Need advice- Wisdom Teeth are coming out



  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member

    I used to be a dental assistant and some of the things we recommended were soft foods, but as you pointed out some of those can be high calorie. I would think you could modify most of those foods for the 2 weeks that you'll be most tender. I'd eat things like lots of scrambled eggs or egg whites, you can do protein shakes with blended fruit in them- no seeded fruits though, they just get stuck in the holes, but peaches apples and bananas would be fine. (Remember not to drink anything thru a straw-will pull out a blood clot and result in a dry socket!) You could do mashed sweet potatoes, or regular potatoes, Frozen lowfat yogurt, sugar free jello and puddings. Honestly the first week is the worst, then you will graduate to chewing soft foods anyway. Steamed soft veggies are great, soft corn tortillas, crumbled meats like lean ground beef and turkey sausage are easier to deal with once your starting back. You will do just fine. Hope this helps, and good luck.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am scheduled to have my wisdom teeth out tomorrow and am stressing on the impact this will have on my weight loss. I have done a decent job of being active (trying to get at least 45 minutes of moderate to strenuous activity day) and realize that I will be laid up for at least a few days. Any recommendations for low calorie/fat soft foods that will help me not gain over the next few days while I am stationary?
    Depending on how impacted they are, you may not be laid up as long as you think. I went to the beach the day after I had mine out and never even touched the pain meds (and I'm a wimp).

    Good luck! And, seriously, it's a health issue, Don't panic over a few days of your life.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I had all 4 of mine pulled at once, two of them partially impacted, under general, 6-7 years ago. I went on an hour long plus hike that afternoon. I don't know that you'll necessarily be laid up for two days afterwards.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    From my experience dealing with wisdom teeth that were impacted, you won't be eating much other broth and water. Stuff that you don't have to chew or think about that just slides right down.

    This covers it! :cry: Believe me eating will likely be the last thing on your mind, I know it was on mine. Just concentrate of getting better. :flowerforyou:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I had all 4 of mine taken out a few years ago as they were impacted, I had it done under general anaesthetic.

    I ended up getting an infection after, so I didn't eat solid food for about 3 weeks! I definitely lost weight. I ate things like tomato soup, yogurts, carrot and swede mash. I even got some Phish food ice cream, only I couldn't eat the chocolate fish! I didn't think of having shakes at the time, but that's a good suggestion.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    Who is your dentist and how backwards are their methods? I have had my wisdom teeth out and except for the first day I was eating just fine. Also a day or two of not eating as much as you normally do or eating softer foods isnt going to derail your plan if its a good plan.

    Depends on if they are bone impacted, and how they are sitting in the jawline- I have seen some sitting completely sideways in the bone. Some people require an oral surgeon to remove them. It's not always a matter of a dentist with backward methods. Good for you that you had no issues or complications, everyone should be so lucky.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I had impacted wisdom teeth that had to be cut into bits and pulled out. You're sore, no denying that.
    I think the first few days I lived on apple sauce, toast (lightly toasted and soaked in applesauce!)yogurt and scrambled eggs. Of course I also had nice pain killers, ice packs and ice cream....
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    broth, water, shakes, etc. Do what your body needs to do. You need calories to recover from surgery, and yes, this is a surgery. I was pretty much knocked out for the first 24 hours or so and could not have told you how many calories I ate if I wanted to!
  • mandyfkelley
    Thank you for all of the replies and help making my grocery list :)
  • jessiefied
    Eat tonnes of soup, its great!
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    I had all 4 out in January. I was put under as 3 were impacted (one side ways) and nerves were involved.

    I was on oxycodine for an entire week. I did start eating solids around 5 days in at the insistence of my husband.

    The thing that actually got me eating again was cake batter milkshakes from Cold Stone. Shameful, but, I earned them. You won't be eating anywhere near enough to have to worry about gaining weight!
  • bevchen
    bevchen Posts: 8 Member
    I had my two bottom wisdom teeth out on Thursday and I couldn't eat anything on the first day! (Had breakfast before surgery though). Day 2 I managed 3 spoonfuls of ice cream and half a bowl of soup. If you're anything like me, the pain and taste of blood will put you off eating/drinking anyway. I've basically been living on soup and ice cream since Thursday! Last night my boyfriend put some pieces of bread in my soup and I was able to eat them once they were soft. It's now day 5 and I still can't chew, but swallowing is now just uncomfortable rather than painful (until yesterday, every time I swallowed I felt like my stitches were being ripped out. Fun!) Tonight I plan to try mashed potatoes. Might mash some carrots in there too.
  • bevchen
    bevchen Posts: 8 Member
    Who is your dentist and how backwards are their methods? I have had my wisdom teeth out and except for the first day I was eating just fine. Also a day or two of not eating as much as you normally do or eating softer foods isnt going to derail your plan if its a good plan.

    I'm on day 5 now and still not "eating just fine". One of my teeth was practically completely on its side and the dental surgeon had to cut a huge hole to get to it. There's nothing wrong with my dentist, but there IS a difference between just having wisdom teeth pulled and needing them surgically removed.
  • DCruz83
    I never understood how people say they can eat just fine the next day... I didn't had anything special done when they were taken out but my dentist always breaks them because it's easier. Had a 2nd one removed last year and I recall needing a good 3-4 days before I could even consider anything that couldn't be swallowed. Never calculated back then how much calories I was eating but considering I was going on broth and applesauce for most of that time... I wouldn't worry too much but it's true that it'll take a while before you can be active again, I've always biked lots and the higher my heart rate got, it would sometimes hurt even way past the first week so I think it all depends on how fast your body heals and exactly how yours are removed.