First day of 30 Day Shred

Anyone else.starting today, Monday Oct 4? or any well wishers?? I can do 30days right???


  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I did my first day today and plan to finish the 30...I will join you...but, you have to yell at me and be mean if I don't keep up!!!


    sending a friend request
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Its a great workout. Do give yourself at least one day a week for your muscles to rest, or you risk overworking them and breaking them down. Other than that, have fun, and you can do it! I saw great results with it! :smile:
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    I just did my 30 day shred. I was sick part of it, but lost 18 lbs. I didn't start putting it on here until about 10 lbs ago. You'll do great! What program are you using?
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I started on on the 1st of October I plan to finish up on the last day of the month,....
  • sheenmarie3
    sheenmarie3 Posts: 38 Member
    Keep at it, I finished Day 4 this was hard to wake up early first thing on Monday but to do a 20ish minute workout its worth it and goes by fast, so keep it up! I've tried this several times and havent made it 4 days before :) hoping to make it to Halloween eve! :) I've already seen a difference from the first day...Good luck!
  • kayleigh333
    I did day 5 today, and have already seen a big improvement in my endurance. Today I managed to do all the press ups for the first time (ok, not the proper press ups just the ones on your knees) but that is still a big achievement for me cos I have no upper body strength whatsoever! I'm sure I'm going to see good results by the end of the 30 days. Good luck with it! :)
  • aly11
    aly11 Posts: 2
    You can so do this! I did it in August into September (Monday thru Friday only and alternating between levels) and the results are worth it! I have since added Jillian's other DVD's into the mix....they all bring fabulous results!
  • cocoontheradio
    cocoontheradio Posts: 11 Member
    wahoo!! excellent!!! yall have me excited! :)
  • kels0107
    what is the 30 day shred? Where can I find some info on it?
  • pocketfluff
    I started this today.. although my weights haven't arrived yet.... any idea ho many calories this workout burns? How are you logging it in your exercise diary?

    You can find it on comcast on demand under fitness :)
  • cocoontheradio
    cocoontheradio Posts: 11 Member
    well we both have to be 'mean' to each other. wanted. to. die. its the worst 27 mins of my life. def on the modified chick!! sonuvagun!

    good luck sister!! i put a video blog up on my blog here on this site. check it out.
  • cocoontheradio
    cocoontheradio Posts: 11 Member
    i logged it in as 20 mins of circuit training.
  • cocoontheradio
    cocoontheradio Posts: 11 Member
    You can so do this! I did it in August into September (Monday thru Friday only and alternating between levels) and the results are worth it! I have since added Jillian's other DVD's into the mix....they all bring fabulous results!

    so one day you would level one and say on tuesday you would do level two?

    as of today i think this whole week and even next will be level one!
  • pocketfluff
    well we both have to be 'mean' to each other. wanted. to. die. its the worst 27 mins of my life. def on the modified chick!! sonuvagun!

    good luck sister!! i put a video blog up on my blog here on this site. check it out.

    I was on the modified part too.... it was so hard lol. I guess that means its working right?! ;)