Question about calorie burned during walking



  • papabear075
    papabear075 Posts: 12 Member
    Don't eat back any exercise calories more than once a week if possible

    This is a perfect reply. WTG, Dave! I agree and have had good success. I do eat back part of my exercise calories and sometimes use exercise to "buy" a treat.

    Umm .... NO! ...............this is not true for all people. Let's say I plan on using MFP as DESIGNED and set a really agressive weight loss goal.

    What is going to happen is this; MFP will give me a measly 1200 calories .... if do cardio everyday (I know better) ..... but let's say I burn 600 calories everyday........per your instructions ........I would net 600 calories 6 days a week and 1200 net one day a week.

    Now if I used MFP's calories .... I really didn't burn 600 calories (360 is more likely) .... but I am still under my BMR everyday. Yes, I will lose weight quickly ..... but losing muscle mass is not my goal.

    You are correct, no one thing will work for EVERYONE. However, with the OP being about the same weight as me when I started I think this should work for them. I am no expert here, I just know what worked for me and try and share that with people. Currently MFP has me at 1400 calories a day, this is with a goal of losing 2lbs a week. I burn between 600-1100 calories a day 6 days a week and I rarely ever go over 1500 calories a day. I typically eat a bad meal or two on the weekends and still lose 2 lbs a week.

    2 pounds a week is great when you have more than 75 pounds to lose. But as you get closer to goal, you will need to scale back on your pounds per week. Obese people have some protection from muscle loss when eating very low calories (and netting less than 1200 qualifies). The rest of us are not so fortunate.

    For those who don't know what moderate (healthy) weight loss goals are:
    Pounds per week
    75+ lbs to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs range

    OK that's great but as long as you are eating properly and also strength training I don't think muscle loss will occur. Again, I am not here to tell people what to do, just sharing my experiences. I am not a doctor or dietitian or even a fitness guru. Just some dude that was really ****ing fat and needed to do something about it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Don't eat back any exercise calories more than once a week if possible

    This is a perfect reply. WTG, Dave! I agree and have had good success. I do eat back part of my exercise calories and sometimes use exercise to "buy" a treat.

    Umm .... NO! ...............this is not true for all people. Let's say I plan on using MFP as DESIGNED and set a really agressive weight loss goal.

    What is going to happen is this; MFP will give me a measly 1200 calories .... if do cardio everyday (I know better) ..... but let's say I burn 600 calories everyday........per your instructions ........I would net 600 calories 6 days a week and 1200 net one day a week.

    Now if I used MFP's calories .... I really didn't burn 600 calories (360 is more likely) .... but I am still under my BMR everyday. Yes, I will lose weight quickly ..... but losing muscle mass is not my goal.

    You are correct, no one thing will work for EVERYONE. However, with the OP being about the same weight as me when I started I think this should work for them. I am no expert here, I just know what worked for me and try and share that with people. Currently MFP has me at 1400 calories a day, this is with a goal of losing 2lbs a week. I burn between 600-1100 calories a day 6 days a week and I rarely ever go over 1500 calories a day. I typically eat a bad meal or two on the weekends and still lose 2 lbs a week.

    2 pounds a week is great when you have more than 75 pounds to lose. But as you get closer to goal, you will need to scale back on your pounds per week. Obese people have some protection from muscle loss when eating very low calories (and netting less than 1200 qualifies). The rest of us are not so fortunate.

    For those who don't know what moderate (healthy) weight loss goals are:
    Pounds per week
    75+ lbs to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs range

    OK that's great but as long as you are eating properly and also strength training I don't think muscle loss will occur. Again, I am not here to tell people what to do, just sharing my experiences. I am not a doctor or dietitian or even a fitness guru. Just some dude that was really ****ing fat and needed to do something about it.

    Yeah, maybe it's time to talk to the doctor or dietician. There is no way a man who is doing any type of exercising is able to meet his nutrition needs on 1500. You should be eating around 2000 plus at this point. Probably more like 2500.

    Good luck maintaining that.

  • papabear075
    papabear075 Posts: 12 Member
    Don't eat back any exercise calories more than once a week if possible

    This is a perfect reply. WTG, Dave! I agree and have had good success. I do eat back part of my exercise calories and sometimes use exercise to "buy" a treat.

    Umm .... NO! ...............this is not true for all people. Let's say I plan on using MFP as DESIGNED and set a really agressive weight loss goal.

    What is going to happen is this; MFP will give me a measly 1200 calories .... if do cardio everyday (I know better) ..... but let's say I burn 600 calories everyday........per your instructions ........I would net 600 calories 6 days a week and 1200 net one day a week.

