Hello...I am so lost and scared



  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Welcome to MFP. Don't ever give up because you are always worth it. Start small because you don't want to hurt yourself and get set back. Try walking a few minutes a day, one minute this week and two minutes next week and so on. You can also get some very light hand weights, like 1 lbs. You said you do radio so if you have a few free moments just lift the weights a few times. Anything is better than nothing. It's hard to stay motivate so make sure you surround youself with people that care about you, friends and family are great but if you don't have that there is always support on here. Friend request me or anyone else. When you are feeling your most down go on the Community page and look at some success stories to boost you up. Just remember that it doesn't happen over night but nothing worth doing is ever easy! Best of luck!
  • Hello Michael, Though I do not know what you are going through directly I can relate, because my father is in the same situation. He is now 57. He was once a very active man and then went through a very painful divorce. After that is when everything went to hell and he started to eat for everything. When he was bored, when he was happy, all through his depression. He couldn't walk to the bathroom without being out of breath and in pain. The list can go on and on and it hurts me to see him in the situation that he is in. A few years ago he talked to his dr about starting a diet that worked just for him. I was amazed at how much and what he was able to eat and still call it a diet. At first he started out just moving in the chair. Lifting small weights while sitting in the chair and lifting his legs while sitting. Basically using your own body weight as part of your workout. It actually worked after a few months of his diet and exercise he felt soo much better mentally and physically. He was happy and proud of himself for losing weight. He would always tell us to look at his stomach and notice how far it got from the steering wheel of the truck. That was his way of keeping track of weight loss. Scales as you know don't go that high. I was very proud of him. I may not know you, but in a way I feel proud of you. Your post is just the beginning. You are on the right track. You know your weaknesses and know your bad habits. Now is the time to try and fix them. Not all at once, but one by one you can get on track and get your fitness back to healthy. I have faith that you can do it and here at MFP you can find friends and motivation to help you on your journey. I hope that you stick with it and wish you luck. If you want you can add me I keep an open journal. I try to log daily and try to be a good motivator.
  • Hey mike - you're not alone and I'll do anything I can to help. I've lost 262 pounds.

    If you'd like my cell phone number please send me a private message, we'll get this fixed.

  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Michael, oh my gosh, how you NEED to know that you are not alone. You are not lost, because you have been FOUND here. Being scared is okay, because it is what spurs us on.

    Please go here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1092179-in-19-months-i-ve-lost-262-pounds-new-me-new-life and read this post. It's one of the most heartbreaking yet inspirational things I have ever seen. It describes how I felt on the inside. I think it describes how you feel on the inside. That man found his way. You too can find yours. His blog, if you want to read more (and you should!) is at www.gainsthroughloss.com .

    Take the advice you have received here, but mostly, get to see a doctor, then get a plan. Eat less, move more. Even if you only move a little more. You'll be able to build on it over time. And the Michael who walks around the couch and then sits back down kicks *kitten* over the Michael who never got up. Kick some *kitten* today!

    Never ever forget how you feel right now. Take your emotions and use them to spur you on. Everyone who has lost weight here had to start somewhere and we know how overwhelming it is. But it gets no better by doing nothing.

    Congratulations on doing something! Feel free to add me as a friend here - I'd love to be there for you!
  • doc19822
    doc19822 Posts: 83 Member
    And by the way, Michael, rockin' beard!
    Oh I know...I love looking like a mix of Tommy Chong & Jerry garcia!
  • ShadeBlossom
    ShadeBlossom Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Michael!

    Arthur's story might help inspire you, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448

    He was disabled and told he'd never walk unassisted again. Now, he runs. :)

    Whatever you do, don't give up. While you have breath, there's hope. Banish the word CAN'T from your vocabulary. You're stronger than you think you are.

    Best of luck to you. :)

    Edit: I have no idea why I devolved into bumper sticker slogans at the end, there, but I swear it was all sincerely meant!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Hey mike - you're not alone and I'll do anything I can to help. I've lost 262 pounds.

    If you'd like my cell phone number please send me a private message, we'll get this fixed.

    Okay, Kyle, now you've made me cry. Thanks for popping over here so quick. You are amazing to offer your personal help to this man.
  • Michael, I agree with everyone here who has said you've already taken the first step! You can make this happen, it sounds like you are a very cool person with so much to offer. I'm going to check out your radio show and will look forward to continuing to hear about your journey. You can do it!
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I listen to internet radio a lot. Post your stream!

    Why not start a blog about your struggle?

    I log everything, and I still weigh everything too. It becomes second nature.

