Hello...I am so lost and scared

My name is Michael, I am 48 (49 in october) and i weigh 465 pounds. I have no energy, I can abrly stand for more than 5 mintues at a time. Walking even a short distance will flare up my siactic nerve and I am all but usless for days after. I am disabled, home bound for the msot part. Can no longer drive, and the enarest town is 15 miles away. I feel like I am in prison. I get bored and I eat. i get depressed and i eat. I read a book and I eat. I do not know if there is any hope for me? I do suffer from sleep apnea. My thyroid is un responsive and I have high blood preasure. My sugar & Cholestrol are both good for now. But I have bene suffering from bouts of low blood sugar. is there hope? I do not know what to do..but I am desperate.I amhaving a hard time staying awake. I will drift off to sleep even when i really do not want to. i have no energy, feels like everything is a fight. My house is a mess..I want to clean but there is jsut no energy. Please help me


  • soyum
    soyum Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Michael, I'm 50 and was just about the same weight as you 3 years ago. I'm now approaching my goal weight of 250. The first sign for me that something was wrong was I couldn't walk to the mail box and back without being short of breath, burning chest pain, etc, etc.

    The best advice from me as someone with a similar age and starting weight... is to just get up and walk. I couldn't walk for more than 1-3 minutes at a time at first. Perhaps with you, you're only able to walk a few steps. That's ok!!! Take it one day at a time!!

    Seriously Michael, you can do this, but it has to come from YOU! Start small....set goals..that you can MEET!!!!! Walk maybe a few seconds each day, then maybe 1-2 minutes. Try to get to at least 5 mins at a time, then 10, then 15, then 20, then 25, and then 30!! Once you're at 30, stick with it!!

    Message me all you want to, this CAN be done!!!!!
  • clownfear_7
    My heart goes out to you Michael. It absolutely seems like your situation is dire. I will not give you any input about exercise, diet or health. Your condition seems to need some serious, SERIOUS professional intervention.
    It is my hope that you understand this and begin taking baby steps to get the help that you need.
    I am a family advocate and part of my job is to help family members set goals and then to begin by taking the smallest of steps until they can hit their goal. I cannot create a goal for them or for you. You have to create your own goal. It seems to me that your goal is to improve the quality of your life. If you need professional help you need to research who in your area can get you that professional help, how you can get there, or can they come to you, and start by making phone calls. If you have a friend of family member who can help you do this then lean on them and follow through. You probably need therapy because it is likely that you have depression.
    Best of luck, Michael!
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    You have to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Being on this site will help. Make sure you log everything you eat. Every step you take counts. You will make lots of friends here.
  • jema_b98
    jema_b98 Posts: 28 Member
    yes, baby steps....and find something, besides eating to keep your hands busy...build a bird house or model cars, or take up a new hobby, like painting or cermaics. It is hard to eat if your hands are holding something else. Start slow and build up, one day at a time, make better choices with your food. For one day, cut out something you eat that's not healthy and get through the day. Replace it with something healthy. You will be surprised that you won't miss the bad stuff much, and the next day will be a little easier. Keep doing this with the unhealthy food and watch your portions. Good luck, you can do it!:happy: :happy:
  • clownfear_7
    And by the way, Michael, rockin' beard!
  • adenirank
    adenirank Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Michael. You inspired me to get back down to size. Hey I'm joining you we can do this together.:smile:
  • mrsPaananen72
    mrsPaananen72 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, because English is not my first language I have to ask what un responsive thyroid means? If it means that it´s not functioning as it should, you need medication for it. Google hypothyroid and check symptoms, do they apply to you?
  • soniablack1650
    Hi Michael!

    You can do this. Make this man your friend here on my fitness pal: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/thedean1td1. He used to weigh over 700 pounds, now he's your weight. If he can't inspire you, check your pulse. And make me your friend and soyum who also responded. Search the message boards to find friends who are or were at the same starting weight as you and are at various stages of loss, from just starting to already there. Some of my best inspirations on mfp are the ones who have been sticking to it for two years and more. Having friends on mfp has really made a difference for me.

    Make sure your diary is visible because that's one of the ways others can help keep us in line. And be ruthlessly honest with yourself in your diary because your body is being ruthlessly honest with you. You may have heard the adage, what we eat in private, we wear in public. The only person we are fooling is ourselves, and only in our head because the rest of our body is not fooled, so be honest.

    Congratulations on joining!
  • chris42376
    chris42376 Posts: 83 Member
    Start small. You can do this, even if its just talking small walks to the end of your driveway. We all believe in you :)

    I completely understand what you are going through and feeling. I am an emotional eater as well. Feel free to add me as a friend bro, I'm always willing to lend whatever support I can.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would suggest speaking with your doctor about exercises that are safe for you and will not aggravate your sciatic nerve. I know that’s a cliché answer, but with any medical condition that limits movement it really is best to talk to the treating physician. You may need to work with a physical therapist at first to learn safe movement.

