Losing 160+ lbs, for the second time in my life. (Long)



  • soyum
    soyum Posts: 49 Member
    Please don't take this the wrong way, I truly do appreciate your input and suggestions, but I Trust Dr. Cheskin with my life. It's drastic, and it's extreme, and it is not something that I would maintain, but it does make the body use its fat reserves. This is life threatening for me, I blew my knee out last year, and the additional weight has a huge impact on it's recovery/mobility. It is also keeping me from getting any surgery done on it.

    You think 1100 is bad, I was on 880 last time I did this plan. It's also why I see a doctor every week. I agree about the roller coaster. Part of the program is a transition period of a few months. Something I never did last time. I just stopped going, thought I had everything under control. Went from eating diet supplements to the real world and never stopped to adjust. Also never went back to weigh in or discuss it.

    I made the mistake of thinking this was a period of my life, not part of my entire life.

    Please do some research when you have time. Since this is the 2nd time around, I would suggest a much slower progress which will allow you to transition more realistically to a stable life style. 800-1200 calories a day, is scary low for someone overweight. But you're right about one thing....."transition". Hopefully the doc will UP your calorie intake the more you lose. I won't take up your blog with anymore suggestions, this is your time to vent and get some emotional support. I hope I have not offended you in any way. Good luck and God Bless. ;)
  • nickielouise36
    nickielouise36 Posts: 38 Member
    I love food, I love the tastes and textures, I love the way I feel engaged and excited when I think about foods, and I love the way I feel while I eat them.

    I LOVE FOOD TOO .. hi hun my name is nicola .. i was 16.stone 8 lbs when i started on 1/1/2013.. i would of been more like 17 stome if i hadnt of been ill 24/25/26 december,, i love xmas food nd treats.. i done healthy eating and exercise nd my lowest i got to was 14.st.3lbs by bout april.. and now im back up to 15 st.7 lbs.. i lose it and then binge,, then gain, then lose it , then binge.. my binges r late at night and prob bout 4000 calories on top of my healthy 1200 cal day.. i can be good all day nd binge all night.. im a single mum with 3 kids (8,3,1 yr olds ) ... i actually feel scared when i lose weight.. i hate change in every aspect of my life.. BUT i have started new today and just aiming for even a lb a week .. will all add up in the end.. ive also done every diet.. nd what works for one diesnt always work for another.. without sounding harsh.. i watched prigrammes before bout obese people under doctor care.. nd i would stay thta is the best support u can ever have.. feel free to add me and i will try nd support u as best i can.. my advice take each day .. but plan ur food in advance and make sure u have all the good stuff..
  • Jonslife
    Jonslife Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you for your response. I am right there with you about thinking about food, planning things around food. Hell i'll plan days ahead of time. Trying to find something to replace food with is difficult.

    Soyum: I do hope that you continue to make suggestions. I don't mean to come off as argumentative, but I do trust the doc. I plan on elaborating more on the support and program at the John's Hopkins Weight management clinic on my blog. I hope that you will continue to comment there!

    I agree that with this kind of weight loss, some sort of doctor oversight is important. It also includes a nutritionist, a therapist, and a physiologist.
  • philodoxdreams
    philodoxdreams Posts: 9 Member

    I think I'd like to try this blogging thing. It's never been something I would have considered, but I don't really have anything left to hide so why not.


    Blogging is great therapy :) It's a way to let your feelings out in a safe place - and the MFP community is by and large full of fantastic people who are making this journey with you every step of the way. There's always a few naysayers and people who have strong opinions - the great thing is you can take that advice for what it is and move on one way or another. Many of us wouldn't be here if we didn't love food a little too much - or rather, use it to fill needs and cope with life instead of finding healthier alternatives. Cue reality and here we are. Shadus said it - accountability is so very important. There will be days where you go over your target goals and that's ok. Remember not to beat yourself up over it. We go out once a month with friends - it's the one night we have away from our clan (of 5) and it's also what we call our cheat day. We don't worry about the calories on that day - but we do log them. They're still there for the world to see and we know far ahead of time that it's gonna be -bad- but we also know that the rest of the month, we're on track and losing weight and doing what we can to be more fit. That's what it's all about.
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    bump-to read again! :flowerforyou:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Good luck Jon! It sounds like you're very committed and also have a good understanding of yourself. I know you can do it.

    While my weight has not been quite as dramatic, I will say that I've been there before too.

    Age 23: 299 lb
    Age 25: 227 lb

    Age 32: 307 lb
    Age 36: 224 lb (Current weight)

    I want to break the 200 barrier and sometimes I feel like I never actually will.
  • Bmoy87
    Bmoy87 Posts: 55 Member
    This is exactly me. It took me 9 months to loose 150 pounds in early 2009 with 270 being my lowest. Then I got a cushy office job and gained it all back plus 25 pounds! I am happy to say I have lost 84 pounds in 2 1/2 months now and am pushy everyday to get back to 270 and beyond! I am also always looking for new friends!
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story, I wish you the best with your journey.. You have picked a great place to start, MFP, is wonderful..:smile:
  • TiredandReadyForLoss
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member

    First off, congrats on making the decision to do something about your situation. You have learned the hard way (as many of us have) that this is a lifestyle and not a period of time thing. I am back again for the same reason, I let it go, figured oh what was a few pounds, quit looking at the scale, didn't log anything, quit exercising, etc....

