Lets see how long this lasts...

ok I know, I'm setting my self up for failure saying that, but that's how it goes with me. I decide I want to lose weight, I watch what I eat, start walking and see NO results so I give up! I just really want this so I am going to give it another go... Maybe this time I will get medical help and find out what is the best way for me to attack this disease. I do consider this my disease. Any tips for food lovers to conquer those cravings??


  • XxAngry_Pixi
    XxAngry_Pixi Posts: 236 Member
    Don't think, know. Don't try, just do!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I decide I want to lose weight, I watch what I eat, start walking and see NO results so I give up!

    Fat loss happens slowly, for everyone. How long after you start are you giving up?
  • Thanks! I KNOW I can do this! :happy:
  • I think the longest I've gone was for a month. I'm sure I didn't give it long enough. I just don't think it was the right time in my life then though.
  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    You can do it, it's by no means a quick easy process but it's always obtainable....stop that stinkin' thinkin' and you'll be alright :wink:
  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    I decide I want to lose weight, I watch what I eat, start walking and see NO results so I give up!

    Fat loss happens slowly, for everyone. How long after you start are you giving up?

    Doesn't matter....they gave up....don't do that....not trying to be mean but you can't get discouraged and antzy
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Hey there! :bigsmile:
    All I can say is keep strong, keep motivated, and keep dedicated! Remember, you can achieve anything you put your mind too! :drinker: GOODLUCK!
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Looking at your ticker you've already lost about 1/5 of what you want to. That's 20% of the way there.
    Just remember that the weight gain didn't happen overnight so the weight loss won't either.
    Keep it up and you can do this!
  • Thanks yall! You're right I need to quit thinking and just do it!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    ok I know, I'm setting my self up for failure saying that, but that's how it goes with me. I decide I want to lose weight, I watch what I eat, start walking and see NO results so I give up! I just really want this so I am going to give it another go... Maybe this time I will get medical help and find out what is the best way for me to attack this disease. I do consider this my disease. Any tips for food lovers to conquer those cravings??
    There's a difference between deciding and committing. Lots of people decide to marry, but over 50% don't commit to it based on statistics. And unless you commit, you'll just be another statistic.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • buffywhitney
    buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
    Instead of worrying about feeding those cravings, find out what is triggering them.
  • Instead of worrying about feeding those cravings, find out what is triggering them.

    Never thought of that... thank you, that is something I need to figure out!
  • ok I know, I'm setting my self up for failure saying that, but that's how it goes with me. I decide I want to lose weight, I watch what I eat, start walking and see NO results so I give up! I just really want this so I am going to give it another go... Maybe this time I will get medical help and find out what is the best way for me to attack this disease. I do consider this my disease. Any tips for food lovers to conquer those cravings??
    There's a difference between deciding and committing. Lots of people decide to marry, but over 50% don't commit to it based on statistics. And unless you commit, you'll just be another statistic.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    True, thank you! I need to get my mind right and commit! I am committed to my marriage so I can commit to losing weight!! :happy:
  • oscarsson
    oscarsson Posts: 32 Member
    Weight loss is slow. I joined MFP at the beginning of June and have "only" lost 6 kg. HOWEVER. What keeps me motivated is thinking where I would have been right now if I hadn't lost 6 kg. Probably up an extra 2 from my start weight. I also keep telling myself that by Christmas I will likely have lost another 2 kg just by doing what I am doing. December is going to come whether or not I control my calories.

    Another big help for me is NOT restricting ANY food. Only the quantity. This was a big one for me.

    The third big realisation that has motivated me is that weight loss is only achieved through portion control and not through exercise. Exercise to be fit and healthy but not to lose weight. A hard 40 minute run will burn me 400 calories. 1 slice of pizza later and that deficit is neutralised! I used to run and run and not see any results. Now that I am running and controlling portion size I am starting to get somewhere!

    I should add that I "only" had 10 kg to lose so losing 6 kg in 4 months is not too slow. Especially given that I still eat everything.

    Hope this helps you.

    Must also add that is says I joined March 2012 which is true but I didn't start actually using the site until June of this year.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    ok I know, I'm setting my self up for failure saying that, but that's how it goes with me. I decide I want to lose weight, I watch what I eat, start walking and see NO results so I give up! I just really want this so I am going to give it another go... Maybe this time I will get medical help and find out what is the best way for me to attack this disease. I do consider this my disease. Any tips for food lovers to conquer those cravings??

