I've Stopped Losing :( Help

So I started on here weighing 160 with a goal weight of 125. I am now down to 142 and I have stayed here for two weeks now. I only went over my calorie goal (of 1200 calories) once with in those two weeks. I had been losing pretty consistently up til this point and now I feel discouraged. I don't feel comfortable enough with myself to stop here. How can I start losing again? Please help.


  • yshehabi
    yshehabi Posts: 2 Member
    1. Don't get frustrated. Be patient and keep going.
    2. Look deeper in your diet. I guess it is not only calories that matter, but fats and sugars. The MFP provides with breakout for our food entries so it is easy to identify the quantities of nutrition elements that are recommended daily.
  • Frustrating -- I feel you!

    Maybe look at it a little differently: you just lost more than 10% of your body weight. Sometimes your body needs to adjust.

    Add strength training (if you're not already). This may also stall your weight loss for a few weeks, but take your measurements and watch the inches melt away!

    Also, is your goal realistic for your height/frame?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Two weeks without a loss is well within the normal fluctuations you're going to see while dieting and normally it's nothing to worry about.

    With your diary closed and no details about your routine it's tough to say more. It could be water weight retention (stress, hormones, sodium, exercise, etc can all cause us to hold onto water).

    Are you weighing/measuring your food? Are you exercising? Are you eating back your exercise calories? If so, are you using MFP/machine estimates or a heart rate monitor?
  • MissDesiAmaris
    MissDesiAmaris Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you guys so much. I will take all of your advice. This helps a lot! :)