p90x USERS

MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
would you recommend this program!? I'm trying to justify buying this (it seems expensive) but want to know the reviews about the program. Have you done it?stuck to it? seen results? would you recommend it?



  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I saw some great results from someone that posted earlier. Here is the link!
  • DoreenN
    DoreenN Posts: 60
    You will see results! Is it worth it? It all depends are what your goals are and what other resources you may have. I will tell you that P90x really is for people who are already in decent shape. There are other programs that Beachbody sells that work amazingly as well but are more for beginners. I dont know where you are at fitness wise. If you would like friend me and we can chat more about this
  • kyenne
    kyenne Posts: 22
    I did it and had awesome results I had a lot of weight to lose so I don't look ripped but I lost about 35 lbs. I would definitely reccomend it and also check out insanity, it is more intense then P90X. I just started it last week and already lost two inches off my waste. Just about anything from beachbody I think is worth it! Good luck I hope this helped you.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I did it and had awesome results I had a lot of weight to lose so I don't look ripped but I lost about 35 lbs. I would definitely reccomend it and also check out insanity, it is more intense then P90X. I just started it last week and already lost two inches off my waste. Just about anything from beachbody I think is worth it! Good luck I hope this helped you.

    Wait, did you lose the 35 in one round of P90X? Or two?
  • carlyrenee1
    It depends on what your goals are. When I did P90x I felt like I bulked up. I did Slim in 6 and am doing Chalean right now and do not feel like I am bulking up at all.What you are eating is as important if not more important than the exercise. If you are eating too much, it won't matter what program you do you will not lose inches. I think that once you have lost all the weight you want to lost- P90x is good for definition. That's just my experience with it though. It is hard because everyone's body responds to programs so differently. Hope this helps : )

  • naughtydoguk
    P90X is way out of my league at the moment - there is a fitness test online to see if you are up to it!
  • DoreenN
    DoreenN Posts: 60
    P90x is a program for people who already do strength training and is in decent shape. If you are not up to that I would reccomend Chalean Extreme. A great strength training program but great for beginners
  • JohnHein
    I am just finishing my third week of my second Round of P90X. The program is intense and as many above have mentioned, requires a good starting fitness threshold. You will push your body hard - both in terms of cardio fitness and strength training. You will exercise 6 days a week. The cardio workouts- PlyoX, KenpoX, Core Synergistics and even YogaX are each about one hour long (Yoga is 100 minutes) and I regularly burn over 450-500 calories on each (higher on PlyoX). The strength training workouts are also circuit training in nature, meaning that you have little rest or recovery time before you move on to the next one. As a result, your heart rate will be well within higher aerobic zones throughout most of those workouts as well.

    As for results, you can expect to lose weight on P90X, provided you follow the diet plan and stick to the workouts. However, you will probably also gain muscle mass, which tempers the weight loss a bit. For example, in the first three weeks of this round, I have lost 4.6 pounds overall, but have dropped 8.3lbs of fat and gained 3.7lbs of muscle mass.

    For me, P90X is a great workout because my body responds well to the combination of strength training and cardio workouts. If the weight training isn't your style, I'd recommend looking at Turbo Jam or Slim in 6 as those are more cardio focused.

    I'm hoping to drop my weight another 10lbs in the remaining 12 weeks and get my body fat down another 7%. Then I'm going to take on Insanity :)
  • naughtydoguk
    I have just started Chalene Extreme in the last week...hope it works out for me.
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