Stress help

taniiagirl Posts: 47
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I get stressed easily and it all builds up because I have no one person to let out too.
I want to become less stressed to get more sleep to help with weightloss and becoming more healthy.
Apart from a nice cuppa how could I relax in the 10 minutes I get to myself


  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    Exercise. It does wonders. Also maybe try venting into a journal.
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    Try punching a heavy bag. It works a treat!
  • jbs2travel
    jbs2travel Posts: 68 Member
    Meditation, breathing exercises - works for me
  • txkimmers
    txkimmers Posts: 7 Member
    I second the exercise, and it doesn't even have to be intense. Just walking those ten minutes will give you psychological and emotional benefits.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Exercise...and smoking pot...

    works for me anyway...
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Exercise, reading and like someone else said...hitting things (not people though..thats bad)
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Whenever you feel stressed, just take a moment, sit down & close your eyes if possible, and take 3 deep slow breaths, hold for a second & release slowly. It's almost impossible for someone to stay stressed when you do this. After a while, you'll learn to get into that relaxed state quicker & quicker, if you practice it. But exercise, eating right, & getting enough sleep also are big helps, and having a friend to talk to about the stressors...a friend, pastor, or even a free 800 line if you need it.
  • dubble13
    dubble13 Posts: 85 Member
    I always feel super calm after yoga
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    I second (or maybe third) the yoga and meditation idea. Our work wellness program pointed me here - 5 minute and even 3 minute options on there really help.
  • taniiagirl
    Thank you everyone. I will definitely be giving some of these ideas a try. I normally only get about 10-20 minutes properly to myself at the moment, so thank you.
  • shonnaatch
    shonnaatch Posts: 11 Member
    I have an insanely stressful life (deadline-driven day job, run my own business in the evenings and on weekends and have three teenagers and a husband to tend to). I started meditation last week and just in seven days it has done WONDERS for my mental health and I am sleeping soundly through the night for the first time in ages. I highly recommend Headspace ( They have an app with 10 minute guided meditations for beginners and I am really loving it.
  • Fkika3131
    Fkika3131 Posts: 208 Member
    I also have alot of stress :( Due to work, my boss lol, ex-husband, my son, my parents, and most of all my weight. But, I am learning that taking walks and bike rides is helping me alot. I am learning just to walk away for things that are stressing me out and guess what I am feeling alot better :)
  • Fkika3131
    Fkika3131 Posts: 208 Member
    I have an insanely stressful life (deadline-driven day job, run my own business in the evenings and on weekends and have three teenagers and a husband to tend to). I started meditation last week and just in seven days it has done WONDERS for my mental health and I am sleeping soundly through the night for the first time in ages. I highly recommend Headspace ( They have an app with 10 minute guided meditations for beginners and I am really loving it.

    Which app is that?? if I may ask :)
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    I find that meditation works and the understanding of only a foolish person worries about the things they cannot change...Believe me I know all about stress...and what it does to a person..This too shall can do it...
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    Lifting weights takes away my stress.

    if that isn't your thing try:

    Long walks
    Screaming into a pillow
    Any form of exercise you enjoy
    and last but not least

    Good luck!
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Pills. Lots of them.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i noticed that with the more weight i lose, the less stressed and angry i feel. i dont know if its linked, maybe im just in a generally better mood... but thats what i noticed...
  • Petitepaws55
    I have trouble handling stress as well. The only thing that seems to work for me is music :)
  • Cowgal23
    Cowgal23 Posts: 106 Member
    To relieve my stress I walk and listen to music. In the past I have used a punching bag and doing some general strength training but nothing too intense.
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