Eating Late

tdaranda13 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
If I'm counting calories and doing my work outs does it matter if I eat my calories late? By the time I get home cook,clean and get the family settled to eat we are always eating late 8pm 9pm at night. Then of course it's time to go to bed so basically I fall to sleep about 11pm - 12am. So I'm full going to sleep.. So is eating late preventing me from losing weight? :indifferent:


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Nope, a calorie is a calorie, your body treats it no differently at 7pm than 11pm.
  • tdaranda13
    tdaranda13 Posts: 3 Member
    so as long as I'm eating my calories and working out I should be good? I run into a lot of road blocks and was wondering if eating late was one of the problems.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    so as long as I'm eating my calories and working out I should be good? I run into a lot of road blocks and was wondering if eating late was one of the problems.

    As long as you are within your calories you should be fine, I have always eaten snacks till bedtime at night. Never had a problem not losing weight
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    I have heard it doesn't matter,.....but ask yourself this??? If your eating late where do the calories end up?[stored fat] vs. eating early and going thru your day and burning them off. Seems like a common sense question to me,You decide! Good luck!:wink:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member

    "Eating heavy food just before going to sleep is not a good habit, when you sleep your body switches itself into rest mode and all of your internal organs slow down, and so does the digestion process. since you won’t burn it off by activity, it will start to show in pounds, as well as other lingering effects on various body functions based on what type of food it is."

    If you are within your calories for the day this wont be the case.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I have heard it doesn't matter,.....but ask yourself this??? If your eating late where do the calories end up?[stored fat] vs. eating early and going thru your day and burning them off. Seems like a common sense question to me,You decide! Good luck!:wink:

    your body uses them as long as you are within your calories for the day, you are running a deficit, so they wouldnt be stored. Also the article doesnt mention, your body doesnt shut down at night, its still functioning and burning calories, I disagree with that article becuase it doesnt address the whole picture.
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    Yet, you have to eat. So, I would make your big meal in the day and have something light just before bed if that works. On nights I get dinner late, I have yoghurt and berries. Not a lot of calories, but something that tells me I am full enough to sleep.
  • I eat at night all the time. Just last night I had some plain greek yogurt. Your body also burns calories while you are sleeping.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Having always eaten right up until bedtime, I only have one suggestion: Sit up for at least an hour after eating. This way, you have a smaller chance for heartburn.
    The article from CarrieBerrie, above, doesn't seem to take into account that we lose weight while we are asleep. How do we lose weight if the stomach is slowing down? I wonder if the person who wrote the internet article has credentials to back up their statements, or is this merely their opinion.
    I learned long ago, that the internet has some really good info, and it also has'stuff.' It is very hard to tell which is which, in my humble opinion.
    Enjoy your new and improving body and drink lots of water! :drinker:
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    At night is when your metabolism slows down and your body rests. Plus when you eat your blood will be full of insulin and that is involved in the fat production process. Plus I heard on the biggest loser that HGH production is slowed if you eat right before bed.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I can only assume that whole eating late crap was a ploy by the fast-food industry to make us think it was okay to eat 4000 calories worth of junk as long as we did it before 7pm. I eat throughout the entire day, and stay within my calorie count. I've lost weight, and a bunch of it.
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    A full belly is wasted on the unconscious.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If I'm counting calories and doing my work outs does it matter if I eat my calories late? By the time I get home cook,clean and get the family settled to eat we are always eating late 8pm 9pm at night. Then of course it's time to go to bed so basically I fall to sleep about 11pm - 12am. So I'm full going to sleep.. So is eating late preventing me from losing weight? :indifferent:

    I'm hungriest in the evening, so that's when I eat most. When I'm really being careful about my eating and exercise, even eating late I average 1.8 pounds lost per week, which is a really good loss.
  • Hi I work shifts so my eating is all over the place and it never effected my weightloss. I guess everyone is different and its always something to look at if you find you aren't losing. Good luck.
  • tdaranda13
    tdaranda13 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm the same way right after I get home from work i'm starving even though i've eaten through out the day and as needed... for some reason my mind thinks it's time to eat... but i leave to work out then come home cook, clean and end up eating late ugh
  • I would think it's better to eat earlier & then workout before going to bed! Sleeping with a full belly can't be that good for you! Are you getting enough exercise in one day? I work out @ 9:00 every night, but then I'm wide awake when I'm done & can't fall asleep!!!
    I try eating dinner around 5 or 6 each night, that way I can play with my kids all night & burn some of those calories off!!
    Good luck to ya!!!
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