    How do you "watch" what you eat? Are you logging your food thoroughly? Use the MFP food diary. You're almost certainly eating a lot more than you realise and as soon as you start meticulously logging it all, you'll be able to see and then you'll be in control of your food instead of your food being in control of you. There's a box there too for notes, so you can make notes about what's going on that day to help you work out your triggers - is it boredom? Stress? Time of the month? You can keep your diary closed or you can open it to your friends or open it to the world - if you at least open it to your friends they can comment and give advice and also you feel a bit more accountable because you know if you go mad one day people can see.

    People will tell you about your macros - you can monitor and restrict sugars, carbs, fat, protein etc and have goals for these. If that's helpful to you, fine, but if it's going to overwhelm you and make you more likely to give up then never mind - just count calories to start with.

    Also, weigh and measure everything - it sounds laborious and unrealistic, but it isn't. Get a set of kitchen scales, and leave it on the worktop and get in the habit of weighing everything. Get a measuring jug and measure your drinks. It feels wierd but you'll quickly get in the habit, and you'll very quickly realise that 100g of your favourite food is actually a much smaller portion than your brain would like you to think! Where food is concerned, our brain is like a hall of mirrors, nothing can be relied on when you look at it - portion sizes balloon and shrink in our minds so never trust your eye. Only a set of scales will be honest with you.

    You don't have to give up your favourite foods - just control the amounts. Instead of chomping on a pizza and swallowing mindblowing amounts of calories for example, have a *slice* of pizza and fill your plate with luscious salads with a tasty dressing to go with it. Plan for the treats, pay for them by doing more exercise or making extra low calorie choices before and after - for example if you substitute quorn for meat your calorie intake will plummet!

    You don't have to throw yourself into some high powered fitness regime - just move more. Start managable - walk for half an hour every day then walk a bit further. Find the activity and exercise that suits you - not everybody is suited to pumping iron in the gym! That's okay. Gardening, dancing, Wii sport, cycling, walking are all exercise too. It's more important to find an activity that you'll actually DO than it is to do something energetic and impressive. As you lose weight you might change and want to be more fit by doing something more athletic.

    Also measure yourself as well as weigh yourself - the scales might not shift when actually the tape measure shows a difference. MFP gives you the option to add all the measurements you want to take - I think the default is neck, waist and thigh? You can add others.

    Slow and steady - a couple of pounds a week is a good loss, but even a pound a week is a loss, but by taking your time you'll be making lifestyle changes that you'll find it easier to maintain.

    Expect to get stuck - it happens to just about everyone. I lost two stone up to July, then nothing till last week. I revised my calories, and eat 300 more a day, so the needle is off again, just a little slower at the moment. It's scary and disheartening - without MFP I would probably have thought I've failed, what's the point, and I'd have given up. But I carried on logging here, talked to my friends, stuck with it, and I'm off again.

    And that would be my final tip - seek out people here to befriend who will encourage you and put a hand out to you when it's hard. And do the same for them.

    Go for it! If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!
  • Kindhearts30
    Kindhearts30 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Your already off to an amazing start....Keep it up
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    its hard i try to drink more water or water with mio in it. water fills you up and try to eat more fruits or apples
  • Sounds like you're setting yourself up for failure simply because you've become accustomed to it.
    Aim for happiness, refuse to give in until you get there.
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    It takes approximately 3 weeks to develop a habit (good or bad), so I would advice to start a new habit of working out everday, eating right and stick to that schedule. A doctor told me once that working out isn't hard; it's staying motivated that is, so anything that's worth having is worth working hard for. I know that sucks, but you can accomplish your goals. You can do this and anything you put your mind to. We're all in this together.
  • Jenny_Love85
    Jenny_Love85 Posts: 1 Member
    I work at a gym, So I know just eatting healthy is not enough. You need more excerise than walkin. Look into joining your local gym. You can use the gym as your go to place when your craving the bad food. Doing weights and cardio every other day will help you gain muscle and lose some of the fat. The scale might not change a bit, but you will notice your body changing more. Or try taking measurements instead of looking at the scale, you can see better results that way. I tried to lose 10 lbs in a month and that didnt happen, but when I tried on a bridemaids dress that was fitted to my body so I would be more supported last month it was too big now. ( I wore the dress in May and in Aug it was too big) So I may not have lost the pounds but did lose inches!

    ~Rember to lose yourself and smile everyday, postive thinking in the morning will help your attitude for the rest of the day~