Hello...I am so lost and scared



  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member

    As everyone before has said, start with the tiniest baby steps!!! If all you can manage is walking to your front door, then hey, do that for a bit until you build up some stamina to walk a little farther. THINGS WILL GET BETTER!!! And you know what - us big folks tend to drop lots of weight fast once we start a diet/exercise regime. You'll see measurable differences quickly, but it's about changing the lifestyle and building good habits.

    And you'll also see that many of your health problems will dissipate or disappear with weight loss, as well! Be healthy, be strong - and as someone else suggested, you might want to start with a professional dietician or nutritionist to help ease you into a better lifestyle.

    Please don't despair or lose hope - have you seen The Biggest Loser?? If they can do it, we can do it!!!
  • swangwcb
    swangwcb Posts: 12 Member
    You signed up on MFP and you are asking for help. Those are some good steps. The next step in my opinion is to seek professional, real-life, help, through a therapist. If you have insurance, find a provider through them. If you don't, find one that uses a sliding scale, based on income, etc. But start there. And adding a couple more steps here and there, along with trying to find ways to keep yourself busy will help too. It has been done before, and you just have to work it if you want it. Good luck!
  • TheresaC928
    You are not alone. Watch what you eat and try to eat more veggies than starches. Also drink plenty of water and try not to eat after 7 pm and go to bed early. I lost 50 lbs once then gained some back then lost 30 and gained it back but I am starting over again with more realistic goals in mind. The weight did not come on overnight so coming off will take a while too. I'm trying to lose a lb a week and if more comes off so be it. Try walking around your house a little at a time and if you have hand weights do that too. Quit smoking and see your doctor for help on your overall help. You can friend me and we can do this together. I ultimately would love to lose 100 but I think 60 will do just fine. Set small goals of working toward say 20lbs then revise from there. Small steps lead to big success. :)
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    Get a walking dvd. Even if you only make it a few minutes, you can add to that daily. There's no shame in starting out with only a few minutes of exercise a day.
  • aura82
    aura82 Posts: 27 Member
    If you could incorporate 1-2 minutes of exercise several times throughout the day (something that your Doctor approves and wont aggravate your back injury) it can slowly add up. 10 minutes a day is over an hour a week! As long as it increases your heart rate doesn't matter what you are doing.

    After my brain surgery I started with body weight exercises and worked up to cardio (lunges were my first exercise if I remember correctly). Also just standing rather than sitting burns more calories. Small changes long term make a big difference.

    I understand the bored eating. Whenever I felt like eating out of boredom I would get on this site and get motivated again.
    Planning out what you are going to eat throughout the day takes random eating out of it a bit too.

    You are worth it!
    Love and prayers to you.
  • marshxomellow
    My heart really does go out to you. I may not have been exactly in your situation but I have been at the point where I just felt so scared so confused. That was me back in January. A lot of it is mental. I've known bigger people to be more active than I am. And if they can do it then that right there tells you you can be the person you want to be someday.

    Even if you physically can't do as much as you like just set aside a time each day or whenever to take as many steps as you can. Then over time you can increase your distance as you feel more energized. Even if you can't get as much exercise as you like try to focus on your eating. Drink plenty of water! Cut little by little down on your portions. ;) Don't limit yourself too much. Baby steps ;) You can do this!

    You're sad, you're scared. I've been sad and scared. Didn't really have anyone around me to support me. Then I found MFP. There are quite a few people on here that would love to support you along the way. Let's do this!
  • kaclever
    kaclever Posts: 14 Member
    Just wanted to say that I'm cheering for you and praying for you, too. Look at all of the people who are rooting for you to succeed already! And I just keep thinking how proud your daughter is going to be of her dad. Even if she doesn't recognize it right away (you said she's 15, right? haha some of us don't always "get" everything at 15), she WILL.

    I believe that the best gift you can give your loved ones is to be there, loving them, for as long as you can. You have so many amazing memories ahead that you're going to make with her-- seeing her get her driver's license, being at her graduation(s), visiting her first apartment, walking her down the aisle, etc. The changes you make now and keep making, day by day, are going to make it possible for you to be there for those times and to participate in them the way you want to.

    God bless!
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    The tremendous support and outreach that is being offered to you Michael is why I love MFP! I wish you the best of luck and sincere hope that you continue this journey. Since we are so close (internet) and yet so far (locations), may I suggest local support like Weight Watchers, TOPS.org or a community group that you can go to at least to help you get started. There is nothing like having people right there to cheer you on...besides MFP! Again, Best of Luck!
  • comm1t_1984
    comm1t_1984 Posts: 93 Member
    I know how you feel, but you have done the right thing by looking for help here. There are so many impressive and inspirational people here. Good luck and I can't wait to see where you are tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.
  • rbeck911
    rbeck911 Posts: 6 Member

    I want to reach out to you here from a nurses perspective, as well as someone who used to be large myself. You need to see a doctor and get on a diet and exercise regimen. I don't want to offend you here at all, but your situation sounds like it needs more than just a boost of initiative. People dealing with the obstacles you have ahead of you need to be monitored by a physician. That is not to say that it cannot be done, because I know 100% that it can. My advice, seek medical surveillance and start small. You can get there. Don't focus on looking better, but feeling better. You got this!
  • doc19822
    doc19822 Posts: 83 Member
    I did approach my doctor a year ago for help with my weight. He gave me a phone number of a lady who is "TESTED' and "PROVEN" to work. it ended up being a $400 a month food plan. now i do not mean to throw anyhing on my doctor he may not deserve, but I have to wonder if he is getting a kick back? I can't afford $400 a month, thats my familys full food budget for the month
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I did approach my doctor a year ago for help with my weight. He gave me a phone number of a lady who is "TESTED' and "PROVEN" to work. it ended up being a $400 a month food plan. now i do not mean to throw anyhing on my doctor he may not deserve, but I have to wonder if he is getting a kick back? I can't afford $400 a month, thats my familys full food budget for the month

    There is a certain cost to that kind of "PROVEN" isn't there? :)

    And yet most of them are just providing the "convenience" of measured portions in a prepared format. You can often achieve the same results by doing it yourself at a fraction of the price.

    Most people don't really understand how much of what they need to eat and these "Proven Results" people take advantage of that.

    People often end up loading up on the wrong things and aren't sure what they should be eating. I mean... really what is a portion right? Here are a few easy guidelines that helped me;

    A serving of meat shouldn't be any larger than a standard deck of playing cards. A typical serving is 3-4 ounces.

    A serving of cheese shouldn't be any larger than the size of a normal thumb. Think an ounce or two max.

    Starches should only account for 25% of your plate. This includes corn, potatoes, rice (corn is a cereal grain and therefore a starch... I am sure some people will disagree... but meh?)

    Veggies should be covering 50% of your plate. In most cases you can't over eat on the vegetable side. Carrots, lettuce, celery, beets, beans etc...provide an incredible supply of vitamins and minerals. They also provide fiber which helps to fill you up for longer and helps to lower cholesterol.

    Drink water instead of calorie filled beverages. No one ever got fat drinking water... but if you drink just 7 Double Chocolaty Chip Frappacino's from Starbucks, you will have consumed enough calories to gain a pound. While on the subject did you know a single can of coke contains about 140 calories, and offers you zero nutritional value? Water will help flush your system, keep you refreshed and regular. Even diet Coke will trigger an insulin response and stimulate hunger.

    Did you know that many people have difficulty differntiating between hunger and thirst? Even a little dehydration can make you think you are hungry.

    Anyways... I've ranted a little. I feel strongly on the subject (as you may be able to tell), but have definately been there. I guess it boils down to things I wish I had known before I gained over 100lbs.

    Feel free to friend me if you have questions...

    Kindest Regards!
  • doc19822
    doc19822 Posts: 83 Member
    I know before I say it that this sounds like a excuse, but it is the truth for me. I can NOT stand the taste of water. Or the lack of taste. If I drink it I gag and wretch as if I have taken poison. I do drink diet cola's, and chances are I drink too much of them. but I am here to change not question what is being told to me. I am teachable, just water does make me vomit!
  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    How about iced tea? Crystal light?
  • pkteen
    pkteen Posts: 121 Member
    Simply start reducing your caloric intake and a few steps a day of exercise. I KNOW you can do it.
    What you need is motivation.
    Add me up or message me if you wanna chat. I'd love to help in any way possible...
  • soyum
    soyum Posts: 49 Member
    I know before I say it that this sounds like a excuse, but it is the truth for me. I can NOT stand the taste of water. Or the lack of taste. If I drink it I gag and wretch as if I have taken poison. I do drink diet cola's, and chances are I drink too much of them. but I am here to change not question what is being told to me. I am teachable, just water does make me vomit!

    Dude....just keeping it real and if I was a close friend of yours in person, I would probably slap you in the face or ask yourself to slap you. ;) lol.. My bro has the same feelings about water and at the age of 50 started to develop horrible kidney stones, gout, etc, etc. I've never had either, but the gout from what I understand is just so very painful. Needless to say, fast forward a few years he drinks water. lol...

    C'mon...we're like what..50% water in our bodies, at some point you have to man up, face some facts and just deal with it. I know you probably don't like hearing words like that (I know I didn't at first nor did my brother), but drinking water is the first step to understanding your mental and physical state better and starting the healing process. Sure it might take a few days or so to rid the mental block you have against it, but eventually your body is going to thank you and you will feel better. The detox effect of drinking alot of water alone is probably going to give you a wake up call. And get this...you will probably lose ALOT of water fat by drinking a ****e load of water. Why? Because your body has been retaining it since it knows it needs to hold on to as much as possible when it gets any from other sources.

    Suck it up.....water that is. ;) lol...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I know before I say it that this sounds like a excuse, but it is the truth for me. I can NOT stand the taste of water. Or the lack of taste. If I drink it I gag and wretch as if I have taken poison. I do drink diet cola's, and chances are I drink too much of them. but I am here to change not question what is being told to me. I am teachable, just water does make me vomit!

    I had the same issue when I was pregnant. Diet sodas are ok. Crystal light has flavor packets that can help a lot. Decaf. Iced tea. Slice up some strawberries and lemons or cucumbers and mint and put then in a jug of water. There is no *one right way* But with MFP, you can pick up an endless number of techniques.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • engrdad
    engrdad Posts: 25 Member
    I know before I say it that this sounds like a excuse, but it is the truth for me. I can NOT stand the taste of water. Or the lack of taste. If I drink it I gag and wretch as if I have taken poison. I do drink diet cola's, and chances are I drink too much of them. but I am here to change not question what is being told to me. I am teachable, just water does make me vomit!

    I understand. Water can get boring. I found one that is not big $$ that I like... Nestle PureLife. Sometimes I add a powered mix to it called EcoDrink which gives it a lot of antioxidants and vitamins. Another water that I really like is called Sparkling ICE. It is carbonated and comes in different flavors. My favorites are lemonade and Crisp Apple. It does not even resemble water to me but it is zero calories, has vitamins and antioxidants and I am pretty sure it does not contain aspartame or splenda.
  • lejla2002
    lejla2002 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Michel, welcome start small and work up towards your goal, you can do this. Lots of support here so stick to it like glue! Good luck