Is my routine a good method to follow? Newbie here!

Im 5'4 and 139ish lbs. I want to get down to 125. I've been eating less than 1000 calories, taking 3 oxyelite pro supplements and the womans active vitapak a day. I'm also hydrating like crazy and doing crossfit workouts and the insanity program daily. I don't feel lethargic or anything but I want to drop weight ASAP. Is this a good routine to follow? My diet is pretty much as follows daily:

Breakfast: 1 total lean shake and a banana

Snack: 1 hard boiled egg

Lunch: 1 total lean shake and an orange

Snack: baby carrots and dip

Dinner: some chicken and spinach.

I just really want some insight because I have a set of uniform pants I need to fit back into soon. Thanks.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    Where's that .gif of the bearded guy when I need him?
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    It is not a good routine. First of all, you are eating way too few calories. Second, you are doing the same exercise every day and could end up hurting yourself because you aren't allowing at least one day for muscle repair. You can workout every day, just alternate exercises and parts of your body. I do cardio 4 days a week and resistance training 3 days. You should be eating back some of those exercise calories. You will slow your metabolism, hence weight loss, if you don't eat enough.Are you tying to do low carb, because if you are bananas are oranges are not good choices. Berries are excellent, however. You also need a lot more vegetables and real protein.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    At your current weight and height, you're not far off a healthy weight. So any additional weight loss is going to be slow, andreading between the lines, you're looking for a quick fix.

    Less than 1000 calories is not good. The over-reliance on shakes rather than real food is also not good. I dont know what the supplements are for, so I'll reserve comment on them.

    The egg, carrots, chicken and spinach are all great choices, and exercise will certainly help improve your shape. Do you give yourself a rest day so that your muscles can repair?
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    Your calories seem miserable and your post is about to explode.

    *pulls out the popcorn*
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Less than 1000 calories is way too you are exercising on top of that. You are setting yourself up to crash big time. You might want to rethink.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    You are seriously doing Insanity AND crossfit at a 1000 calories a day. What is wrong with you?

    i'm 5 2, 139 lbs as well and I'm at 1500 on JUST insanity. And that's lower than the Insanity book recommended. And I'm dropping weight no problem.

    If I eat any significant amount under 1500 during a day and try to do insanity, I bonk out 1/2 way thru. Then I burn less calories so why was it I wasn't eating again?
  • dallasandrews1
    dallasandrews1 Posts: 22 Member
    I give myself 2 days a week for muscle repair.

    I drink the shakes because I'm In the navy and don't get a whole lot of time to eat a meal.

    I'm not looking for a quick fix I'm just looking for some guidance and what to tweak here and there. I've never eaten much to begin with. I just want to get back to my pre boot camp weight.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    at 21 years old with only 15lbs to lose, I think you'd be well served by taking a few steps back and getting a better handle on what it means to be healthy, have a reasonable self image, etc.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Im 5'4 and 139ish lbs. I want to get down to 125. I've been eating less than 1000 calories, taking 3 oxyelite pro supplements and the womans active vitapak a day. I'm also hydrating like crazy and doing crossfit workouts and the insanity program daily. I don't feel lethargic or anything but I want to drop weight ASAP. Is this a good routine to follow? My diet is pretty much as follows daily:

    Breakfast: 1 total lean shake and a banana

    Snack: 1 hard boiled egg

    Lunch: 1 total lean shake and an orange

    Snack: baby carrots and dip

    Dinner: some chicken and spinach.

    I just really want some insight because I have a set of uniform pants I need to fit back into soon. Thanks.

    1,000 calories a day and you're exercising besides? Let's say you eat 1,000 calories & exercise for 500 calories .... this is like giving your body 500 calories a day.

    Check out your BMR (basal metabolic rate) ..... the calories your body uses everyday (even if you stayed in bed) ..... it's WAAAY more than 500 calories. The problem with eating less than your BMR ..... your heart, lungs, kidneys, are not getting the nutrients (forget about vitamins) ...... to do their job. So your body catobolizes muscle tissue to get what it needs.

    If you want to keep your current body fat % ..... this is a good plan. If you want to LOWER your body fay % .... you will eat enough to fule your workouts. This is at least 1200 + Exercise calories ..... this is how MFP is designed.

