
Hi All!
Just wondering if anyone knows of any good low calorie snacks? That is my biggest down fall. The SNACKS! I am a big time SNACKER! :frown:
I like my sweets and my potatoe chips!


  • My family has recently found, and been addicted to, some low fat yogurt "popsicle" treats as well as a chocolate fudge bar (yogurt based) that both come in at 80 calories. They are a fair size so it actually seems that you are eating something substantial while still getting away with a low-fat, low-calorie treat.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Raspberries, carrots, grapes, radishes - these are my go-to at-work snacks. Simple Truth Popped Parmesan chips are a good chip one (heck, if I screw up and nosh the whole bag it's still under 400 calories - more than desired but not crippling like regular chips).

    Pumpkin seeds and soy nuts also - but measure those out, a little goes a long ways :)
  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    I make my own yogurts - 100g low fat natural yogurt, 40g strawberries and half an apple or berrie - 80-90 cals. I eat cadbury curly wurlys 115cals or time outs 85cals, better than a normal bar of choc - 250-300 cals
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    I love snack pack puddings, single serving ice cream cups or 1 oz bags of chips. Most of my problem is serving size. So with it already measured, I can eat it and log it without going overboard.
  • Make homemade zucchini chips and add salt when you have a potato chip craving. That alone will save you a lot of calories. Your average potato chips have at least 150 calories per just 12 chips. That's not a big serving, and it's easy to eat a lot more than that. If you MUST have some, put a handful or a serving size (about 12) into a small bag and snack on that. That way you won't quit reaching into the serving bag for more. Also, don't buy sweets and potato chips from the supermarket so you won't be tempted around the house.

    Here are some other snacks that are low calorie (some are sweet, too!)

    -Berries. They're so low in calories you can have a large amount and hardly go over 100 calories.
    -Baby carrots with low-fat ranch dressing (5 calories per baby carrot, but you have to factor in the ranch, too...just don't smother the carrots in ranch and you should be fine)
    -Grape or cherry tomatoes (About 3 calories per tomato). These are good with ranch too or a little bit of salt, which adds no calories :)
    -Cucumber slices. (An entire medium cucumber has only 20 calories!)
    -Grapes (3 calories each) They're almost like candy when frozen!
    -Hard-boiled egg (90 calories in a large one and you'll get in extra protein!)
    -Apples. They're an ideal 100 calorie snack because they're packed with nutrition!
    -Mango (130 calories in 1 whole fruit) or pineapple slices (30 calories per medium sized spear)
    -Air-popped popcorn topped with cinnamon, vanilla extract, and cooking spray to stick (its much lower calorie than regular oil). Air-popped popcorn by itself has only 30 calories per cup by itself, and the cinnamon, vanilla and spray won't add much. Also, I really recommend Popcornopolis Nearly Naked popcorn. It's got just the right amount of coconut oil and salt and it's very low in calories.
  • Red peppers + hummus. You can make your own sweet potato chips (slice really really thin toss with oil and salt and pepper and then bake & dip them in the hummus. When I feel like snacking I make homemade kettle corn-really good. Frozen grapes is good too.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    If you like sweets, then you should try snacking on some fruits instead of crackers and junk food. Oranges, berries, bananas, apples, kiwis, grapes, etc. You can eat a ton of fruit and still not have eaten that many calories. You'll get full before you do too much damage in most cases.

    Greek yogurt is good and filling too. I like nuts as well but they're kind of high calorie so you have to limit the serving size to a smaller portion.
  • KimberlyLenz
    KimberlyLenz Posts: 7 Member
    I love WW Strawberry Yogurt Bars, pretzels, oil-popped popcorn, fresh fruits and veggies. I also make a smoothie in my blender by blending an apple, banana, 1/2 cup of milk, cinnamon, and 12 icecubes. It's so healthy and seems like a milkshake.
  • I like boom-chicka-pop popcorn, its really good and only 35 cals/cup. It comes in sea salt and lightly sweet (more like a kettle corn). Both are delicious. I also like sugar free jello, only about 10 calories, although its a little less filling.
  • Looking2blittler
    Looking2blittler Posts: 39 Member
    apples or celery sticks with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Pita chips with hummus, some grapes and cheese slices (hard cheeses have less fat), weight watchers toffee bar sundae are my favorites... I also like to take a 1/2 cup of vanilla fat free frozen yogurt and crunch up a couple of reduced fat chips ahoy cookies in t when I am feeling really bad.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I bought a pineapple last week and have been waiting for it to reach the peak of ripeness, and it's finally ready. That's going to be my "watchin' TV and stuffing my face" snack tonight. Last night it was grapes. The night before that it was Pepperidge Farm cookies (no one's perfect ;)).
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Some of my favorite snacks are:

    Rice cakes with either peanut butter, laughing cow cheese wedges, or cookie spreads
    Apples with peanut butter
    Celery with either cheese, peanut butter, & I enjoyed it with this new dip from Dannon (the same company that makes yogurts)
    Cottage Cheese
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I found out you can make sugar-free Jell-O with club soda and it makes a fizzy kind of gelatin....and it's pretty low in calories.

    Also a big fan of apples with Jif Fluffy peanut butter and Activia low-fat vanilla yogurt.
  • I absolutely adore 100 cal. packs of popcorn. You get a ton of popcorn and it has less than half of the fat of normal chips. It takes you awhile to eat all of the popcorn so it makes you feel fuller. Which is great for snackers!
  • Hi :)
    You're not on your own, most of us do struggle with snacking. I have recently been researching all about information and going to my new favorite healthy food store, where they sell all type's of healthy foods and I discovered these snacks , which are ammaaazzzing, I have tried all the 3 flavors and trust me they're nutrition facts are just ideal and the good thing is that they're taste is soo good :)
    The Brand is called "Nairn's".
    I tried the 'Oat biscuits' the flavours are, Mixed berries, Stem ginger and 'fruit and spice'. I bought the one's which were packed in 4's. but once I opened one of the packet of 4 I got to eat the whole lot, so then I found out that there are the packet's in two's and surprisingly I found myself controling myself from snacking more, so now after a few days, I have learnt that the best thing is, to when it comes to time for a snack take the 2 biscuits from the packet (make sure they are packet's in 2's as ofcourse if you open the 4's in 1 packet, automatically psychologically you won't stand not eating until you would have eaten the whole 4 buscuits.) anyway after I eat both after I make a milkshake (basically I do a really bit of chocolate milkshake flavour and fill my glass with milk) and drink it. Milk sometimes tends to make us feel a bit whoozy on our stomach. I am doing this as part of my daily routine :) and always list down what you eat, because when I wasn't doing that I just started snacking and eating whatever I found.

    Also try and do the whole every 3 hr snack/food thing, or at least start with 1 and a half hours and build on it. :)

    Good Luck!! :D xxxx
  • mtstrick9
    mtstrick9 Posts: 12 Member
    Emerald brand makes 100 calorie packets of either all almonds or almonds and walnuts.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    If you know you're going to snack, why not eat less at meal times to compensate? A lot of times, snacking happens whether you're hungry or not, so just work it into your calorie goals.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    My favorite this week...I freeze ripe bananas. Then when they are frozen I slice them and eat them frozen! LOVE them.

    Shirley in Oregon
  • If you need a chocolate fix special k has one called pastry crisps (I like the chocolate delight flavor) it is two good size crisps for 100 calories. Also dannon oikos has a greek cucumber dill dip for 25 calories a serving that you can dip veggies in.