    I don't do an awful lot of exercise to be honest. A minimum of 30 mins a day. Usually walking. I have Sciatica since I injured my lower back in the 90s.

    I only count 1 weigh in a week. Every Wednesday morning, though I do sneak peeks from time to time.

    I set myself milestones, anything I can think of, and also a specific event to be a certain weight for (Bruno Mars show on 8 Oct).

    Different people do it different ways, and that is how it should be, with no judgement.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I really have not been in your situation so theres not much I can say but I will pray for you. keep coming to this site every day all day if you can. there are so many wonderful and motivating people on here. whens the last time you've seen a doctor? try to get medical attention before you start working on losing weight. a doctor will tell you what you can and cant do because right now you feel as though you cant do anything. I understand what you mean about eating when youre bored, watching tv and reading a book. I do that as well. youre going to eat whats in your house so if you get rid of the junk and replace it with healthier options, that might help some. get rid of the sodas and drink water. even if you are unable to move just by the fact that you wont be drinking sodas anymore will help you tremendously. I wish you nothing but luck. you might be surprised at yourself in about a year how far you've come if you change a few things
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm Lew. Married, dad of two soon to be three... Down 185 in 14 months... Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Hey mike - you're not alone and I'll do anything I can to help. I've lost 262 pounds.

    If you'd like my cell phone number please send me a private message, we'll get this fixed.

    Okay, Kyle, now you've made me cry. Thanks for popping over here so quick. You are amazing to offer your personal help to this man.

    This is great. It gives me hope for humanity!
  • At the risk of getting lots of "hate mail" like responses, have you considered weight loss surgery? I was 386 when I had my surgery. There are 5 kinds so if you are interested, make sure to do your research, but I was so immobile, that exercise was not an option at all. I'm not done yet, I still have 75 pounds to go, but I can walk for hours, ride an exercise bike and even dance with the grandkids. The surgery isn't a magic wand, I still have to count calories and exercise to keep the weight coming off and to keep it off. Surgery isn't the easy way out, it's hard work. And most important, it is a tool, period. If the changes you make are not forever changes, you will gain the weight back. I absolutely could not lose anything without the help of the surgery. There's a lot more to my story and feel free to message me if you want, but I agree with everyone else here. You can do this, how you do this is now the question. Good luck Michael.

    PS - for those of you that disagree with weight loss surgery, please be respectful of those of us that chose that path. It's not for everyone, but then your path is not for everyone either. Thank you.
    My husband had bariatric surgery 4 years ago. He lost over 100 lbs and no longer has the health problems he had. It's not for everyone but, as a tool, it works...
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I don't have a whole lot to add. I just wanted to say, good job putting yourself out there! You can do this :heart:
  • Ov course theres hope for you !
    If your willing to help your self first then i and alot of people on here will help you
    do you exercise at home all ?
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    First of all, you are in the right place. You will receive support, encouragement and even tough love here. I believe you need to consult your doctor before you begin any kind of exercise or nutrition adjustments - especially since your thyroid is not functioning. I have an underactive thyroid that leaves me very fatigued when my medication is not working; this could be part of the cause of your drowsiness.

    God bless you on your journey. You can do this - one day, one step, one breath at a time. Small changes add up to large results!!
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    There is definitely hope for you. You've come to the right place, and that in itself is a start. One day at a time! Looking forward to seeing your successes- they are coming.
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Michael:

    It looks like you have taken the first step.

    I think the first thing I would urge you to do would be to see your doctor to find out what you can safely do in the way of walking.

    Goals that you can set and meet while you are waiting for your doctor appt are:

    Post here EVERY single day and get involved in the message boards.
    Log your food every single day.
    Try to make substitutes that are healthy for some of the things you are eating.
    Try to cut out some one thing that you think is contributing to your size whether it be soda, cookies, candy or whatever it is. (even try cutting it down for now).

    One step at a time and you absolutely CAN do this.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    Hey mike - you're not alone and I'll do anything I can to help. I've lost 262 pounds.

    If you'd like my cell phone number please send me a private message, we'll get this fixed.

    Okay, Kyle, now you've made me cry. Thanks for popping over here so quick. You are amazing to offer your personal help to this man.

    This is great. It gives me hope for humanity!

    this made me tear up as well and im at work that's awesome
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    one of the things I always wanted to do, is go to the fair with my daughter and ride the rides with her. I have refued doing this because
    1. I doubt if I could walk up and down a midway anymore
    2. if we did find a ride that could let me on, if it bumped or mvoed me I could really hurt my little girl.
    Now my little girl is 15, and I do not have much time left to go to the fair with her!