    Your story is truly inspiring if you look at the heart behind what was written. Keep your motivations right in front of you and you won't fail. Family, health, love, ect...

    I can't wait to see the next chapter that you write as you regain your life back on your terms.
    Feel free to send a friend request.
  • jazzerciseN
    Hi! I have to admit that my eyes were welling up while reading your post. I think everyone who has been morbidly obese could relate to your story and it seems like yesterday I felt the same way. I was at one point 300 pounds so I know the pain and embarassment that comes with it. I also know how it goes online. You start a profile on some weight loss site, fill out the info, and never come back again. At first, it was difficult for me to keep logging on. I'd mess up now and then and leave for a week or so, but always made myself come back. If you can keep going and get a good system of friends on here to support you, this site with help you. I promise!

    I always tell my husband that it seems so unfair. If you're addicted to drugs, you just have to not take them anymore. With medical and psychological help, you can kick the habit forever. Unfortunately, you need to eat forever! So it's difficult to do something that you have to do every day to live, but it can also kill you.

    A big piece of advice I'd like to offer you is to read about eating disorders. No matter what kind you have, they're all pretty much stemmed from the same thing. I found a book called "Overcome Binge Eating" and it changed my life. I felt as if the book was written about and for me! It helped me understand my thinking and really analyze food situations as they came up. I continue to use the knowledge I gained every day to make better decisions. Sometimes I fall off the wagon. Sometimes I feel like my diet consumes all of my energy and time. Sometimes I eat in excess and don't want to fight anymore. But you have to. You owe it to your love, family, friends, and most of all yourself. It's a real disorder that is so difficult to overcome but possible.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    I applaud your bravery in baring it all and tackling your weight again. It is hard to lose a lot of weight... it is even harder to keep it off. You hit that point of being proud and sure that you can eat like a "normal" person and slowly it creeps back on. You know it is happening but come up with all kinds of ways to ignore it. Been there done that. I wish you all the luck in the world to doing it again and living a long, happy and healthy life. Feel free to ad me as a friend if you would like too. :)
  • TiredandReadyForLoss
    I have been yo-yo dieting for years. I have lost the same 35 pounds probably 4 times and found it again. I am once again up the 35 pounds. I need to eat healthier and I need the support of my family which is hard. (I have 2 teenaged daughters that can eat literally ANYTHING and stay thin and a 10 year old who is a healthy weight also). My husband would like to lose 20 -30 pounds so our journey starts today....clean eating, we already exercise 4- 5 times per week, and now we just need to get our calories in line. Looking forward to supporting you Jon throughout this journey! I will friend request you...ready to encourage you to a healthier you!!
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Jon! Thanks for opening up & sharing your story ~ I think we can all relate to it on some level. I wish you the very best on your journey to what I hope is a very happy, healthy, active life!
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I'm also doing a higher protein, lower carb, 1000 calorie diet under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Clark at the Center for Weight Loss Success in Newport News. They do both medically supervised weight loss and bariatric surgery. It's the best investment I have ever made in myself. I'd love to be your friend. You can leave the old foods behind and learn new foods that you will enjoy just as much. I was 356 pounds at one time and have hovered around 170-175 for at least 20 years but just couldn't get the last 40-50 pounds of it off. It's important that I do because I have COPD and osteoporosis.

    You have such a great attitude and I know this time you will not only lose the weight but successfully keep it off. Thanks for sharing your story. You don't know who you might have unknowingly touched to finally do what it takes to get healthy themselves.
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I agree you should write your story.
  • Heidi_11913

    Your story brings tears to my eyes. What an incredible, brave thing you've done to share your story. I think in some way or another, most of us here can relate. You can do it. You have done it before and you will do it again, totally rooting for you!

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Congrats on the initial weight loss, that’s a whole lot to be proud of! Your story was heartwarmingly honest (and well written)!
    I too am trying to lose the weight that I gained back. My story is all too common but very different from yours, in a nutshell I worked hard and lost the weight, got pregnant and let that be an excuse to gain more than I should have. So now I’m back to all the hard work of measuring portions, logging everything, and exercising as often as I can.
    I don’t have as much to lose as you (45lbs) but if you want a friend on here that’s trying to lose what they already lost and learn the lesson so that history doesn’t repeat itself, then feel free to add me as a friend.
  • michelle0114
    Thank you for sharing your story. You can do this!
  • Jonslife
    Jonslife Posts: 19 Member
    I just want to thank everyone who has read my post and taken the time out of their lives to send me words of encouragement, offer support, and share their own stories.

    I am really blown away by all of the outpouring of emotion from total strangers.