Cannot lose no matter what i do!!!!



  • Jjslayer27
    Cut calorie containing beverages and you'll be amazed. Drink mostly water and black coffee if you need some. No Cheese too.
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    I log EVERYTHING I eat. I started logging in what I though I might have for dinner or lunch (especially if I was going out) and if it was too high I would choose something else. If you see that a hot dog and a bun is going to be almost 600 calories then bring a protein bar and a piece of fruit to a ball game and treat yourself with some popcorn at the concession stand. It works for real restaurants too eat something before you go and you won't be starved and order a heavy meal. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • soyum
    soyum Posts: 49 Member
    How tall are you? Trying to figure out exactly how "over weight" you are. Thx.
  • amyruhmann
    How tall are you? Trying to figure out exactly how "over weight" you are. Thx.
  • amyruhmann
    I am 5'7
  • amyruhmann
    Just focus on accurate food intake for weight loss. Exercise for fitness.
  • amyruhmann
    I was doing that last year..I need to get back on it, but when you hear so much about not eating enough and then eating to much..its just to much lol. I will get back focused
  • soyum
    soyum Posts: 49 Member
    Eating 1700-1800 calories a day should allow you to lose weight, since according to this site:

    A woman your age, height should eat 1900 to >>maintain<< a weight of 175.

    One thing I've learned over the past few years is to "mix it up" weekly, monthly, even daily. This means don't eat the same foods all the time, don't do the same exercises all the time, etc, etc. Shake your system up once in a while. Eat WAY over once a month, eat way less perhaps once a month, etc, etc. Just randomize your body as much as possible, this way it won't learn to retain and adapt to your lifestyle. ;) Like others have said, the body loves to gain, but hates to lose. ;) lol...

    How's your water intake btw? That is KEY to weight loss!