    Living on protein shakes ............. eat "real food." You will need to learn about "real food" if you want to keep the weight off. You will need to learn portion sizes, what foods are high in protein, sugar, fiber, fats. This will help you make smart choices in the future. Using protien shakes as supplements is fine .... but not as meal replacements.

    A better short term solution is Spanx .... not killing yourself.
  • dallasandrews1
    dallasandrews1 Posts: 22 Member
    I have no problem with my self image. I'd just like to drop a few extra pounds. Since I transferred I gained some weight and just want to shed it. I enjoy working out because it relieves stress theres nothing "wrong with me". I've just never been a big eater to begin with and the food I did eat when I got here wasn't the best and I accept that.

    Can I get some examples of a healthy diet then? I mean, I've already lost some weight with what I'm doing but I'd like to do it "the right way".
  • dallasandrews1
    dallasandrews1 Posts: 22 Member
    This was helpful, thank you! Where do you reccomend I look up what an appropriate portion size would be?

    What is Spanx I haven't heard of that.
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    A healthy diet is eating enough to support your health and your exercise levels. You'll probably just ignore everyone here, but google TDEE and go from there.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    A healthy diet is eating enough to support your health and your exercise levels. You'll probably just ignore everyone here, but google TDEE and go from there.

    this... and made up of primarily real food.
  • No, just no!!!

    Please do a little research for the sake of your health
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm sorry, you drink the shakes cos you dont have time to eat a meal, but you have enough time to do insanity and cross-fit each day?

    A healthy diet looks something like:

    Breakfast - poached egg on wholemeal toast
    Lunch - vegetable soup
    Dinner - protein and veg
    Snacks - fruit, nuts, cheese.
  • dallasandrews1
    dallasandrews1 Posts: 22 Member
    My command sets up a specific time through the day where we have to go workout. It's mandatory. So it's not like I get much of a choice. THEN I stand 24 hour watches ON TOP of an 8 hour workday the next day. I do this every 4 days. You do the math. I don't get much time.
  • hi, sorry to agree with everyone else and nag you but you really need to eat more. the thing with exercise is - it needs fuel. diet and exercise are two different animals, dieting loses weight and exercise gets you fit. from a calorie point of view you are only barely eating enough to sustain you without the additional exercise
    so i would either drop the exercise and continue as you are food wise or continue the exercise and eat more. also bear in mind that when you have reached your goal if you stop exercising suddenly you will lose fitness

    good luck

    julie from
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Running your numbers through a TDEE calculator ( you could be eating double what you're eating to lose weight. This would also help to reduce the side effects of low calorie diets (muscle loss, fatigue, hormone imbalance, metabolic adaptation, etc) and it will help to set you up with healthy habits and a solid base for when you reach your goal and transition to maintenance.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    This was helpful, thank you! Where do you reccomend I look up what an appropriate portion size would be?

    What is Spanx I haven't heard of that.

    For portion sizes ... measure your food. A box of cereal has the portion size right on the box .... however, if I just pour a bowl in the morning my "guesstimation" is way off. I need to measure my cereal. Use measuring cups (at the very least) ... or a food scale (even better). Fruit is generally a piece, or a cup of berries or a cup of watermelon. Veggies are typically low calories ... you can eat a lot of these. Log your food here and it will open your eyes.

    As far as eating .... try to get as much unprocessed food as you can. The fruits & veggies are a good start. These have all the fiber & nutrients that they started out with. The problem with porcessed food .... added fat, added sugar, less fiber, less protein. You need to make the most of your calories when there are fewer of them.

    I have no problem digesting carbs, so I eat them. I try to eat whole grains. If I'm having bread with a meal, I don't also have potatoes or corn .... this is just starch + starch ..... I have a hamburger and salad ... not a hamburger and fries.

    Spanx is like a girdle
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    No. That's a stupid routine. And I think you know that. What are you looking for here? Do you want someone to say "Sure! Crash diet! Trash your metabolism! Fast is all that counts! Healthy doesn't mean anything. And screw sustainable. It's all about instant gratification after all."