Jilted Girlfriend! Im so going to lose weight.



  • I'll join you! And support you! Add me if you like. I'm new here to and still trying to figure out how to share my postings and etc.
  • sounds like a show to me, im gonna go get it rigt away :D
  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    Sorry to hear that boys are jerks. I've found out the hard way as well.
    I'm sort of introverted, but as I get older I've found that my introversion is merely situational. What makes me look timid up north, is something that southerners think makes me loud and brash haha.

    But anyway, I'm here to lose about 30 pounds, so don't be afraid to send an add :)
  • ingoiolo
    ingoiolo Posts: 104 Member
    Two good things in one: lost a moron and found motivation
  • You should definitely get some activities which put your mind away from eating. For example running or cycling. The big advantages of doing such sports is that they trigger the lymphatics in your brain. The symphaticus is responsible for your endorphines. Those hormones make you feel satisfied and lucky. You don't have to eat sweets.
    In addition too that you should switch to a healthier diet. You don't have to starve you just switch to some healthier ingredients. I suffered from overweight too and lost weight with working out and eating healthier food. For good recipes and Ebooks about nutrition I can recommend http:/www.dietreviews.tk
  • Two good things in one: lost a moron and found motivation

    Lol put that way, it sure does sound good :)
  • You should definitely get some activities which put your mind away from eating. For example running or cycling. The big advantages of doing such sports is that they trigger the lymphatics in your brain. The symphaticus is responsible for your endorphines. Those hormones make you feel satisfied and lucky. You don't have to eat sweets.
    In addition too that you should switch to a healthier diet. You don't have to starve you just switch to some healthier ingredients. I suffered from overweight too and lost weight with working out and eating healthier food. For good recipes and Ebooks about nutrition I can recommend http:/www.dietreviews.tk

    Il sure check it out, thanks for all the advice :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    He didn't break up with you because of your weight. He just made it sound like that because he's a douche. Do what you gotta do but hold out for a guy that wants you for you no matter what you look like. Welcome to MFP.

    Agreed. That was just the excuse he used. You did say you were overweight when the two of you got together, right? You guys were super young when you got together and maybe you've just grown up and apart. I think he was just looking for a way out, and used your insecurities about your body as an excuse. But what a hurtful and chicken way out that was.

    Lose weight and get in shape for yourself and make sure that whatever went wrong in the last relationship doesn't happen again. (Sometimes that means just choosing the right guy, and sometimes it means working on yourself.) Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Sounds like you are WAY better out of it. If he really cared, he would have helped you.

    My wife and I got married in 2006 and then both proceeded to put 90 lbs on between us. Not much you may say but for our frames, quite a bit. While I've lost far more, she has always had a weakness for sugary things (which as we know can be fairly bad). But she's doing well and I think the support is way more powerful than any kind of training knowledge, nutritional values etc. Sure it helps to know what you are doing as I have done for a while. But for somebody who has never really known, its highly valuable to have the support.

    If he didn't support you, use that as your motivation for change. I see so many people out there who are like 'I'm going to show them I'm better'. I'm sure you will.
  • redwitchrocks
    redwitchrocks Posts: 11 Member
    you go girl, you are better off without him. I'm doing this for me and no-one else!!!! I don't tend to weigh myself and I'm going by my clothese which are fitting soooo much better. I am on most days - feel free to add!!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    hello everyone,
    im a 20 year old girl and ive been over weight for almost 12 years but it just didnt matter untill my boyfriend of four years dumped me becaue of my weight and stretch marks. it was the biggest wake up call ever. about time too.
    ive cried for days but the crying stops now. i want to focus all this negative energy into losing weight. the next time he sees me im so going to make his jaw drop. NO, i DO NOT want him back. i would never want to have to do anything with a guy that shallow. i just want to show him what hes missing. I just want him to realise "Im gone and im not coming back."
    And right now i just need some friends to motivate and support me. im kind of an introvert and love to spend my time drawing or writing or reading, which means i go out rarely and do not have too many friends. Sometime my eating patterns can be erratic and if you have any problems with it, please do not send me a friend request or judge unnecesarily. This is a sudden change for me and id like to take it at my own pace and style. And others who can relate and will support me with no judgement, please do send me a FR or just leave a comment, I will add you :) i promise to be a good source of support and encouragement in return for yours :)

    Good lass! You go for it. :D Knock 'em all sideways.
  • Sounds like you are WAY better out of it. If he really cared, he would have helped you.

    My wife and I got married in 2006 and then both proceeded to put 90 lbs on between us. Not much you may say but for our frames, quite a bit. While I've lost far more, she has always had a weakness for sugary things (which as we know can be fairly bad). But she's doing well and I think the support is way more powerful than any kind of training knowledge, nutritional values etc. Sure it helps to know what you are doing as I have done for a while. But for somebody who has never really known, its highly valuable to have the support.

    If he didn't support you, use that as your motivation for change. I see so many people out there who are like 'I'm going to show them I'm better'. I'm sure you will.

    thankyou so much :)