivational buddy to get in touch and build a support group which i think is going to really help to achieve those goals and to help lift each others spirits when the going gets tough and share helpful tips and that sort of thing.Sorry for my novel guys putting myself out there is not normally my style but its for a good cause. wish me luck :)



  • blynn_29
    Hi Jaimee,

    I'm re-starting on myfitnesspal after letting myself get out of control on my last attempt (also have a hard time saying no to delicious food!). I'm 23 and have been overweight most of my life, though about 4 years ago I was at my current goal weight. I want to get back!!! Also, congrats on being smoke free, that's awesome!

    I'm adding you now so we can help each other during this crazy hard journey!
  • jaimeek1
    Thanks for adding me.
    I look forward to being of support for you and supporting one another.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Welcome Jaimee -- first congrats on the smoking. That shows you can do it, because that is a lot harder. You are in the right place with thousands who have done it and lots of people who can help and support you. However, I must tell you I do think your goal of 20 kg (about 40 pounds) by December (even by the end of December) is too aggressive. That's about 3 pounds a week til the end of the year and that is just too much. I don't want to discourage you, but no more than 1-2 pounds a week is optimal (1 kg/week at most). So if you could get down 15 kg by the end of December that would be fantastic. And I bet you would take it.

    So just log EVERYTHING you eat. Don't try to go too low on calories (don't go below 1200 calories on a consistent basis), exercise as you can and you are well on your way. Just remember, the weight didn't come on suddenly, it isn't going to come off suddenly either. Take time to celebrate the little victories, don't let the little slip-ups and failures and set backs get you down (and they will happen because they happen to ALL of us), and lean on the community here for support and encouragement. It's a great group of people who can help you get you where you want to get to.

    Good luck on your journey. And I bet soon enough you will be rocking that bikini on some exotic island somewhere.
  • goalaska
    Welcome fellow Aussie! congrats on the smoking, I also quit 4 years ago and can really relate. I think if you can get through that, then you definitely have the discipline and self control to successfully lose weight :)
  • anorwegian
    anorwegian Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! I am new on MyFitnessPal as well, and I'm looking forward to becoming healthy .
    I'll add you, and we can help each other! :)
  • crazeeally
    Hi I'm Ally... also a newbie as of two days ago. A trainer at my gym said he uses it and suggested I try it too. I have 74 lbs to lose that I hope to lose by this time next year though before summer would be awesome! I also could really use the support not just in this dieting but trainer said I must quit smoking as well...two hard things to change at once.
  • jaimeek1
    Than you everyone for the words of encouragement and support.
    For everyone who added me I look forward to keeping in touch and helping each other with encouragement and support throughout this whole journey.

    Leebesstoad...I think you are right 2o kilos before xmas is a bit much so ill try at least 10 kilos will be nice and more would be a bonus.dont want to set myself up for disappointment and from today onwards I will log all my food and liquid intake.And also im going to start planning ahead healthy meals.

    Thank you all again :)