Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • TodayHealthyMe
    TodayHealthyMe Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad I found this message board! I had RNY 01/26/07 I was 282 got down to 145 at my skinniest (too skinny- according to, well everyone lol) and now I am at 174. I need to lose at least 10-15 pounds or gain some muscle. I've been really stressed out and scared, almost, because I have been trying to find some gastric bypass success stories and most of what I read online are these horror stories of people having strokes and heart attacks as complications from being malnourished. Last summer I was diagnosed anemic, and thankfully I was able to get my iron levels back up just by taking iron pills but now I have such anxiety that some horrible health problem is going hit me.

    For me I so desperately just want to be healthy and live a life full of energy. My energy levels are kinda low but of course they have been low my entire life so I don't know if its fair to blame the surgery. I'm moving to California in September and I'm just imaging it the land of beach bodies so I'm more motivated than ever to get into shape. I tend to eat pretty clean but its funny that my biggest problem is portion control especially because that's what this surgery helps with but I still eat way too much and the extent of my dumping syndrome is just feeling lethargic so sometimes I just deal with it. Though trying to change that. Anyway feels good to be able to "talk" with fellow WLS patients who are still trying to be healthy! We will get there!
  • BBzJuice
    BBzJuice Posts: 1
    Im glad to have found this board/community my surgery is scheduled for the 18th & I've just been busy very busy with reading up on everything & just trying to prepare myself & family. I would love to friend & don't know how.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I had RNY on 8/31/09 - Started the process at 399 - weighed 308 on the day of my surgery and got down to 183. My goal weight was 185 so I was thrilled. I gained back 19 pounds to land at 202 by 2 years out (which was predicted by my program, oddly enough....) Had my son a year ago and now I am back down to 199. Shooting for 185 again. I liked telling people I had lost 216 pounds. :noway:
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hi I had the Gastric By pass Surgery on March 14,2013 I am two months almost three post op. My start weght was 258 and now I'm down to 210 so far. I think I'm doing great to have lost 48 pounds already but it feels like my weight has came to a stand still. I measure all my food intake so I no I'm not overeating. I walk and work out everyday and my Dr has me on a strickly protein diet no fruits bread pasta protein shake jello or veggies. I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm not much of a meat eater and never have been but thats basically all I can eat. I occaionally look at other diets for the surgery online and want to switch over to them because i noticed that they have some fruits and veggies in there plan. I havent lost weight in about two weeks what do I need to do at this point. Help!!!

    There's lots of other proteins besides meat! If you are hating what you are eating, I would look at cottage cheese, greek yogurt, etc. If you are only three months post op you are not really able to overeat so I would think there is something else going on. I know this is a few months later -- I hope you will come back to let us know how you are making out!!
  • Hi I am three years post-op and I've gained 18-20lbs back and realized that I haven't been following what I should be eating the last 4 months bc I had a cartilage transplant in me knee so I wasn't exercising for 12 weeks and I am now getting back to walking again and I can use a bicycle but I can't do much of anything else yet so I've been blue, plus I lost my job bc of my knee so I'm dealing with that as well! I'm getting back on track now and trying to calculate my daily protein to help me get back and eventually get to my weight goal of 155, I am so glad I went on this blog, if anyone has any suggestions I look forward to hearing them! Thanks Nickie
  • Hi. I had a gastric bypass 3/6/2001. I went from 331 to 201 in about 9 months. I slowly started to gain the weight back due to extreme hunger bad eating habits. In November of 2009 I had an outpatient procedure called the POSE procedure. I was on liquids for a few weeks and lost about 10 pounds but sadly started to gain weight again. Today I am back up to 285 and desperate to get the weight back off. I wish I had more emotional guidance with the gastric bypass. I truly believe that overeating is an addiction just like smoking, drugs or alcohol. I am very disappointed in myself and feel that I have let my family down. I recently started MFP and I was SHOCKED to see how many calories I was actually eating. Hopefully with the help of MFP and my water exercises I can get back in control of my weight.
  • Hi Everyone!!!! I had my surgery on March 21, 2013. Before this I worked with a dietitian for 6-8 months to lose as much weight as possible. I went from 259 down to 216... but my medical issues weren't changing a bit. I still had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, severe asthma, joint and back issues, and a few more issues. Now I'm almost 4 months post up weight 166 and not one medical issue... except I cant get to sleep cause of too much energy and now I'm on Ambian (lol).

    I've went from a size 22 to now in a size 9. I haven't been this size since 1988... my 8th grade graduation.

    Please add me as a friend... the more support on here the most successful we will all become.

    PS... I'm only friends with those that share their diaries :-)
  • I'm one month post op Gastric bypass. Mine didn't go so well. Had a leak and spent a week in ICU. Had four blood transfusions and almost had to have a second surgery when thankfully the bleeding stopped on it's own. In one month I am already 40lbs down, 100lbs down total since I started this process. Still another 120lbs to go to reach goal. Good luck to you all! :)
  • fnghtngale
    fnghtngale Posts: 2 Member
    I am so thankful to have found this string.

    I had gastric bypass May 2011 and have lost 105 lbs. I am/was 10 lbs from my goal weight and reach a plateau that lasted 5 months and then gained 5.5 lbs in the last 6 weeks. I was freaking out. Post operatively there were no wls support groups in my area, and there still aren't and have gone through this process essentially alone. So, when I started to gain weight I didnt know where to turn. I googled weight gain 2 years after bypass and stumbled upon this blog. You all have saved me.

    I knew nothing about slidder foods or slurry. But when I read about it a light bulb went on. Then I researched the 5 day pouch test and found my solution. Today is day one of the test and I am going through some serious carb withdrawal, but I can do this because I now have hope.

    Please friend me. We all need each other to not become one of the statistics.

  • fnghtngale
    fnghtngale Posts: 2 Member
    Keep going! You can do this! If you made it past the surgery and the month following, the rest will fall into place.
  • soapboxermel
    soapboxermel Posts: 8 Member
    For those who are tired all the time:

    I am 10 years post-op and I periodically have to have iron infusion therapy. I also do monthly B12 injections at home.

    Have your iron levels checked; you might not be absorbing it from your supplements. I just don't seem to produce the intrinsic factor anymore and I was severely anemic. Once I fixed that, I felt like Wonder Woman. It was a night and day difference.
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    Amazing thread. Thank you all for sharing your reality. I am 6 weeks post op and doing well... but not tolerating much of more solid food yet. Good to hear your stories and ease up on my expectations a bit. You are all beautiful and courageous!
  • hello everyone I see not many post on this tread but was wondering if anyone has this problem im 9 months post op and have lost a lil over 100lbs but I have also had to miscarriages back to back like one in june and one in aug I don't know if my body is just rejecting the babies because of the surgery I have had kids in the past without these problems and my dr said there should be no reason why im doing this has anyone one else been through this
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  • I am so happy to have found this thread. I had a gastric bypass about 3 years ago. I went from 300 to my lowest of 150. My goal had been 130 but I never reached it due to getting pregnant with my son. I am now at 174 and looking to get back on track with my goal. I use fitnesspal daily and am looking for other ladies trying to get on track and stay there. Anyone still around from this thread? If so, please add me...
  • I had gastric bypass 5 weeks ago and have lost 60 lbs,its not easy but I am motivated to change my life. My wieght before gastric bypass was 332,I am know down to 272.
  • I had Rny gb surgery nearly 10 years ago. I feel like a jerk because I never even came close to my goal weight. I started at 320. At one point in 2008 I got down to 195 and was feeling pretty good. Now I'm at 230 and have big huge problems with night cravings, ESP dairy. And also I get hungry about 90-110 minutes after meals, regardless of the size of the meal. We're talking ravenous and.NO it's not just in my head. Do you think the 5-day pouch would work for someone as far beyond surgery as I? I also have pcos and hypothyroid so m probably doomed to be fat forever, but I have to try because I sing professionally and this obesity crap is really getting in the way.

    Ps, I still get dumping from high sugar foods...I thank god for it too. It actually makes me not want them. Unfortunately I tolerate cheese just fine.

    Also I work out daily. I love to do it, but I gain weight in spite of it.
  • yvnursechick
    yvnursechick Posts: 94 Member
    i hadGB in 2005 and got down to 138 then went back p to 214. Now down to 179.
  • Why are you glued to the house? Does he have special needs? Even so there are support groups you could get involved with. You are BORED!!!! that is why you are eating. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!! If money is an issue there are lots of free things to do for activity. Go for walks. Go window shop at the mall or local stores. Most gyms are affordable and offer child care. You need to find friends locally that are active. Not sure how old you son is but if an infant still... lugging all the equipment in and out of the car is a great workout.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    My niece did and she had to have it removed and repaired after she developed a severe blockage from the over eating. You never hear the down sides of these operations. Giving you a smaller stomach does not eliminate the NEED to consume large amounts of food. You need to solve that inside. I am working with her now since I have begun MY lifestyle change and she is doing great. She no longer diets--people fail at diets--so we are both on a lifestyle change that we will continue the rest of our lives. AND--she will never wear a bikini with the scar left from the correction!!!!!!!!!!!! But she is happier now.
  • hi, I had gastric bypass surgery October of 2004 and lost 133 lbs. I maintained for a while then by 2007 I had gained 30 lbs. By February, 2013 I gained another 53. I felt horrible. In the very beginning I could eat anything and lose and then that stopped. I couldn't stick to a diet and then I found my grove. I have lost 50 lbs and am back on track. I weigh everything and record everything and more important I drink 6-8 glasses of water daily and I changed when I eat and of course what I eat. I no longer am calling it a diet, I consider it a my eating healthy. I also walk daily and record my steps. I try to do at least 2 miles daily. I did join a gym and now that summer is over, will go regularly. I feel better and feel in control of my self vs out of control and miserable. I don't deprive myself of food, but I am very careful of how much I eat. Protein is key and lots of fruits and veggies. I don't retain vitamins and need B12 shots regularly and occasionally iron infusions. I also have to have extra Vitamin D and of course a daily multi vitamin. I found Shakeology also gives me some much needed nutrients. I just have trouble with any added sugars.....Good luck everyone.