Losing This Weight is Not Getting Any Easier!!!

I feel myself getting discouraged...It is easy for me to motivate and support others, but feel soo defeated myself! I've lost 14 pounds, 11 since joining on here..I do good most of the time, except the weekends are a great struggle for me..I have a very hard time getting motivated to exercise..I have been taking my daily mile walk, but that doesn't burn alot of calories..I just feel kinda stuck! Not losing alot..I usually go on crash diets and lose alot of weight fast, only to gain it back. I'm trying to have a lifestyle change, but I get impatient with the slow weight loss..I feel like I'm starving today..I still have my dinner to plan, so I know I will be okay..I wish it were this hard to GAIN weight!! ugh...I will never give up and I know if I stick to it, I will, eventually reach my goal..I'm just venting today :/ What are some things that you all do to motivate yourself?? Any tips would be appreciated!!


  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I am at the same stage right now, injured and frustrated. I have lost 27lbs so far and still have a ways to go. I like to read through the sucess stories forum and see the before and after pics to get me back in motivation mode. I don't have a problem with the wanting to work out anymore I get grumpy if I don't get to do something everyday.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Please check out my Post today - DO NOT give up. Just don't do it. Take one day at a time, and if you screw up a little on the weekend, start back at it on monday. Remeber the feeling of losing that first 10 lbs, and how easy it seemed. KNOW you can lose 10 more. These changes dont happen overnight, and if they did, they wouldnt last. I struggle with this myself.

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Write an honest list (for yourself) of all the reasons you really want to lose weight/become healthy/change your lifestyle. Be completely honest - the reasons can be serious, silly, odd... whatever. Read it out loud. Keep it somewhere where you can pull it out and read it to yourself anytime you feel your motivation slipping.

    You WANT to do this, you CAN do this - you just have to remind yourself of both! Slow and steady is the way to go - it can be frustrating, but it's worth it in the end. :flowerforyou:
  • becomingsara
    I know EXACTLY what you mean...I have lost the same 50 pounds it seems like a million times...and the difference this time is that it is a life long change and forming habits...some habits take 254 days to create. So don't quit...just keep on at it.

    Also, I am discouraged at times too, because doing it the unhealthy way you practically melt away so fast (and then gain it all back the MOMENT you LOOK at a chocolate pie). So slow and steady, I am trusting wins the race (and keeps the pounds off for good).

    Something for me that encourages me is taking my measurements, because when the scales don't move consistently, I see it in my measurements.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • jalovec
    jalovec Posts: 62
    We all have good days and bad days... Tomorrow might be better. When I feel really hungry, a nice hot cup of green tea really helps, and it's soothing too. I find it's easier if you don't look at the big picture (ie/ I have sooo much more to lose, etc). Taking it a day at a time helps. Maybe instead of feeling guilty on the weekends, you could allow yourself a day when you go over on your calories. I've been doing that, and I'm losing about 2 pounds a week. It's great having that day to look forward to, and it's after I've weighed in for the week, so I see the scale go down, and don't feel bad about it.

    About exercise- if you like to watch TV, you could try making exercise during commercials, or for a specific part of the show you're watching (squats are great). Baby steps get you where you're going before you know it :)
  • DonnaMaas
    I believe we have all been there or are there right now. It is very frustrating to do well at watching your food intake and, for me, I feel hungry almost continuously, and not lose any faster than I do. But than I remember how I was before when I did not watch what I ate and I usually was never actually hungry so I know this being hungry is good because I know I am finally letting my stomach shrink and I know that if I continue this new eating lifestyle and weight will come off and will stay off.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    Maybe if you shake your routine up a bit? I try to do that especially with the exercise part. I do not belong to a gym and probably won't ever belong to one as I can't afford it so I'm trying to do others forms of exercise. I use my literal stairs a few times a week - just go up and down em till my buzzer goes off. Sometimes I will drive and park in a well off area in town or an area that I've always wanted to check out and then take my walk there. I did this last night with a friend in the dark no less! We walked hills and cute lil alley ways and admired all the pretty landscapes and enjoyed glancing in anyone's windows that had left curtains open & lights on! We plan on doing this every Monday night now. It sure made my walk seem like a fun time rather than exercising!

    I think shaking up your routine makes everything a bit more fresh. PLUS patting yourself on the back for making the efforts that you are making - good food choices and adding in exercise! Take pride in those decisions! You will benefit in time!
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I get frustrated and discouraged, too. Checking out the success stories (especially the ones with the before and after pics) REALLY motivates me. I'm also learning to be kind to myself. If I am having a really hungry day - I eat. I don't binge, and I still make fairly healthy choices, but if I go over my calories a bit - I don't punish myself. Also, with exercise, I don't know if you have Comcast cable - but if so, they have a health and fitness channel On Demand - and I love to do those!! I have a 3 yr old, so I know it's hard to get that exercise in when you have a little one. Good luck girlie - you've done so well so far, I KNOW you can keep it up!!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    oh, I am so sorry you're feeling this way- --this was me last week when I had a 2lb gain out of nowhere and I was so discouraged. It was the day of my husbands surgery and I couldn't even cry because I had to drive 1-1/2 hours there and again back and I wanted to get him there safely.....I weigh in Wednesday and I am dreading it. I stress about it on the weekend and every day until it gets here. This week, I think I will pass so I don't give up. But I need you here - so you can't go away. I need your kind words and all your support and I will support you as well.

    We are in this together!! We can make it! :smile: :smile: :smile: