need clean eating/raw/vegan/vegetarian friends!



  • I eat clean also. I do not eat any dairy or meats at all and consider myself a vegetarian about 95% of the time. On occasion I will eat a piece of salmon.

    Oh I'm new at being vegetarian, this is my second month barely... Its probably a 95% too because I occasionally have chicken on my salad... All the rest of my fam are meat eaters...
  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 95% vegan (almost there!) and have been veg for *officially* 4 years this month. :-D I say 95% because there are still a couple things in my house that I've snacked on that aren't vegan (100 cal butter popcorn today), but I'm not buying anymore stuff that isn't. I try to eat mostly clean too because I strongly dislike most processed foods and it makes me feel like crap.

    Any other veggies, add me! :) Always want more like-eating friends!
  • Hi I was a veggie for a year a while back but I slipped up and 3 months ago decided enough was enough! I have been completely meat for 3 months now and really happy. The plan is to stay meat free for good now and to transition to dairy free too.

    I am looking for some buddies to share some food ideas as I need to figue out this whole dairy free thing. Seems there is dairy in almost eveything!!!! Urgh!

    I am also wheat free (out of necessity) so that makes things a litte more complicated for me to get the right nutirents etc.

    I am looking to loose just over 3 more kgs then I need to figure out how to maintain with healthy meat free wheat free and dairy free diet! Partially using slim fast to help as a quick diet aid.

    Anyone feel free to add me. :-)
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    Hi There!

    I'm on my path back to health and have been vegan for about 12 years.... have played in the raw world and would consider myself a high raw vegan... I try not to get too caught up in worrying about percentages, though, focusing more on choosing healthy fuel for my body.

    Would love to be friends with anyone who is on the same path... focused... active and supportive.

    Feel free to add me with a short note! Here's to us!

    ...scatter joy...
  • Hi,

    I need help! okay okay it might be a little drastic to say that I need help but I mean I'm new here on fitness pal and I have no raw vegan friends. All my friends are meat eaters so kind of hard to talk to them whenever I crave sweets or anything like it.
    Plus, I must admit I fell of the wagon a few months ago and I want to go back to my ''old self''. So yeah that is pretty much it.

    Personnally, I am super supportive and I want to also provide some sort of motivation for all of my friends. I also would like to be able to share my progress and I would LOVE to see my friends progress.

    I am available and I really want this time to be the good one! I know it all depends on me but supports never hurt (goes both ways)

    Lots of love
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I'm a work in progress Vegetarian (with the goal of being completely plant strong one day).

    I do not discuss it much online but always glad to have like minded buddies.
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    I'm a vegetarian trying to become a vegan. And I'm a clean eater. Add me if you want.
  • I'm vegan! Working towards eating clean :)
  • hannahrose894
    hannahrose894 Posts: 19 Member
    Vegan here! Feel free to add me!
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    I've been veggie for more than 3 years and really committed to being vegan recently. Also trying to add lots of raw food but focussed on low fat and high carb. You might want to check out she's got some great recipes. And I've been watching youtube videos by Freelee the banana girl and Durian rider.
  • Just posted about this.
    I've been Vegan for almost 2 years.
  • Tynise
    Tynise Posts: 1
    My name is Tynise. I'm new to the world of fruits and veggies. I have horrible eating habits that I'm ready to change. I found the low fat high carb lifestyle and I think it's the way for me. If anyone has any information or suggestions regarding this please request me. I need as many like minded friends to support me. Thank you all and keep up the great work :)
  • riachka
    riachka Posts: 3 Member
    HI HI!!! My name is Ria, I am a raw low fat vegan, striving for clean and healthy eating. Add me if you want :) I am always looking for new friends