has anyone dumped you because of your weight



  • dutchieee0212
    I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight, I think it's because I'm not confident enough
  • vlland
    vlland Posts: 55 Member
    My ex husband was unhappy with my weight the whole 14 yrs we were married. I thought "why did u ask me to marry u then" I did gain 10 lbs during the marriage but that was after having a baby. Anyway we divorced and I lost weight 4 yrs later- for myself. It was sweet revenge when I saw him again (since u have a child together). I didn't want him back but it was nice to feel I was too good for him anyway.
  • Diamante140
    I think so, but I'm not sure. I believe it was because of my weight, but I feel the same way as you do, he knew the deal from the jump.
  • _Z3sty_
    _Z3sty_ Posts: 120
    I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight, I think it's because I'm not confident enough

    On the physical side of things you are very attractive so I am sure the right guy will come soon enough...

    Yes I have been dumped for gaining weight in a relationship....feelsbadman
  • neffeybaby
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight, I think it's because I'm not confident enough

    This was me til I met my hubby when I was in my late teens - it sounds like I settled for the first one that came along but we are like best friends & soulmates ( I know , I know , pass the bucket !!! But it is true )
  • torilougher
    torilougher Posts: 19 Member
    I fully believe that I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight. It makes me frustrated because when i do lose the weight and IF guys become interested in me, I'll know its only because I don't look like I do now and not for my personality. Which sucks
  • neffeybaby
    I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight, I think it's because I'm not confident enough

    really but your pretty my ex dumped me because of that oo he's on my get back list and one of the motivation for my weight loss
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    I fully believe that I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight. It makes me frustrated because when i do lose the weight and IF guys become interested in me, I'll know its only because I don't look like I do now and not for my personality. Which sucks

    See I'm afraid I'll lose the weight and guys STILL won't like me and that will mean I'm just a ***** and have a crappy personality!
  • dutchieee0212
    make sure you do this for yourself though, not for someone else! You is whats most important!
  • neffeybaby
    I fully believe that I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight. It makes me frustrated because when i do lose the weight and IF guys become interested in me, I'll know its only because I don't look like I do now and not for my personality. Which sucks

    i dont think its because of your weight it can be many things like i use to live in canada and i never got any attention there when i went to newyork and jamaica i got a whole lot of attention i thought i was ugly one point in my life
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight, I think it's because I'm not confident enough

    Your stunning so gain some confidence and quick!! :)

    Back on topic. They didn't say as much but yeah....
  • neffeybaby
    make sure you do this for yourself though, not for someone else! You is whats most important!

    i know but i love thinking that when i do get slim i want to laugh at people who mad fun of me or rude comments i have a boyfriend now and he loves me
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I think my last relationship ended because of my weight (I'd gained about 35 lbs over the duration, in no small part because we went out to eat all the time). Toward the end when I could feel his interest waning he made a couple of comments about our differing levels of fitness. He didn't dump me officially, but I cracked the door open and he ran through it like a scalded cat so apparently he wanted out.
  • neffeybaby
    I think my last relationship ended because of my weight (I'd gained about 35 lbs over the duration, in no small part because we went out to eat all the time). Toward the end when I could feel his interest waning he made a couple of comments about our differing levels of fitness. He didn't dump me officially, but I cracked the door open and he ran through it like a scalded cat so apparently he wanted out.

    sorry to hear that i dont understand if a partner ants you to lose weight why dont they just help
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    He didn't say as much but as we remained friends, I have noticed that the girlfriends after me have all been slim.
  • kordell70
    kordell70 Posts: 49 Member
    I think everyone who is or was overweight has either lost a relationship b/c of the weight or found it harder to get into one b/c certain people were not attracted to an overweight individual. I fall into the later category and have been turned down a lot due to my weight. My father (whom I am close to) sat me down and said son everyone has standards of what they want in a mate. It is no less shallow of the woman to turn you down for being heavy then it is for you to turn down a woman because you do not like her laugh, or she is not naturally funny, or she is too shy, to short, etc., etc. We are all entitled to our feelings. Your job is to take care of yourself, and find a woman that you cherish and who has the qualities that you want in a LTR. So if you got dumped for your weight don't look at it as a bad thing. Look at it as finding out more about the one you were with, and maybe you found out he has a quality you no longer admire. If he is willing to dump you because you put on a few pounds then he was not attracted to the rest of you as a whole, and mostly focused on your appearance. Now you can find someone to focus on "all" of you.
  • _Z3sty_
    _Z3sty_ Posts: 120
    I think everyone who is or was overweight has either lost a relationship b/c of the weight or found it harder to get into one b/c certain people were not attracted to an overweight individual. I fall into the later category and have been turned down a lot due to my weight. My father (whom I am close to) sat me down and said son everyone has standards of what they want in a mate. It is no less shallow of the woman to turn you down for being heavy then it is for you to turn down a woman because you do not like her laugh, or she is not naturally funny, or she is too shy, to short, etc., etc. We are all entitled to our feelings. Your job is to take care of yourself, and find a woman that you cherish and who has the qualities that you want in a LTR. So if you got dumped for your weight don't look at it as a bad thing. Look at it as finding out more about the one you were with, and maybe you found out he has a quality you no longer admire. If he is willing to dump you because you put on a few pounds then he was not attracted to the rest of you as a whole, and mostly focused on your appearance. Now you can find someone to focus on "all" of you.

    Your father is a wise man :smile:
  • Blaqmariposa73
    Blaqmariposa73 Posts: 5 Member
    Things that make you go hmmm ...
  • Blaqmariposa73
    Blaqmariposa73 Posts: 5 Member
    I've never had a boyfriend because of my weight, I think it's because I'm not confident enough

    I second that.