Weight loss seems more difficult because of exercise



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Ok, do you still feel the need to judge me? Do you still think I'm lazy? Why do you post here if you only want to judge me?

    Dude, you're doing just fine. The internet is full of Negative Nelly No-it-alls, just have to learn to ignore them.

    Best of luck going forward!
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    You want to know if you are in a deficit but won't count to see if you are in a deficit? Hmmm, DUH!!

    Are you looking for us to make up the numbers for you?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Ok, do you still feel the need to judge me? Do you still think I'm lazy? Why do you post here if you only want to judge me?

    Dude, you're doing just fine. The internet is full of Negative Nelly No-it-alls, just have to learn to ignore them.

    Best of luck going forward!

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Ok, do you still feel the need to judge me? Do you still think I'm lazy? Why do you post here if you only want to judge me?

    Dude, you're doing just fine. The internet is full of Negative Nelly No-it-alls, just have to learn to ignore them.

    Best of luck going forward!

  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I'm so confused! :huh:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    Ok, do you still feel the need to judge me? Do you still think I'm lazy? Why do you post here if you only want to judge me?

    Dude, you're doing just fine. The internet is full of Negative Nelly No-it-alls, just have to learn to ignore them.

    Best of luck going forward!


    I clearly have no grasp of how this works.
  • murlick
    Don't stop working out to lose weight - weight is only one piece of the "being-healthy" puzzle. If you are working out, eating a balanced diet and staying at whatever weight, that's not a bad thing. If you are eating and training well then you are turning fat into muscle. Don't stop the training, it's way to hard to get back into that routine!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    This thread = TL; DR

    But...from what I did scan through, OP just needs to find something he can do on a regular, long term basis that works for him.

    Maybe MFP isn't for him and he should deactiv....uh, too late. Already gone.

  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Woah I didn't expect so much response. Apparently I said something controversial here. I do understand that many of you think my point is silly - I agree that *when you actually have the habit of tracking calories*, it's not much work.

    The problem is that building habits is a major challenge in my life, especially the ones that require me to track something (appointments, projects, finances, etc). Now I am quite busy with my studies so I wish to focus my efforts on that. I have attention deficit disorder and structure is a major challenge in my life in general - and let me tell you that I work very hard to build it. One of the key things that helps me go forward is by putting my priorities where they should be - if I don't do that I risk getting sidetracked - spending a lot of time on perfecting this calorie tracking things and not getting anything done for my studies, I've done that often and I know that I can prevent it by setting priorities and being really strict with them, so that's what I do now.

    I said that I wish to build the habit of tracking calories later, I agree that it's a good idea - and I'll do that when I am done with my studies in about 6-8 weeks.

    My question was about what to do in the meantime. I already lost 16 kg without tracking calories (only loosely in my head) so I know it can be done. Thanks for all the advice, it's appreciated!

    And thanks for your many comments, also the critical ones (I really understand your point, I hope you understand mine now), I'll read more of them during the lunch break.

    In that case, just do your best in the next 6-8 weeks, focus on the more important things, and realize that your results may not be optimal.

    And then in two months, if you want to really nail down this weight loss thing, try to find a balance where you're able to track calories without the process consuming your life and detracting from your other endeavors.

    Or don't. Apparently, many in this thread would have us believe that no one should share advice because it may not be what you want to do. *shrug*

    Don't expect perfect results from an imperfect process; ain't gonna happen, no matter how bad you want it. But you can apply some common sense here... you say that since you started exercising more, you started eating more and you stopped losing weight... so eat a smidgen less of the "more" this week, and another smidgen less next week, until you begin losing weight again. That's plenty to keep you busy on this front for the next two months and it may be enough to get you loosely back on track. Then when you can spend the time logging your food, go for it and start getting better results. It's not rocket science, but it does take some mindfulness that you may not be able to dedicate at this time. Nothing wrong with that, but expecting the results without applying the process is likely to yield some frustration. Probably better to just put the other parts of your life in order until you can afford the time for this.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    No one is discrediting his accomplishments so far. But to say you aren't sure if you're in a deficit and ask for advice.. counting calories is really the only way to answer his own question.

    He ALSO asked for thoughts/advice on the weight loss stall during times of intense exercising.

    He said in the post he's not going to calorie count - so why do people bother to tell him to or berate him because he doesn't. Can't they just move along without comment?

    Makes no sense to me, is all.... :smile:

    Respect people's choices.

    When I respond in one of these seemingly "hopeless" threads, it's almost entirely for the benefit of the lurkers, not the OP themselves. If the OP also decides to abandon their approach that wasn't (or stopped) working for them and tries my advice, then that's just a bonus.

    If people like yourself are put off by my approach to threads like these, that is completely inconsequential to my decision of whether or not to respond. Posts like yours questioning my motives are just a seemingly inevitable yet annoying byproduct of the discourse.

    I'm sure the lurkers who are lucky enough to benefit from your insights are INCREDIBLY grateful for your wise (and humble) words.

    Philanthropy in action - and with not a trace of narcissism.

    NOT a trace. Oh noes.

    As a lurker I'm only posting to say his comments can be helpful.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I had a break from cardio and then jumped into it, doing way intense stuff like spin classes and running at +160 bpm for 40 minutes. Then I read somewhere that pushing yourself like that can stress your body, cause you to produce cortisol which is a stress hormone and makes you hang on to weight and causes bloating.
    I was at a real stand still.
    I decided it wasn't working anyway so now I'm doing weights 4 x a week and 30-40 minutes cardio , but at a much more moderate pace about 130 bpm. The weight is coming off nicely thank you very much. Oh and I super cleaned up my diet and taper my carbs too.
    So it won't be any one thing but tweak everything a bit and you'll get there. I gave up logging too I felt it was draining energy I needed elsewhere.
  • BrookieHatesCookies
    Just track how you're comfortable at a deficit and log calories for a little but. Slowly add in exercise, not too strenuous but definitely a good 20-30 minute cardio session at least. Good luck!