Slim in 6 Workout



  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    My birthmom, who has bad knees, is in her early 40's, beginner level, and works up to 60 hours a week (crazy woman) tried it and really liked it. She could fit it in and do it easily, yet still saw results and felt it challenged her. I think she lost her DVD's during her most recent move, so she didn't get to finish (or restart). But she's REALLY picky. So I think it sounds good!
  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member
    It looks like this thread was started a few months ago....I'm curious what all your results were when you did the program. I'm on day 1, week 2, and so far I like it but I'm pretty sure I've pulled a muscle somewhere so I'm not going as deep into the squats as I'd like.

    So for those of you who were in this thread earlier and were just starting out, how do you like the program? Did you stick with it? Are you happy with your results?
  • Yiriandur
    Yiriandur Posts: 4 Member
    Started SI6 slowly a few weeks ago, as I realised I was -by far- not as fit as i thought i was anymore. I in fact looked at doing a higher level program, and was disappointed in myself that i couldn't do it.
    The name put me off a bit, because well, it sounds like any hallmark dieting program that you don't want to brag about to your friends. Ofcourse, giving it a chance made me realise that well... technically they made a good point. I -have- gained more weight than i ever had and my muscle mass percentage is/was at an all time low.

    After a slow start (also, not taking supplements, not following the SI6 advised diet but eating up to calorie deficit and attempting to keep the macros in check), I'm kicking it into gear for the second serious week in a row. Not that i do the program daily, i also once a week go to the gym instead and once or twice a week don't sport at all.
    But because I already feel physically fitter this shortly in, I see its benefits. I am going to stick with it, despite what i hear about monotony, and I'll follow it through in my own schedule, at a point where I feel comfortable going to the next level.

    Also, please add me. Could do with some mutual support and motivation! :)
  • alvina15
    Hi all
    I would like to purchase too, are you from UK or from US? as read lots of reviews from amazon these Dvd s wont play in Uk especially if they bought from beach body . any thoughts ? Thank you
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If you check out the shopping channels or early(ish) on a weekend on the channels that don't start until later in the day, you're bound to catch the ad for it there in the UK.
  • eve21tara
    eve21tara Posts: 3
    Today I started my journey with the Slim in 6 program. I got up at 5am to workout before the kids got up. After hitting snooze for over an hour, I just turned it off. What!? This is not how the day was supposed to begin! 8:30 came, kids up, screaming, feeding thedogs their breakfast. Finally, nap time! Let's do this. I put in Start it Up. It kicked my butt! For years I have been doing Leslie Sansones walk away the pounds, and this was so far beyond that. Debbie's warm up is the same pace as Leslie's fat burning. I did enjoy the workout. I think people are being a bit nit picky with their complaints. I am looking forward to this evenings workout.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I completed Slim in Six a few weeks ago and am now tossing around the idea of alternating the first two workouts with some other ones I have. I found the first one to be ok, the second one was a butt kicker and the third was killer. Keep it up is still a challenge to me and sometimes is too much. Feel free to add me as well.
  • GuruRas
    GuruRas Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm on day 5 of Slim in 6 and am enjoying Start it Up. I'm thinking of alternating Slim in 6 with yoga and PiYo. Hope you're well and feeling great! ~Gururas
  • Viccis84
    Viccis84 Posts: 1
    I've just ordered slim in 6 via beach body. Can't wait to receive it although a little nervous as I've not exercised in a looonnng time!
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    The first CD was just enough of a kick in the butt to wear me out. My husband tried it with me and he repeated the first two for longer than you are supposed to just to get comfortable with each one before he moved on. I finished the series and now do Keep it up when I need a good butt kicking.
    I've just ordered slim in 6 via beach body. Can't wait to receive it although a little nervous as I've not exercised in a looonnng time!