Training for Marathon?

its_B Posts: 491
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise

I have been an avid user for awhile now but I am returning after a summer of hiatus. Anyways, my boyfriend and I are working out together, and we want to train towards a marathon. However, I was curious as to what a reasonable time line of training might be? We would be running and working out a minimum of 4 or 5 days a week. Not every day would be running, but most would. Any ideas?

Thanks so much!


  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I'm planning on running the Disney marathon in Jan 2012. I gave myself 15 months becuase I'm such a newb that I knew I would need extra time. I sure don't have any good advice for you, but I'm interested to see what shows up in here.

    Feel free to friend me if you wanna chat about it from time to time! :)
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I just recently picked up running as an exercise tool. I am 50 pounds overweight, but I still put my mind to running a marathon. I am still a newbe to running, so I am not sure about how long would it take to train for one, but I think it could be done in three months to two years. I would love to be friends with people who like to run, so I could chat, share, and maybe even run together in a marathon.

  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    Most of the training plans I've seen (including a few good books that are out there) require a minimum of four months assuming you've already been running awhile. I would say, if you're new, plan on at least six months. Good luck!
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Here's something I just happened to find on CoolRunning:
    While virtually any runner can complete a marathon with enough preparation and determination, large reservoirs of both are required. You should not run a marathon unless you have at least a year of running experience behind you to prepare both mind and muscle for the miles and months of training ahead. Make sure, too, that you review Cool Running's tips for injury prevention in the Aches & Pains section.

    Here's the link if you want to read the whole article:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    JEnks - Thank link was super helpful. I used cool running to train for the 5K. I wasn't aware they had such other helpful programs!

    tsydow - thanks so much! I was guessing a min of a year... It is going to be SUCH an amazing feeling if we are able to do it!

    eversits - GOOD LUCK! I would love to create a support group for running. Would you be able to be consistent and also report your exorcises and such? I feel like if we can get a good group together then we could be an incredible aid to one another and others!

    suedre - GOOD LUCK ALSO! That is an awesome goal! I am sure with determination you will absolutely make it!

    Thanks so much to those who have replied, and please if anyone else has advice or even just comments feel free to post! I would love to read if there are others like my Bf and I, or if there are people who were in our position who reached their goals!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I've got the book Marathoning for Mortals. I'm using it to train for my half in January (WDW Half). The half plans are 14 weeks and the full plans are 20 weeks. They do suggest that you be active at least a year before starting to train...I figure my life has been active enough living in NYC I should be ok. They have walk, walk/run, run/walk and run lans for each distance.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Oh neat! I am going to have to check it out! Thanks! :)
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    Absolutely. I would love to have a support group, and I would definitely post my exercises. I am going to be consistent because I have to. I have no choice, but to do it. I really need to lose the extra weight that I got on myself, and it would be a great motivation to have a goal, like a marathon ahead of me...
    Please keep me updated, and we can start our training!!! Good luck!!!
  • My roommate just completed a half marathon with absolutly no training at all. I would try to get her to run with me but she runs very slow and could only run a mile. with no training she was able to run walk the half marathon in 3 hours and 30 mins.

    I set small goals i started with a 5k and every 3 months i would either attempt to better my time or move up to a 10k and so on. Setting small goals helps me stay in the game.
  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    I am training for a Marathon for Memorial Day weekend. I am using the Hal Higdon novice plan. You should try it out!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Jillid71 - thanks I will def. check it out!!

    eversits - haha good luck with you too! I will let you know when I start my training, hopefully within the week. Right now I am really busy unpacking my new apt, and finding a job, but should start very soon.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I will be running the NY marathon next November. I already exercise a lot but I will start my training proper 6 months beforehand xxx
  • Congratulations on trying your marathon! I ran my first one early this summer, training takes about 4-5 months, but it also depends on what your body tells you. Also, make sure you go get fitted for a really good pair of shoes. There are a lot of running stores that do gait analysis and will fit you for shoes to help give you better running form and will help with injury prevention. One other thing that really helped me was kettle bell training. It really works at getting up your endurance. It goes hand in hand with tabatas which are usually about 20-30 secs of really strenuous cardio (wall climbers, up/downs, kettle bell swings, rapid squats) and then 10 secs of rest. This is done at first for 4 min intervals. Then when you really get your endurance up you should be able to do 10 mins of tabatas at a time. Good luck everyone!
  • Check the site you are doing the marathon for - I know I am doing a 1/2 marathon in a little less than 2 weeks. They had a schedule that I followed to get rid for the run!
  • steve2375
    steve2375 Posts: 14 Member
    I ran the Madison (WI) Marathon this past May. I also used Hal Higdon's Marathon Training Guide, the novice version. Here is the link:

    Good Luck!!
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