Wisdom Teeth Recovery

So...I'm having mine out in a few hours. The two lower ones are impacted under the gums and the remaining upper one is erupted. I've been waiting AGES for this appointment, and this is basically the only time I can have them out in the forseeable future.

I've already had one of my wisdoms removed (upper, erupted) rather urgently as it was ripping chunks out of my cheeks, causing infections, all that unpleasant stuff. That was fine. It was done in the chair and I was fine to exercise after 24hrs with the dentist's approval. Horrible experience, but I didn't need any painkillers and after three days I was more or less fully recovered.

Now, the three I'm having done today will also be in the chair. Not looking forward to sitting through that, I gotta admit. I'm not so much worried about the erupted one, but the other two are making me a little concerned.

For those of you who have had wisdom teeth out or know someone who has had them removed, how long did it take to recover?

What food could you eat and what did you have to stay away from? I've stocked up on soup, yogurt, jelly, Up&Go, eggs, baked beans, tinned spaghetti, bananas, and (of course!) painkillers. Ice cream's out because it's the only thing my fridge WON'T freeze, ironically. I've been warned against oatmeal because I've heard it gets into the empty sockets :sick: But yeah,food suggestions (and warnings) are very welcome!

How long before you were able to hit the gym? I know to listen to what my body is telling me, but I'd just like a guesstimate going in about how long it could potentially take. Although I'm really hoping it won't be longer than a week because I have a training course for my degree that I anticipate will be rather physically demanding.

Thank you in advance to those of you who take the time to read and comment on this :heart:


  • hygienefairy24
    hygienefairy24 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a dental hygienist. I would wait at least 2 days to do any working out. You especially have to watch for bending over and blood rushing to your head. After two days you can do some cardio but I wouldn't do anything so strenuous that would make you clench your teeth. You want the blood clots to stay in the extraction sites or you can develop a dry socket which SUCKS! I would wait at least a full weak to do heavy lifting or serious hardcore training like cross fit. Good luck!
  • TheLung
    I have no experience with impacted so I am no help there. I have had almost all my teeth pulled due to having tongue cancer. The radiation and chemo killed my teeth. The radiation killed my saliva glands and the chemo made me throw up a lot. These two factors aren't good for teeth either. My teeth ended up pretty much breaking apart. I would give it a couple days for a simple extraction and four or so for the impacted. Start out light and go from there, see how you feel and listen to your body.
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I had all mine out the first week of summer vacation after my junior year in high school. Awesome start.

    I was pretty much out of commission for a week. Broth soup, ramen noodles (now I don't touch them), applesauce, mashed potatoes. Lots of stuff overcooked...like steamed veggies.

    The last couple weren't so much that I couldn't do anything, more that I had just started kind of eating solid foods because my jaw still hurt and my body wasn't really up to it. Plus, I was lazy...hence why I'm on this website now in my early 30s.

    My brother seemed to fully recover within a day or two. A friend of mine returned to school the day of (she was crazy).
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    *Clears throat*

    Bwaha! Hahahaha!!!!!....

    OMFG When I got mine out back in 2004 I was out of commission for over a week. Two impacted, two erupted. Swollen, delirious, puking from the meds, the whole fourteen yards.

    You're not going to be good to drive let alone work out, assuming you have someone nice writing your prescriptions.

    Take the week off, let your body heal, and try to stay hydrated.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I had mine out in boot camp and they hooked me up with 3 days SIQ drinking Ensure, thank god for chocolate!

    It was about a week there after that I had to stick to softer food, but I was back doing what recruits do in boot camp, PT.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    I just had a wisdom tooth out the other day! I ate yogurt and cereal that had absorbed all the milk and was super soft. Just do your best to keep the food out of the empty sockets. Also you could drink protein shakes if you are worried about food getting in the sockets. Best of luck!
  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member
    I had mine taken out about 4-5 years ago and it took about a week or so until I felt better. I also put myself on the "mush" diet which means more solid and soft foods. As the others have suggested, try to take the time to rest and be careful. Best of luck and speedy recovery! :smile:
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    I was extremely lucky with my recovery. All four of mine were impacted, but I was in and out of the surgeon's office within an hour. I had no swelling at all, and barely took the pain killers (I only used two the day after surgery and the 3rd day I only took one). I barely ate for the first two days following surgery. My mom purchased fat-free, no sugar added ice cream, which tasted terrible, thankfully I got a milkshake on the way home so that lasted me two days, along with a little bit of applesauce. On the third day I was so hungry I had a lean cuisine chicken fettuccine. I loved it because it was actual food that I could easily swallow without chewing, I was paranoid about chewing for a few days, so I just lived on pasta dishes for a day or two (mac and cheese, three cheese ziti, etc). By the 5th day I was chewing, but very carefully. In addition to your foods, I would recommend applesauce or a pre-made protein/nutritional shake.

    At the time I really didn't exercise (but I really should've), but I was running after the kids at my work about five days afterwards. Like you said, listen to your body and go from there. See how long you're on the painkillers and how you respond to them. I would start out with some low impact exercises 4-5 days afterwards (if you feel ok). Do those for a few days and then work your way up. Ask your surgeon about this, they can answer this question more tailored to your situation.
  • waski1214
    waski1214 Posts: 12 Member
    Ugggg!! Best wishes! I am a HUGE baby when it comes to anything with my mouth. I would take my car accident, broken leg, and 18" stainless steel rod in my leg before I'd have my wisdom teeth pulled again. All I can really remember was looking like a chipmunk and sipping fluids for a week. Great diet plan! Good luck!!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    My two lower ones are impacted under the gums and my upper one's is erupted, I had all removed at the same time 7 yrs ago. It was a few days before I felt like myself. Good luck
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I've only had one of my wisdom teeth surgically removed, but I did have surgery on my jaw bone a few years ago. I was prescribed dexamethasone to prevent swelling, but I couldn't chew for 2 weeks. They told me to maintain my normal diet in terms of the content but to use a food processor to chop and blend the food so that it was small enough to be swallowed without chewing. As far as exercise, I agree that you should take as much time off as you need to fully heal. You may not need a whole week, but with an incision, I would err on the side of caution.
  • kganc001
    I had three out at one time, as well...all three impacted, un-erupted. (The fourth I had out in an earlier jaw surgery it was so seriously impacted). I slept for three days. My fiance just got his out a month ago. He lived off of Ensure with protein, applesauce, jello and soup. :)

    Get Ensure complete :) And don't work out until you have energy, are done bleeding, etc. Probably a few days. If you go too soon, you risk your heart rate going too high and popping a stitch or starting to bleed again. Good luck! :)
  • sjvandeneynde
    How are you doing?

    It took me 2+ weeks to recover, but i ended up with 2 dry sockets - i had all 4 removed 3 months ago and the bottom 2 were impacted.
    Ive heard from some people that it doesnt take them nearly as long to recover, yet it takes others months. I still get food stuck in the bottom holes that havent fully healed yet, i just carry my syringe everywhere to squirt water in if i need to.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for the comments and suggestions :heart:

    Just had the procedure done. Wound up only having 2 taken out because the surgeon prefers only taking teeth from one side at a time. So the final one will be for some time early next year, hopefully.

    So the local is wearing off and OW OW MOTHER OF GOD OW :sad:
    Just took the painkillers the guy prescribed me and they CANNOT KICK IN FAST ENOUGH! :explode:

    Oh yeah, and as a follow up to the questions I was asking earlier - he said I should be good for a 'light jog' in a couple days. But at the moment even walking feels like it's jarring things and making it hurt, so if I'm still feeling like that I'm sure as heck staying in bed! :laugh: