Frustrated - Gained after exercising.... Is it muscle?

So I felt I was doing good but hadn't really started my exercise routine (waiting for my elliptical/recumbant bike) Got it and started up exercising and have gained 2 lbs. Is it from the exercise and should I just be patient? A little frustrated right now it's been 30 days.................... Will the pounds ever fall off? What am I doing wrong?


  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    I going to assume you are still eating the same as before. The weight gain is most likely water retention. When you first start an exercise program this can happen. You are working your muscles in a way that they are not used to. Lifting weights, running, biking etc, if you are starting something new that the muscles are not conditioned for they have to work harder to complete the exercise. When you workout it causes micro tears in the delicate muscle fibers. That can cause water retention. When I start something new, or add more weight, or skip workouts for a few weeks & go back to them, I can always guarantee that I will have water gain.

    Other things that can cause water weight gain are sodium, sugar and sometimes lack of hydration. I know it sounds weird, but if you are not drinking enough fluids the body will try to retain them. Sodium and sugar are water magnets. The more you ingest into your system the more water the body holds onto to dilute it. The body is all about regulation and homeostasis. Personal example, if I have more than 1500mg sodium and too much sugar, as in more than MFP suggests, I get edema and my feet, legs, and sometimes hands will swell up.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you want to know more :flowerforyou: All it takes is patience, consistency and tweaking here & there with diet & exercise. It's trial & error, and before you know it you will be seeing more results!
  • tanners63
    tanners63 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks so much that makes a lot more sense to me. I am not a very patient person and this is very much trying for me but I am determined to keep on going and when that day comes that I drop those pounds you just might hear a loud YAHOO all the way from Idaho!!!