
Any advise on what to do when your weight loss stalls for over a month and you're drinking your water, exercising, and tracking your calories? I'm 5'2", track 1200 daily calories, and walk 4-5 miles daily. I've been stuck at 175 lbs for over a month, and it's getting frustrating.


  • ardaniels0417
    I know this is kind of personal, but are you pretty regular? Ive noticed when that happens, Im not ridding my body of all the waste it needs and I need to eat some yogurt. I have the same problem occasionally, and if I eat some yogurt is usually helps get rid of the excess waste in your bowel/colon... Just a suggestion.
  • Walshloesch
    Walshloesch Posts: 13 Member
    LOL! yes, I'm VERY regular, like twice a day regular. Maybe it's simply my age...I'm 58.
  • ardaniels0417
    Maybe you need to switch up your excercise routine??? Your body can get in a rut with the same things all the time. Can you try and cut some carbs???
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Maybe you need to shake up your routine a little... your body might be used to the same old 1200 calories and 5 mile walk. You can try adding some calories to your day and changing your exercise... can you do something besides walk? Ride a bike? Do some strength training? Anything you can do differently will help. Even changing your walk to include some hills or walk at a faster pace... carry some hand weights when you walk and pump your arms. Your body wants to be challenged!
  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    when your doing you walking get some weights in your hands and use that, it will help your arms for one and help burn some more, also you can buy weights that you strap to your ankles so that it takes more energy to walk, thus burning extra. or if you feel like it add some strength traing, that will help alot too. hope this helps a bit
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I just took a glance at your diary.... you should really change up your meals; sometimes you only eat 3 times per day. Some meals are not even enough to be considered a proper meal or snack. Just an apple for breakfast? Your meals should include lean protein, good carbs and healthy fats. Even your snacks should be paired up with a protein.

    Ideally, you should be eating every 3 hours; 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. I think your diet is keeping your metabolism slow. Eating regularly will boost your metabolism.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    It's a bizarre concept, but you have to eat to lose! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Walshloesch
    Walshloesch Posts: 13 Member
    If I cut carbs, I won't know what to eat. I have high cholesterol so I track protein and fat, and that pretty much leaves me with veggies and fruit, alot of soups etc. I already cut all starches except sometimes beans and 12 grain bread, but never more than 2 servings a day. Also, I take a medication that doesn't allow me to raise my heart rate, so I get breathless if I exercise hard, so my only option is to exercise long, that;s why I walk. Thanks for the advise though....
  • ardaniels0417
    Sorry! Can you try to add some small weights? Are you eating high protein and fiber?
  • Walshloesch
    Walshloesch Posts: 13 Member
    Geez, how many calories do you get? I can't eat protein at every meal!! Well, fish I guess, but I have high cholesterol so I limit animal protein and substitute legumes etc when possible. That IS a lean protein! But it also has alot of calories. I'm gonna check out your diary for tips. Thanks!
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    Make sure your sodium intake is low, you take multivitamins, drink LOTS of water, and change up your routine. Try simple things like exercising at home playing the Wii or something (on top of your regular cardio). If you still have troubles talk to your doc. It may be your meds. I know mine cause weight gain typically so I have to have a STRICT diet. You could have your thyroid tested and vitamin and mineral intake tested. You may be deficient. Also eat small things frequently (like make sure you have breakfast then have an apple around 10 and the regular lunch and then a almonds or raisins or carrots at 3, then regular dinner). Mix up your body with the time you work out. Split it up to morning and evening...I guess that's all I've got now.
  • ardaniels0417
    I'll tell you that I religiously counted each and every calorie for about 6 months... I have lost 21 pounds so far as you can see. Now I dont have to log calories. I have changed the was I eat, so I dont have to count. I know what I can and cant eat. I eat alot of protein, alot of veggies, a little fruit. Alot of granola, and granola bars. I each Kashi go lean crunchy bars for breakfast, it really keeps me full til lunch...
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Geez, how many calories do you get? I can't eat protein at every meal!! Well, fish I guess, but I have high cholesterol so I limit animal protein and substitute legumes etc when possible. That IS a lean protein! But it also has alot of calories. I'm gonna check out your diary for tips. Thanks!

