Pre Bed Meal - Blessing or Curse for weight loss ?

Hey All,

I have been reading about Pre Bed Meal and have found contradicting opinions about Pre Bed Meals when on a weight loss plan.

Few recommend eating 3 hours or more before bed time. Some researches prove that the pre bed meal is better to keep up your metabolism since you fast the entire night.

I usually have my dinner between 8-9 pm and go to bed around 12ish...If its within the daily calorie limit, should I eat a pre bed meal??? If yes, what should I eat to ensure that I dont put on fat but loss it ?

Does the body enter a catabolic state without a pre bed meal?

Also read that its good to eat Pears before going to bed... Reference:

I doubt if thats true because pears mainly consists simple carbs and I doubt if eating simple carbs before bed would help weight loss. Probably eating protein before bed might help !

Please do share ur opinions..


  • trace1388
    I've read it's not good to eat before bedtime. I usually have a little snack maybe a graham cracker or a hot chocolate (mix in a packet) about an hour or two before bedtime. I also go to bed around twelve. Tracy
  • lordofultima
    It depends on the regularity of meals throughout the day. If you eat 6 meals a day, and eat your last of 6 meals 3 hours before bedtime, you're good. I wouldn't recommend eating your last meal 3 hours before bedtime if you eat 2-3 large meals a day, you need at least 5 hours or so before bed in that case.

    Don't listen to what anybody tells you, even me! Just do your own research and the common sense will answer your own questions.

    Whey Protein Shake before bed is not a bad idea, since the protein is taken in relatively quickly (some say 15-30 minutes), and this gives some building blocks for your muscles -- seeing as everything rebuilds overnight.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    My conclusion is just protein before bed. That should be the only thing you take before bed. If anything else, it should be one or two bits only (so that your stomach doesn't growl at night and you can sleep).

    Anything else would probably turn into fat.