Jilted Girlfriend! Im so going to lose weight.



  • vlland
    vlland Posts: 55 Member
    I agree "skinny girls get dumped too" but.... When u r skinny (or whatever gives the confidence that u r the best u can be and a super great catch), then it doesn't sting as much. u can move forward easier knowing its his lost and not second guessing ur worth. I know for me personally- if I feel I gave the best of me and I am rejected- then the guy was an idiot for not recognizing my greatness and he just wasn't worth my time. everyone deserves love and respect no matter what number is on the scale but I think doing whatever it takes to improve urself/self-esteem the better u r able to ride lifes ups and downs. The new and improved u will attract a new and improved man - one that is worthy of u.
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    As everyone else said - do this for you!

    Losing weight for someone else will NOT work. Do this to make you feel better about yourself since your confidence has been dealt a blow and you're feeling hurt and angry, certainly - but also do it to look forward to a better future. Also remember that there are decent guys out there who are not so shallow and who will love you for WHO you are and not just because you look a certain way.
  • What a **** and a half - want me to crush his balls under my steel-toed boots for ya?

    In seriousness, we all have something that slaps us in the face that makes us change ourselves, and if that's what it was for you, definitely no judging going on here. There is a certain happiness that comes only from sticking it to certain former relations.

    I'm going to add you, as you sound a lot like me - I'm introverted to an embarrassing degree and would rather read or rip through cookbooks than anything else. And your food intake sounds kind of like mine, too. xxx
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I'm glad to support you. If getting jilted is a motivating tool to get you to start working out and losing weight, more power to you. I think that it might help you work on your self-confidence also.
    As far as your ex-, here's hoping that in a few years, he will be a faint memory and you won't even be able to remember his name.
  • I think im gonna take you up on your offer ;)
  • Skinny girls get dumped too.
    Make sure you are changing because YOU want to, not because someone else made you think that you should.

    Welcome to MFP and good luck.

    P.S. Just make sure that when you are looking good, and your confidence has been restored, that you 'accidentally bump into' this ungentlemanly sod. And make sure he is aware that being dumped was the best thing that ever happened to you.

    dayum, I love your P.S, Im so going to jot that down in my diary and make sure i "accidentally" bump it into him when im done with my mission :D
  • What a **** and a half - want me to crush his balls under my steel-toed boots for ya?

    In seriousness, we all have something that slaps us in the face that makes us change ourselves, and if that's what it was for you, definitely no judging going on here. There is a certain happiness that comes only from sticking it to certain former relations.

    I'm going to add you, as you sound a lot like me - I'm introverted to an embarrassing degree and would rather read or rip through cookbooks than anything else. And your food intake sounds kind of like mine, too. xxx

    I think ?Im gonna take you on your offer :)
  • Looking good and feeling good will be the cherry on the sundae! Usually, positive changes in lifestyle are full circle. The confidence will improve more than just your relationships. Be selfish, think about yourself, not that idiot. Good luck!

    Exactly! it will just be the cherry on top, the sundae itself will be my well-earned self confidence and a strong confident me :)
  • I've dated my fair share of inconsiderate jerks. I know how painful it can be to realize you've been wasting your time on someone who clearly didn't deserve your love!

    Now you're ready to embark on a new journey. How wonderful indeed! Taking good care of yourself is the absolute best thing you can do to get over a painful or difficult experience. Congratulations on making the decision to put yourself and your health first, which is as it should be! Wishing you all the best in reaching your health and fitness goals. :)

    Post scriptum: the fact that you used the word 'jilted' makes the word nerd in me supremely happy.

    Lol im a nerd too :D you probably know that by now :D
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Guys are stupid idiots! Make sure you do it for you, and not for anyone else, or you will lose motivation quickly! I sent you a friend request. Curious, how much weight do you have to lose?
  • Wow what a mongrel he is .... any who feel free to add, I am like you to into my drawing and that, good luck on your journey

    i think "mongrel" is the word i was looking for :D and i love my drawing, books and poems too :)
  • What a jerk! Just a little tip: Make sure you are doing this for you and the right reasons! It will make the transition a hell of a lot easier! Feel free to add for motivation and support :)

    I am not going to say 'oh I am so sorry for you' etc, you are a strong powerful woman and that guy is clearly a self centred, vain and shallow ****hole. You are brilliant and can achieve anything you want to. Lose all that weight AND DO IT FOR YOURSELF then have you seen that, episode of Friends when Monica is a teen and Chandler calls her fat so in a year she loses all that weight an pd rubs it in his face? Well. I hope you get the chance to do that.

    Again, lose the weight for you and no one else.

    Also, I don't mean to sound like I'm rubbing it in, but I was thin, got super, super big very fast, stayed big for 4 years then got back to a healthy weight. All that time my boyf, and now husband (who married me when I was still a big girl) stayed with me because he loved me for me, not my size. Never go out with anyone if you think they'd stop loving you for being big or small or whatever xxx

    What can i say? you are a lucky woman :) and thanks for all that advice
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    What a great big meanie jur ex is! U have made the right choice to join MFP, most of us on here are very supportive and I have found the motivation of my MFP friends to be a massive contribution on my journey. Make sure u loose the weight for u and u only, the massive bonus and by product will be that u may bump into him and he will see u looking great, being confident (most likely with a lovely new bf on your arm!)

    Feel free to add me if you like! :)
  • I agree "skinny girls get dumped too" but.... When u r skinny (or whatever gives the confidence that u r the best u can be and a super great catch), then it doesn't sting as much. u can move forward easier knowing its his lost and not second guessing ur worth. I know for me personally- if I feel I gave the best of me and I am rejected- then the guy was an idiot for not recognizing my greatness and he just wasn't worth my time. everyone deserves love and respect no matter what number is on the scale but I think doing whatever it takes to improve urself/self-esteem the better u r able to ride lifes ups and downs. The new and improved u will attract a new and improved man - one that is worthy of u.

    Tats what i meant to say :) being dumped when your fat makes it worse because you ARE fat which id like to change :)
  • i wish for nothing more :)
  • "We don't devote enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks." -- Bill Watterson
  • Add me dear I'm just starting today too, I have 10-15 lbs to lose .. I'm pretty introverted too.. We can be weight loss buddies if u want
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    You've come to the rest place for support. Welcome to MFP!
  • You've come to the rest place for support. Welcome to MFP!

    thanks lucy :)
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    He sounds like a complete *kitten*! Good for you taking control of your health! Might I recommend a show--My Big Fat Revenge?? It's on Oxygen and all they do is take people from situations like these, have the person who was mistreated get a full makeover (personal trainers/ brand new sexy outfits and beauty treatments) then take the people who mistreated them (usually an ex boyfriend or mean parent) and make them feel like they made the other person feel. Then, they have a huge reveal and "screw you you jerk" hash out. It's awesome to watch! My favorite episode so far was this lanky and unattractive boyfriend who loved big girls but didn't want any of his friends to know so he used to hide his girlfriend whenever he saw them in public. It was disgusting! So they set him up on a date with a model who kept saying, "where are your muscles you wimp?" and embarassing him, then pretending she wasn't on a date with him when her friends showed up, then ditched him on the date and had her friends tell him. He felt horrible! Then, his old girlfriend came out (she really was beautiful beforehand but now she was EPIC!) and was like "HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW??!!" It was awesome! Nothing is better than beautiful revenge!