    Exercise may also help with the depression and emotional eating. You can lose weight without exercise, but it’s so much easier with it. Tell your doctor of desire to get to a healthy weight. Ask for a referral to a dietician, if you think that would help. You may be a candidate for weight loss surgery, given your limited mobility.
  • UncleKennyinPNS
    I'm 71 and I found walking made my back hurt and it was too HOT in Florida. My son reminded me that you have to work through the pain - it does go away. I walk inside, in place, for as long as I want. Check this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df2gn6-w0dE (or search for exercise video). You can do it; it just starts with a decision and you've done that already.
  • cl_green
    You can do this! Don't give up! Start small - like everyone is saying - it is all about taking one step at a time, but you can't give up, you have to stick to it! We're here for you! Feel free to add as a friend if you would like!
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Posting is the first step. Changes like this take baby steps. I would suggest getting in to a physician if you can, as you shouldn't make drastic changes to your life without physician advice. That said, being here will help a lot too.

    My ideas for easy to manage first steps:
    1. Buy a digital food scale (amazon delivers if you can't get out to get one, and you can get them reasonably inexpensively).
    2. Weigh and measure everything, and I mean everything, you put in your mouth. Log it all here.
    3. Make #2 a requirement and a habit. It will take a bit of time at first, then you'll get used to it.
    4. Pick 1 goal - for example, if you drink soda, a goal could be to reduce it but not cut it out, or replace a high calorie food you graze on with something like celery.
    5. Pick 1 small exercise goal - don't overdo it, especially with what you've told us. Nothing is too small, btw. If it's just to get up every hour and walk down a hallway and back, then awesome. Don't compare yourself to someone else who can do more. You do what you can, and do it regularly.
    6. As you get used to #4 and 5, look at other small changes you can make.

    BTW, don't freak out about having to cut everything out. Fats aren't evil; the body needs them. Figure out how many calories you tend to eat daily now and just reduce that slowly without giving up things you like, incorporate in some fresh fruits and vegetables too, and voila, you'll be making progress. My biggest failures are always related to me trying to do too much too soon, having some short-term success, stalling out, and eating myself bigger in frustration. Now - I'm not giving anything up. I have my calorie goals and I just have whatever I want within them (what I want is healthier for the most part, but if I want pizza, I have it...I just eat 2 slices instead of the whole pizza, or I work out more so I can have more). You will get to the point that you can increase exercise and incorporate better habits all the time, but for now...baby steps, get yourself used to it! Welcome to MFP, you can do this :)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    At the risk of getting lots of "hate mail" like responses, have you considered weight loss surgery? I was 386 when I had my surgery. There are 5 kinds so if you are interested, make sure to do your research, but I was so immobile, that exercise was not an option at all. I'm not done yet, I still have 75 pounds to go, but I can walk for hours, ride an exercise bike and even dance with the grandkids. The surgery isn't a magic wand, I still have to count calories and exercise to keep the weight coming off and to keep it off. Surgery isn't the easy way out, it's hard work. And most important, it is a tool, period. If the changes you make are not forever changes, you will gain the weight back. I absolutely could not lose anything without the help of the surgery. There's a lot more to my story and feel free to message me if you want, but I agree with everyone else here. You can do this, how you do this is now the question. Good luck Michael.

    PS - for those of you that disagree with weight loss surgery, please be respectful of those of us that chose that path. It's not for everyone, but then your path is not for everyone either. Thank you.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    My heart goes out to you Michael. It absolutely seems like your situation is dire. I will not give you any input about exercise, diet or health. Your condition seems to need some serious, SERIOUS professional intervention.

    This. Also, is that a cigarette in your mouth in your pic? Quit smoking as part of your new lifestyle too!!!
  • Roopoo2
    Unresponsive thyroid means basically hypothyroidism. :drinker:
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Hi MIchael.

    I would like to give you a big hug on reaching out for advice. You have actually takes the first step. Just like the other MFPals have suggested take it one day at a time, LOG, and as far as exercise even if you cant move too far, do arm exercises as well. They burn calories or sit and move your legs back and forth. see how long you can do this. Chair exercises are a way to burn as well. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    First off, Confratulations on coming to MFP and making an introduction post. That takes a lot of "guts". You can do this. Start small. Log everything that you eat. And try your very best to be under or at the calories that the program allows you. This alone will allow you to drop some serious weight.
  • Roopoo2
    Prayer helps too. I don't what you believe in, or if you believe in science. But believing in yourself, helps. Prayer is not only talking to your higher power whatever that maybe, envisioning, what you need/ want, and faith that it can happen. :smile: :heart:
  • 271lisa
    271lisa Posts: 49 Member
    Hello Michael, the good news is there is nothing wrong with you that can't be fixed. Seriously! Think about it...once the weight comes off and you get the proper medication for your thyroid and possibly anti-depressant you will be in great shape! Do you have a vision about how you would like to look and feel? Maybe a time in your life that that you felt great and had energy? This may sound strange but have you ever watched the TV show "Extreme Weigh Loss"? That show has motivated and inspired me so much. I read through a few of the responses that you have received and one person recommended that you get medical help. I agree with that. Having a medical Dr. follow you and possibly a mental health professional for the depression. Also, you have reached out to others and you are not alone so that is so good!!! :)