    And now I am sitting here crying at work because this is very sad. My dad was very overweight for the last few years of his life and rarely went farther than his bed to the living room chair. There was a lot of things he couldn't do that I am sure he wished he could. I really, honestly hope that with support of people on here you are able to make little steps and turn them in to bigger steps and get the life back that you deserve. One of the reasons I am losing weight is because I want to not only be around for a long time but also have the energy and ability to run around and do things with my kids.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Hey mike - you're not alone and I'll do anything I can to help. I've lost 262 pounds.

    If you'd like my cell phone number please send me a private message, we'll get this fixed.

    Okay, Kyle, now you've made me cry. Thanks for popping over here so quick. You are amazing to offer your personal help to this man.

    This is great. It gives me hope for humanity!

    this made me tear up as well and im at work that's awesome

    Ha ha, I'm at work too and was trying to hold back tears. Good luck to the Original Poster - and to Kyle, you certainly know the meaning of paying it forward, you have a good soul.
  • mrsPaananen72
    mrsPaananen72 Posts: 13 Member
    Unresponsive thyroid means basically hypothyroidism. :drinker:

    Ok. So if you have untreated hypo, it may kill you. I almost died because doctor didn´t believe me and took tests almost too late - there were no hormones detected at all in that point. Next - coma and death. Symptoms are (not conclusive, please seek more information and SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!)

    - weight gain
    - tiredness
    - swelling
    - constipation
    - dry skin
    - and many more

    But in short, if you have untreated / meds not optimum you just gain more weight, and other symptoms keep getting worse.

    Please check:

  • paperpusher3
    paperpusher3 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Michael,

    You have taken the first step to a new life by admitting that you need some help. I've not been in your shoes as far as the amount of weight you have to lose but as you've seen, you're not alone.

    You received a lot of great advice here. I wish I had logged EVERYTHING I was eating for a week before I started watching my calories just to see how much I was eating. I also tend to eat when I'm bored, upset, reading or watching TV. I found that I could really put a lot of food away quickly and not even notice it. I have foods that I can't have in my house because I can't eat just a small amount right now. Later that will change.

    A food scale and some measuring spoons and cups are a definite necessity. You can get the spoons and cups at a dollar store. The scales are fairly inexpensive and someone else mentioned shopping on Amazon. My favorite place to shop. :happy:

    My doctor is the one who called me out on my food choices. She asked who was doing the food shopping and bringing the junk in the house. It was yours truly!! So, I'm going to ask you---since you're disabled and it's difficult for you to get out, who's bringing you food? What kind of changes can you make about the food that you have in your house? You've received some great suggestions about modifying your diet slowly. Change one thing and then another.

    Great suggestions for exercising in your chair. I don't have your mobility issues but I exercise in front of the TV. Also you don't need fancy weights. Start out without weights and when you can do 15 reps that way, add a can of mushrooms, soup, or vegetables in each hand. As you increase, put the groceries in a bag.

    Keeping your hands busy is another great suggestion. My husband did embroidery when I was pregnant with my kids to help him relax at night after work. They're in their 30s now and he's on the computer more because he's disabled from a stroke. That keeps him busy and he's not eating as much and losing some weight. I used to do ceramics or all kinds of crafts and now I'm going to learn knitting to keep my hands busy. I also eat baby carrots or low calorie popcorn when I want some munchies. I'm not suggesting rabbit food. I make dip with Greek yogurt for the baby carrots and celery. And you can add chili powder to the popcorn to give it a flavor boost.

    You'll find all kind of help on this website. I love that you're doing a radio show from home. I remember Richard Moll. Good luck with your interview!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Hi there. First off, you don't have to exercise right now. Focus on changing your eating habit and re-evaluate your exercise plan when your body can handle it.

    All it takes to lose weight is to eat less than what your body needs to maintain your weight. Get the food part down and then find something you enjoy and can do comfortably for exercise.

    I've had many friends here who have lost 100, 200 or even close to 300lbs. You can do it if they can!
  • your story is so close to mine. I had to do something. Diet and exercise. I log everything that I eat and I use a fitbit to log my steps. I try (and almost always do it) keep my carbs under 150. feel free to look at my data. If there is any way that I can help you, let me know.

    i started exercise slowly. maybe 25 feet one way and 25 feet back. Id do that a few times a day. I built up to 100 feet at a time. Then a quarter mile. Last week, I walked a total of 45 miles (not at once, but throughout the week).

