


    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    I also recently added a meal protein chocolate powder that I mix with 1% choc. milk (Spiru-tein). I drink that in the morning with something else on the side. For instance: this morning, I had 1 scoop meal protein powder with 12oz choc. milk, a medium banana and 5 1/2 in slices of fresh green bell pepper. I had that a 8AM and I'm still full!!!! I'll probably eat lunch at like 1pm today! Probably add some cottage cheese, natural applesause and some other veggies before I go home. Eat a small supper, do my weight lifting and then drink my whey protein (Dymatize 100% whey) with some more choc. milk. I only drink the protein shake after weight lifting 3 days a week. I don't over do it, but I work hard on those 3 days so I need to help my muscles repair themselves.

    I didn't start the protein powders until after I lost most of the weight and started weight training! They really do help get in the vitamins and nutrients that you need if you find it hard to consume a lot of veggies, fruits, etc.... NOTE: protein shakes are not meant to be meal replacements! They simple do not have the nessessary vitamins/nutrients to replace a meal. use them as a snack or after a workout. The Spiru-tein I mention does have a ton of extra vitamins so I use that as a breakfast substitute with a banana or something else with it. I find it hard to have a meal for breakfast so this was a nice compromise for me.
  • kisstheheavens
    kisstheheavens Posts: 23 Member
    you are your own will power.

    motivation doesnt last forever...
    but showers dont either, thats why we take showers everyday
    we have to find motivation and believe in ourselves EVERYDAY
    that is will power!

    good luck! this time you own it!
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Log everything good bad and otherwise... even if you've given up for the day log it. Helps keep you honest and on track.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have to say it is easier to stay motivated when I am loosing, the biggest struggle is when I stay the same or go up when I have been very good with my eating but I try to take the view....at least i am not constantly going up and as long as the weight trend if down then I can at least stay a little motivated to keep going

    ^^Yep. Same here. If what I'm doing doesn't work, I have to find a way to not let it break me. I have to find another method.

    I decided last year that I wasn't going to put up with anymore excuses from myself. I stopped finding reasons why I couldn't make the effort and started looking for reasons that I could make the effort. I hate excuses and whining from others, so I had to stop doing those things with myself. Some things that have helped me are: eating whatever I want to, BUT changing my portion sizes to fit my calorie goals. I DO eat more well-balanced meals that include plenty of veggies, now, but if I want a piece of cake, I eat, and savor, 2-3 bites. I found that my root cause of continuing to eat/eating too much was gastronomic boredom and feeling cheated out of a satisfying meal (deprivation). I want to ENJOY my food and part of that was providing myself with at least 3 items per meal to diversify my flavors. Eating a big bowl of spaghetti, for example, always left me bored and unsatisfied. So, now, I have a tiny portion of spaghetti with 2 veggie/fruit sides (like: sautéed spinach and watermelon). If I have bread, I would eat a very small piece recognizing that I was eating my grains in the form of the pasta. Eating this way makes me feel like I'm eating well and not depriving myself, which doesn't threaten my resolve to stay within a calorie budget.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    you are your own will power.

    motivation doesnt last forever...
    but showers dont either, thats why we take showers everyday
    we have to find motivation and believe in ourselves EVERYDAY
    that is will power!

    good luck! this time you own it!

    I :heart: this post!
  • Fiona_Cami89
    Fiona_Cami89 Posts: 42 Member
    I get inspiration through YouTube vlogs and Instagram profiles as well as Pinterest pins on 'Healthy Lifestyles' and 'Weight Loss'.
    I also scout out the types of clothes I'd like to wear to keep me motivated! It seems to work for me though it does get hard at times. I'm only a week in but I'm hoping the old "It takes 21 days to form a habit" rings true :)
  • ballerina_tea
    ballerina_tea Posts: 41 Member
    I struggled with motivation in the beginning, but once I get into weight loss mode it's more habit than anything else.
  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    For me it has been the realisation that this is fully sustainable. No fads, no ridiculous restrictions, no being hungry, no short term fix.....this is something i can do forever and feel like I'm living a life not living til the next meal.

    It was also the shocking realisation that this doesn't need to be a journey consisting of years of yo-yoing up and down with my weight, forever taking one step forwards and two steps back, eventually arriving at goal, starving and exhausted at some far-distant time in the future (if ever!) I have lost almost three stone in five months so I could feasibly be at goal within 12 months. That is something I would never have believed until I got to this point.

    Now every ounce lost motivates me more, every calorie burned in exercise feels amazing and I just KNOW that this is the beginning of the end of being fat.