    Now if I used MFP's calories .... I really didn't burn 600 calories (360 is more likely) .... but I am still under my BMR everyday. Yes, I will lose weight quickly ..... but losing muscle mass is not my goal.

    You are correct, no one thing will work for EVERYONE. However, with the OP being about the same weight as me when I started I think this should work for them. I am no expert here, I just know what worked for me and try and share that with people. Currently MFP has me at 1400 calories a day, this is with a goal of losing 2lbs a week. I burn between 600-1100 calories a day 6 days a week and I rarely ever go over 1500 calories a day. I typically eat a bad meal or two on the weekends and still lose 2 lbs a week.

    2 pounds a week is great when you have more than 75 pounds to lose. But as you get closer to goal, you will need to scale back on your pounds per week. Obese people have some protection from muscle loss when eating very low calories (and netting less than 1200 qualifies). The rest of us are not so fortunate.

    For those who don't know what moderate (healthy) weight loss goals are:
    Pounds per week
    75+ lbs to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs range

    OK that's great but as long as you are eating properly and also strength training I don't think muscle loss will occur. Again, I am not here to tell people what to do, just sharing my experiences. I am not a doctor or dietitian or even a fitness guru. Just some dude that was really ****ing fat and needed to do something about it.

    Yeah, maybe it's time to talk to the doctor or dietician. There is no way a man who is doing any type of exercising is able to meet his nutrition needs on 1500. You should be eating around 2000 plus at this point. Probably more like 2500.

    Good luck maintaining that.


    Man, people are really snarky around here....

    I am losing weight at a rate of 2lbs per week so I must be doing something right. I am currently 207 and would like to get down to 170. Some days (Usually once a week) I eat closer to 3000 calories so my guess is it all balances out. I started using MFP and living this way about 16 months ago. The weight loss was more at first but since has declined to 2lbs per week. I have gained some on vacation weeks but it usually comes off pretty quick. Anyway I guess I will stop posting and sharing.

  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I don't know. I think it may all depend on your weight and activity level as well as what you are accommodated to. I did power walking for about 12 years, going at a good 4 MPH pace. I was no longer feeling a burn, even after an hour of walking. Even if I was pushing a stroller. Since the heartrate monitor basically calculates on heartrate, I have determined that when I do elliptical work or a bunch of weighted lunges, THAT will get my heartrate the highest, and I assume that I am burning more calories (makes sense that the higher the HR, the more calories burned).

    Walking is still good exercise, but underwhelming for me over time. I would estimate MAYBE 7-8 calories per minute, if I had to do a ballpark figure. That would be for me, and could vary for someone else (I am 5'7" and 125-126 lbs).
  • rhye
    rhye Posts: 104 Member
    This is just my opinion and I am also no doctor, but if you really walked that long at that speed (and I am guessing your walk was slower because walking my dogs is only 2.7 mph and they're pullers), then eat back those calories if you feel like it, especially if you are just starting on this journey. Feeling deprived and having a low calorie goal will not help you want to continue. Earning extra calories can help make exercise a habit! It's sort of like a reward.

    Do I eat back my exercise calories? If I am hungry, yes. If I am not, no. Usually, it's somewhere in the middle with me eating back half of them.

  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    First thing first..... get yourself a Heart Rate Monitor. You can get a decent one for about $100. Its worth it - every penny!!

    MFP over estimates calories burned!!

    Be very truthful and consistent with logging your food.

    You need to eat back a good portion of your exercise calories. You have a considerable amount to lose, so you have room to not. but as you start to lose you will need to adjust that along with the types of food you consume.

    1800 calories a day is a good place to start. This is NET 1800....not consume 1800. So if you burn 600, you want to eat around 2400!!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    Hello Everyone :-) I am relatively new to this MFP site. The question I have concerns the amount of calories this site says a person of 332 lbs walking 87 minutes at a 3mph pace will burn. I was surprised to see the amount was in excess of 700. I have read other posts which say if you have already calculated your BMR and subtract 500 that you are on pace to lose a pound a week and that you can eat back your additional calories burned during exercise. I would love to be able to eat an additional 700 calories tonight, however, I would like your opinion if this site's calculations are approximately accurate. I would hate to eat 700 extra tonight only to find out I really only burned an additional 2 or 3 hundred. Thanks.

    I've heard the best bet is to only eat back 50-80% of your exercise calories since MFP does tend to have over-exaggerated totals... I usually eat them all back though... because I like food.

    If you want to be exact though you should purchase a heart rate monitor (HRM) with a chest strap to accurately estimate your calories burned.

    All the best!