    Since November, my heart rate has dropped from 99 to 72. I still need Blood Pressure medication, but it is much more controlled (in November the top number was over 200). My glucose was averaging over 200 it now averages about 110. And since November I've lost 177 pounds. I'm telling you this because if I can do it you can do it.
  • engrdad
    engrdad Posts: 25 Member
    I am presently reading a good book that may help with the emotional side (which is a hugh part of it). It is called "Wake Up Calls". It is not about weight loss but about those times when Life slaps you in the face. My wife had one of those moments when we were in Dublin, Ireland in 2003 for a vacation. She went on a short walking tour (maybe half a mile) with me and our two girls. She was 38 years old and about 310lbs (and she is not very tall). I believe her BMI was over 50 at the time. Anyway, she could not keep up with the tour so I just stayed with her and slowly walked back. This was a "wake up" moment for her and she worked hard to lose over a hundred pounds within a year. She pass on about 6 months ago at the age of 48 which slapped me in the face hard. I decided to use this "wake up call" to make sure I live a long time for my two daughters. I got on this site, ordered me a fitbit wrist band to monitor my steps and sleep and have lost about 35lbs so far. The power is within you. One of the books mantras is "you are a product of your choices, not your circumstances". BTW... this is not spam. This book was recommended to me from a co-worker who didn't know about my personal loss.

    Oh, and I saw one comment about not having to exercise to lose weight. This is very true. I started my journey by losing the first 10lbs on diet alone. Then I slowly added in the exercise. Excercise does little compared to diet for losing weight but it has many many other benefits such as increasing muscle, increasing metabolism, makes your heart stronger, etc, etc, etc,.... Best of luck to you. As you have seen on this site, if your heart is still pumping, it's not too late.
  • You can do it !
    By posting this is shows you want to help yourself
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP and Congrats on taking the first step. I can't add much to what's already been said, but I will keep you in my prayers and I'm routing for you!!! You CAN do it :)
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say I think many of us have felt the desperation and hopelessness you describe, but know that with a little conscientiousness and consistency, you can make major changes to your life and health. And don't for a minute think you have to reach your goal before you start feeling better! I started feeling better at about 40 pounds lost. I agree wholeheartedly with those that say just getting the food under control is a great way to begin. I also use a food scale and it opened my eyes to what terrible estimators we all are. When you are ready for exercise, you could look into sitting exercise programs like Sit and Be Fit or maybe a local pool? Regardless, know that you are in good company and the struggles you face are in no way insurmountable. Good luck! :smile:
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    My name is Michael, I am 48 (49 in october) and i weigh 465 pounds. I have no energy, I can abrly stand for more than 5 mintues at a time. Walking even a short distance will flare up my siactic nerve and I am all but usless for days after. I am disabled, home bound for the msot part. Can no longer drive, and the enarest town is 15 miles away. I feel like I am in prison. I get bored and I eat. i get depressed and i eat. I read a book and I eat. I do not know if there is any hope for me? I do suffer from sleep apnea. My thyroid is un responsive and I have high blood preasure. My sugar & Cholestrol are both good for now. But I have bene suffering from bouts of low blood sugar. is there hope? I do not know what to do..but I am desperate.I amhaving a hard time staying awake. I will drift off to sleep even when i really do not want to. i have no energy, feels like everything is a fight. My house is a mess..I want to clean but there is jsut no energy. Please help me

    Hi Michael,

    Congrats on reaching out for help & advice! That is the first step! The second is to take action!

    You are receiving some GREAT advice in this thread. While I admit to not having read all the pages yet, I'll go ahead and provide you with my thoughts and ideas...

    First and foremost... Start and overall wellness program under a doctor's and a nutritionist care. You have medical issues you need to address and they can guide you on how to work around your issues.

    I also have some of the same issues you have and still lost over 114 pounds to date, I say this to tell you it's do-able.

    I do not have a thyroid (cancer related), I have sleep apnea (have a CPAP machine), use to eat when I got bored - now I have the opposite problem - too much stress means I can't eat, had high blood pressure (it's back to normal now but have to continue on meds due to mild kidney failure), low blood sugar - no, but I am anemic and when I don't eat at certain times I become very weak and nauseous symptoms like hypoglycemic. The hard time staying awake and lack of energy is due to your sleep apnea. Once you get that taken care of with a CPAP machine or a mouth unit - trust me - you will get a much better quality of sleep and you will not feel like you can sleep all day long! It's AMAZING the difference it made in me!!!!

    There IS hope for YOU!!! As you see from the above paragraph, I had some of the SAME issues as you! I just didn't have the nerve issue you have. Thanks be to God, I'm doing much better!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! You just have to WANT to do it. I HIGHLY recommend that you see a doctor and a nutritionist to get you started. They can set up a workout plan as well as a proper eating plan for your individual needs.

    Best of luck!