1st Week And Im Up 1lb

Hi, This is my first time to post to this. I started mfp last monday and I've generally been very good. On 2 days I was over but they were day's that I was out with work and it was only by 100 or so calories. Other day's i didn't even reach the 1200 calories allowed so was under by 200 /300. I've worked out 4 days and I just can't figure out how I've managed to put up 1lb. Its really disheartening :-(

I just don't know what else I can do to lose this weight.

Sorry think I might of posted this in the wrong forum.


  • jlmartello
    I've had the exact same problem and I also started on last Monday! I think it has made me even more motivated tho!! Just keep it up you can do it : )
  • sexylonglegs
    You're not eating enough...you are starving your body. Try eating all your calories and then your exercise calories as well.
  • mindymoe1
    oh it could be a few things. One, if you are working out you are pprobably building muscle and that is the cause of the 1 pound gain which is great bc the more muscle you have the more fat you can burn. another might be water weight. watch your sodium,i didnt look at your diary so i am only assuming on the sodium. that was one for me. i would put on a few pounds when my sodium was up. also were you fully clothed when you weighed yourself and had you eaten before your weigh in?? i have a feeling it is just muscle. keep up the great work
  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    You need to eat all the 1200 calories or your body will think it's in starvation mode. Also how much water are you drinking? And are you keeping an eye on your sodium intake. All these things are a factor in losing weight. Also if you're exercising it could be a little bit of muscle gain?

    It will start to come off - honestly - keep going and keep logging. You can add me if you like.
  • Doreenpao
    Doreenpao Posts: 28 Member
    it could be a lot of things... what you ate the night before you weighed, the working out, not enough water... JUST keep it up. You did not gaining it over night and you will not lose it over night...
    You probably already lost the pound....
    Good luck!
  • mpolson
    Sexylonglegs is right. You are not eating enough. Make sure you add all your excercise in. I am eating close to 2000 calories a day and it scared me silly to acknowledge that much. I can promise you I was eating much more than that before I started this program.
    I eat every calorie I can each day, and exercise one to twice a day. I have lost 17 pounds since July and I am thrilled. I am manapausal so it takes longer to lose and this is the first program I have been on in years that is actually working.
    Stick with it, all of a sudden it will drop.
    ALSO, extra water or salt can give you a false reading.
    I hope this helps.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I gained 5lbs and was absolutely devistated...it's normal though. Listen to the advice already given, like eating your proper calories and building muslces, etc but don't forget your water! it's very important you drink your 8 cups a day...it doesn't have to be pure water...i just downed 3 cups of water with fresh lemon slices in in (get a water bottle that has a specific amount of cups and make yourself polish off a couple of bottles) i also have green tea sitting infront of me, i count that as water...so there's another 2.5 cups...it gets easy once you practice getting your water in:) trust me you'll be fine, keep doing what you're doing and stay on MFP for some help, you'll get there...all you need is a little faith

    "We are twice armed if we fight with faith"
  • sjaudio
    sjaudio Posts: 52
    With regard to your pound gained. As a lot of people mentioned, you could be putting your body into starvation mode, building more muscle, or retaining extra water due to sodium intake. Another problem could be your portion sizes. Most people have the tendency to underestimate how much they are actually eating (especially when they first start tracking things). In response to suggestions that you eat all of your workout calories. MFP tends to overestimate the calories burned on most exercises. Unless you are using a Heart Rate Monitor to get an accurate count of what your body is actually doing over the course of a day, aim for around 50% of your cardio cals.

    Good luck and welcome to the site.