    Ah, I didn't know that you had to watch your animal protein intake when you have high cholesterol. Yes, legumes are good. Just reading a little on high cholesterol diets...... substituting soy protein for animal protein has been reported to lower LDL cholesterol. Fish with high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids are good: mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines (yuck!), albacore tuna, samon & Halibut. Bake or grill the fish and avoid adding unhealthy fats when you cook. If you don't like fish, you can get small amounts of Omega-3's from foods like ground flaxseed.

    Since whole grains are important for a high cholesterol diet, try Quinoa; good source for dietary fiber, and unlike rice and wheat, high in protein and contain a balanced set of essential amino acids, making it a complete protein.
    Farro is also high in fiber and protein and in my opinion, tastes better than brown rice.

    Good luck to you! I know it's frustrating to see no change on the scale for a long time. But, take some satisfaction in knowing that what your doing is atleast preventing a weight gain that you probably would have seen otherwise! And eating right and exercising are making you healthier everyday! :wink:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Also, I take a medication that doesn't allow me to raise my heart rate, so I get breathless if I exercise hard, so my only option is to exercise long, that;s why I walk. Thanks for the advise though....

    Tough one.... maybe swimming or riding a bike? Those can be done long and slow. Just using different muscles or using your muscles in a different movement will help to change things up for you.
  • Walshloesch
    Walshloesch Posts: 13 Member
    I eat the website's recommended amount of protein, and almost twice the fiber, thanks to the beans! :o) Good ol' beans!
  • Walshloesch
    Walshloesch Posts: 13 Member
    Farro? Hmmmm...I think I'll look for some of that! Thanks!!!!
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    okay so i was stalking around loooking for some answers and dropped into this topic - i am also stuck, i mean really, stuck i have been playing with the same 5 pounds for like 2 months now and its getting really aggravating - my food and fitness diaries are open so please take a look at see what you think...........i only have a few pounds to go to get to my goal weight - this last 10 is about to get the best of me..........
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    okay so i was stalking around loooking for some answers and dropped into this topic - i am also stuck, i mean really, stuck i have been playing with the same 5 pounds for like 2 months now and its getting really aggravating - my food and fitness diaries are open so please take a look at see what you think...........i only have a few pounds to go to get to my goal weight - this last 10 is about to get the best of me..........

    I hear the last 10 are hardest to get off! I wouldn't know, I'm not there yet! :tongue:

    Based on that and just glancing at the last couple of days of your diary, I bet you could see some great results if you cut down on the processed foods that you are eating:
    frozen pizza
    mini bagels
    pre-packaged seasoned rice
    Velveeta shells & cheese
    frozen french fries

    In a pinch, you have to do what you have to do to eat. But, the majority of your foods should be whole grain breads & pasta. All the prepackaged stuff is loaded with sodium and preservatives, etc. It is more time consuming to prepare your own foods, but why not give it a try and see if that gets you some results? whole grains, lean proteins, fruits & veggies, healthy fats. And drink lots of water!
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    sound advice - though the last few days have not been "typical" eating for me - my hardees thing was one of those last minute deals and pizza, well that's a weakness - about every 2 weeks just have to have it - i do well on the water - always at least 80 oz a day but the ritz cracker / pb&J is my treat so well,,,,,,,,,,i do appreciate the advice and agree with all that you said - guess i have to get more diligent for those last 10 pounds
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I varied my carbs and protein and messed with what I ate before bed and lastly I changed my workout. I was doing the elliptical and yesterday I did 20 minutes of elliptical and 20 minutes of StairMaster and today I hit 210(I was stuck at 211.4-213.8).

    I was afraid to up my caloric intake or stop working out like recommended so I just raised my heart rate and moved around when I took in carbs and changed my chosen cardio workout.

    Try that.